Arrogant Opponent

"Hehe, this is the price to pay for fighting the great Chryslow!" Chryslow revealed a demonic smile.

However, in the next second, Chryslow was surprised to discover that the Decay power he had unleashed had lost contact with him!

The energy of the Kabbalah Tree of Life circulated in Lin Sen's body and directly devoured the power of Decay!

"D*mn it!" Chryslow flew into a rage. "Kid, you've angered me!"

Chryslow stretched out his arms and suddenly tore outwards. A pitch-black void rift appeared in front of Lin Sen. It was the abyss.

It stepped in and disappeared. In the next second, it appeared above Lin Sen's head.

Its palms burned with raging flames. He looked down from above and slapped Lin Sen.

Chryslow's palm landed ruthlessly on Lin Sen's head.

Lin Sen was sent flying and landed hard on the ground, raising dust in the air.