Ultimately Defeated

The Black Wyrm Snake reacted very quickly. With a swing of its tail, it actually charged straight at Lin Sen.

Lin Sen was shocked. He didn't dare to take this attack head-on. He quickly jumped onto a huge ancient tree.

The Black Wyrm Snake swept its tail and broke the towering ancient tree in half!

Lin Sen's heart twitched violently. This Black Wyrm Snake is too terrifying!

Its tail smashed onto the tree trunk where he was hiding.

The tree trunk could not withstand this power and broke on the spot.

The Black Wyrm Snake went crazy. It stretched out its tongue and wrapped it around the broken ancient tree. Then, it pulled with all its might!

The tree that Lin Sen was on instantly collapsed!

His figure was exposed!

"Roar!" The Black Wyrm Snake cried out excitedly. It stuck out its tongue and coiled around Lin Sen!

"D*mn it!" Lin Sen cursed in a low voice. He twisted his body to avoid the snake's tongue.