Intense Battle

The ghost clearly did not expect Lin Sen to do such a thing. It immediately retreated and raised its right hand to block.

The sound of metal clashing resounded.

It took a few steps back. Its arms were already red and dripping with blood.

"D*mned fellow!" The ghost flew into a rage out of humiliation. It stared at Lin Sen resentfully and let out a roar.

Lin Sen frowned. He understood what this ghost meant.

It wanted to summon its companions for help!

However, Lin Sen wasn't bothered.

He did not panic at all. He was too lazy to even use his sword skills.

That was because he did not know this ghost at all!

Moreover… it was clearly heavily injured, and its strength had decreased significantly. Summoning its companions to surround and kill him at this time was simply tempting fate.

Therefore, Lin Sen was prepared to ignore it.

He continued to pounce toward the ghost.