Fierce Fight

Li Yunjie took the opportunity to distance himself. When he saw the tattered clothes on his chest, his face revealed anger.

"D*mn it, how can Yang Fan be so strong?" Li Yunjie gritted his teeth. He did not expect Yang Fan's strength to be so unimaginably powerful.

Yang Fan calmed down. He understood that if he did not get rid of Li Yunjie as soon as possible, only death awaited him.

"Yang Fan, I'll let you see what Legendary II is today!" Li Yunjie roared. He swiped his finger on the storage ring at his waist and took out a snow-white spear that emitted cold air.

The spear was snow-white in color and its edge was sharp. It flickered with a cold light and wisps of cold air spread out.

"This is an Earth-rank spiritual artifact, the Frost Spear!"

"It's said that the Frost Spear contains frighteningly cold air that can freeze everything. It's extremely powerful."

The surrounding students exclaimed.