David Black.

The music kept spinning. The singing of rhythmic classical songs was also melodious. Chloe's hand—which was coiled—couldn't escape David's neck when both of the man's hands were around his waist. The man handled it carefully, strong enough to make Chloe unable to escape. She feels like she's in a thrilling action drama. Her life seemed to be nearing, as all the women glanced sharply at him.

Yes, it is true. It is undeniable that David Black is a rich, handsome, and highly intelligent man—which no one doubts—is. As the owner of the Black Corp. company Visual Dating—which is very well known—in almost all corners of the country. No one does not know about the dating game presented by David Black's company. Almost more than 5 years after founding Black Corp Visual Dating alone, David Black never got into trouble in every game he launched. All of them have always been a trending topic and are loved by various groups because of the game design that is not too difficult to play.

David Black has everything. It guarantees that he can get all the things he wants, including women. With just a snap of his fingers, women will come directly and belong to him—right then and there. And when you look into David Black's bluish eyes. You seem to be presented with a beautiful ocean that is in both eyes of the man. When he spoke, his voice sounded very soft, relaxed, and friendly. With the authority he wears more in every job he does, in his daily life, David prefers the relaxed nature—the basic nature—he has.

"It's weird," Chloe wailed like a child who wasn't good at talking yet. With her head still lowered, just staring at her legs that were so close to David's feet. Chloe was even able to feel the man's breath when he opened his voice.

"What's so strange?"

"Well, umm... you know, those women of yours looked at me like they wanted to eat me. They are jealous, more precisely to me. Just to me." Chloe makes clear in her last sentence only to make sure David if the man is popular to the point of making innocent people accept the consequences.

"My woman? Rectifying, sweet. Right now I'm alone. There is no date, let alone my woman," David commented. He glanced at the women in the luxurious dresses they were wearing, staring sarcastically at Chloe.

"Whatever it's called. What's clear is that it makes me uncomfortable." Chloe looked up to look at David with an annoyed face. "I shouldn't have accepted your dance invitation."

"So, you're sorry?"

Chloe snorted. "You think what else?"

"It makes me sad, Chloe. Is this how you treat your brother's sidekick?"

"It's precise because you're my Brother's friend. It feels like I would love to pry those women's eyes and tell you to eat them forcibly." Chloe glanced at those—flirtatious—women from behind her shoulders. She said earnestly when she said she would pry open the eyes of the women.

David Black laughed. That's one of the traits he likes about Chloe. Frontal, courageous, and confident. But spoiled enough to keep her brother from cuddling. "I'm sure, you can do it. Forget it, don't take it to heart."

"I didn't say that, right!" Chloe exclaimed in annoyance. She almost took her hands off David's neck, if only the man hadn't tightened the grip around her waist.

"You're angry that they're constantly watching you. Just think about it, that you are a beautiful girl who makes them all envious. And I am the first man willing to date you..."

Chloe's eyeballs rolled. "And you're going to take me to sleep together? Heh! Am I one of the many girls you easily sleep with?" said Chloe in one of the insults she directly uttered right in front of David.

There was no look of annoyance or anger; instead, David chuckled a little at how honest Chloe was. Yes, for a long time they knew each other; more, or less. David understood the nature and behavior of the girl who was growing into a mature woman. "I'm not like that. Come on, don't equate me with your brother."

"But, for me, it's the same. You and your brother are like the letter A and the letter B that can never be separated. That said, what you two do and like has something in common with each other. As do women. You two love to play tricks on women so much, tease them with sweet words, and then take them to sleep together, and after that, tada... you guys don't seem to know each other anymore." Chloe chattered at length as if she were a woman knowing exactly every inch of ugliness Farren and David had. Of course, she knows because David is Farren's sidekick and they've known each other since Chloe wasn't born. The blood of the charmer has indeed become ingrained in the two close friends.

"I and Farren are different. He is more about sleeping with women when he wants to and is at a bad time. As for me, I'm more in a mood. If I like it and I want to, I will. Otherwise, I won't be willing even if they tease me in a thousand ways." David brought Chloe closer. Squeezing the petite girl's body together, so that the 'strange' conversation they were talking about would not be heard by others who were near them.

Chloe rolled her eyeballs, bored. "So, how many women have you slept with, David?"

"You ask as if I'm a female maniac."

"At least I asked honestly. Have you forgotten the number because there are too many women you deceived?"

David chuckled in amusement. "It's more precisely that they are teasing me. And I'm not a person who doesn't work enough to calculate how many women I've slept with, Chloe," David explained. He pinched Chloe's long nose, resounding. The girl briefly closed both eyes while groaning in pain. It's really sweet.

"Great liar," whispered Chloe, planning.

It wasn't long until the dance music stopped. Chloe took both hands off David's neck and walked back. The two of them both came over to the drink table and picked up a glass—non-alcoholic—for himself and a glass—of—alcohol—for David.

"When did you start going to college?" asked David after finishing drinking the two sips of peach brandy that were in his hand.

"One more week. I still have to pack all the things I'll bring to my new apartment later," Chloe replied.

David's eyebrows were raised next door. "Apartment? I thought you were going to live in the school dormitory,"

"That's the original plan. But, I think that if I live in a dormitory I won't be able to free up. I live together with my other four friends anyway..."

"What kind of freedom?"

"Play, go, and something that teenagers do usually..."

David snorted. "Those four friends of yours... are they all women?"

Chloe glanced at David with a suspicious face. "Two women and two men. Why? you want to take them to sleep with you?"

No answer came from David's lips. The man just finished his peach brandy drink in one sip and put it back on the table, then walked away, leaving Chloe in silence.

Hot. It was like David was burned by the fire. From head to toe, everything was hot. His heart was also hot. Whether it was because of the effect of his drink—he even drank only one glass—or because it was more of Chloe's answer that offended him. I don't know, at this time David prefers to walk out of the party venue towards the seaside.

Late at night makes the atmosphere of the day a little calmer. There is only the moonlight, that is its light to see the beauty of the sea that stretches. The waves roaring from the direction of the rocks are capable of being heard.

David's hands were busy loosening the tie, while his feet were busy taking off his shoes. When his tie had slipped from his knot, David switched to taking off the socks he was wearing and putting them in the shoe holes. He then sat on the sand of the beach, alone. There was only silence following him at the time.