Might of the Seven Star Sword

Roar! The Ox-Headed King howled miserably. Its body was twitching. It never expected Lin Sen's attack to be so fierce. Its right ribs were pierced, and blood flowed.

Its left limb slammed against the ground. Hot lava burst out, forcing Lin Sen back. Its body twisted, wanting to escape this area.

Lin Sen immediately gave chase and punched the Ox-Headed King's head with an iron fist, producing a loud bang.

The Ox-Headed King was repelled again. Its body swayed, and it saw stars. Its head buzzed.

Lin Sen leaned forward again and stabbed out, nailing it to a stone wall.

"D*mn it!" The Ox-Headed King roared. Its body struggled non-stop. Its sharp horns kept piercing Lin Sen's clothes and even his skin, leaving shocking blood marks.

Lin Sen frowned. If this continued, sooner or later, his vitality would be destroyed and he would die.

He took a deep breath and decided to use another secret technique—the Blood Ignition Secret Technique.