Firmament Rat

Chapter 327: Firmament Mouse

The Cangxuan Tiger opened its bloody mouth and bit the Seven Star Sword in Lin Sen's hand. The sharp teeth snapped together, as if it wanted to tear the sword apart.

Its claws similarly slashed towards Lin Sen. As they descended, the power of wind and lightning surged forth, like a giant axe chopping down a mountain.

However, the Seven Stars Sword was a supreme divine artifact. How could it be broken by a single strike from it?

Lin Sen seized the opportunity and ruthlessly threw a punch. His fist was covered in a faint layer of green energy. It was powerful and domineering as it struck the tiger's abdomen.

It wailed as it was sent flying.

Lin Sen took advantage of the situation and continued to attack with the Seven Star Sword.

Plkch! He stabbed his sword into the Cangxuan Tiger's abdomen. Blood gurgled out and dyed the ground red.