Abnormal Space

Chapter 343: Strange Space

Roar! The Ox-Headed Demon let out a sorrowful howl. It felt immense pain because Lin Sen's Seven Star Sword had almost pierced through its head

This made it feel uneasy.

Its body had been slashed countless times by Lin Sen, and blood was flowing profusely.

Suddenly, the demon roared angrily. Its body suddenly expanded several times, and black flames appeared on its body. Its body suddenly grew to more than five meters tall!

At the same time, its aura soared. Its aura was extremely powerful, and its eyes were even redder. It looked extremely bloodthirsty!

"Human, I'll make you pay the price." The Ox-Headed Demon roared ferociously. Black flames ignited on its body. This was its secret Ox Flames Burning the Heavens!

This was an abnormally frightening fire-element secret technique.

Lin Sen frowned as he looked at the flames. The temperature made him feel troubled.