
David was busy putting books on the shelves, while Chloe tidied up the clothes she had brought to put in the closet.

"Chloe! Can you help—" Anne suddenly appeared from behind the door screaming. Her sentence stopped and her face turned red when she saw David was still there. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were gone."

With a friendly face, David smiled at Anne. "No problem."

"What's the matter, Anne?"

"I had a little trouble putting my suitcase in the cupboard. Can you help me for a moment?" Anne smiled a little. she looked at Chloe and David in turn.

"I'll do it, you just keep cleaning up," said David, touching Chloe's shoulder.

"Is that true? Thank you very much!"

David smiled faintly. He followed Anne from behind and into her room.

Chloe snorted at David's flirtatious attitude towards Anne. Annoyed, she threw her clothes on the bed.

Towards evening, Chloe and her friends were talking in her room. His two male friends—Allan and Quil— arrived two hours after they got there,

David came out of the kitchen after getting a call from Farren and rejoined Chloe's friends.

Chloe glanced at David through her eyelashes.

"From Farren, he asked how you were and Rayana sent his greetings too," David said as if he understood the look in Chloe's eyes. He put his cell phone on the table and sat next to Chloe.

"When are they coming back?" Chloe asked.

David shrugged. "I don't know, maybe a week or so."

"Since when did you two know each other?" asked Anne suddenly, noticing how close Chloe and David were.

"Since Chloe was still in the belly," David answered quickly. He glanced at Chloe seductively. "When Chloe was little she always wanted to sleep with me and wouldn't let go of me."

Chloe glanced quickly at David with bulging eyes. Her surprised expression was no less surprised than her other friends. They were too confused by the sentence 'want to sleep' spoken by David.

"S-sleeping with you?" Stephanie said, stuttering.

David nodded. He smirked at Chloe. Satisfied to see Chloe's stuttering face.

"When did I do it? Don't tell lies in front of my friends, David," Chloe protested. Her hands were on her waist. Almost exploded in anger when David's hand touched her head.

"You're too young to remember, Chloe," David said teasingly.

"That is not true! You all don't believe what he says!" Chloe exclaimed.

Anne and Stephanie exchanged glances, while Allan and Quil remained silent. Chloe glanced at Allan who looked disappointed, but he didn't really care.

"Are you hungry? We can go to a nearby restaurant for dinner," David said, cutting off the conversation. "I treat," he continued.

"I want to!" cried Anne,

"Me too," Stephanie and Quil raised their hands together.

"Hey, you can't just take it for granted. David, don't─"

"Well, I assume everyone's in," said David quickly.

They went in David's car. Chloe sat in the front with him while Anne and her friends sat in the back seat. They decided to go to the nearest restaurant from the apartment. It only took them a few minutes to arrive at a restaurant around Tracy Ave¸which served delicious food at low prices.

They entered through the waist-high gate and sat down at a table outside. The atmosphere there is quite crowded, and many customers arrive along with the dark night.

Not long after, a male servant with a white shirt tie came with a piece of paper and a pen in his hand.

"Good night, sir. What would you like to order?" asked the male servant, kindly.

David looked at Anne and her friends. "Order what you want to eat. Don't hesitate," said David.

Chloe's friends' faces immediately lit up, they were busy mentioning the food on the menu one by one, while Chloe and Allan seemed indifferent. They just leaned their back on the head of the chair, ordering whatever food they saw first.

"What would you like to order, sir?" asked the waiter, after a long time, writing another order.

"Give me a can of soda."

"Very well, sir," said the servant and left.

"You're not eating?" Chloe asked.

David shook his head. "IM not hungry."

"May we know what you do, David?" Allan asked. He openly called David's name without any frills.

Chloe looked at Allan with a surprised face, but quickly averted her eyes when he glanced at her.

"Managing a game company."

"Games?" Quil exclaimed in disbelief.

David nodded. "I'm sure you guys already know about the dating game launched by the Black Corp company. It is a company that I manage," said David.

"Thank you," David said, returning Quil's handshake.

Chloe rolled her eyes lazily. "Hey, Quil. Don't chat like it's just the two of you here. Chat about something we understand," said Chloe.

Quil scowled. "This is also important, Chloe. The game is something fun."

Two waiters came to take their order. One by one they put it on the table and then returned to the back.

In front of all of Chloe's friends, David did not hesitate to show a gentle and caring attitude, such as wiping the corners of Chloe's lips with his hand, or when David stroked Chloe's long hair and continued to watch Chloe non-stop while the girl was eating her food.

"Stop staring at me like that, David," Chloe scolded. Her eyes narrowed at David.

David shrugged. "Okay. Continue eating," he said casually.

David gulped down his soda can. He glanced at his watch, it was already 10:10.

After they finished dinner. David drove them back to the apartment. David briefly stood in front of Chloe's door after their friends entered their rooms.

"Thanks for treating my friends to a meal," said Chloe. Her hands were on her waist.

"No problem." David smiled. His left hand scratched his neck which didn't itch.

For some reason, an awkward feeling suddenly enveloped him. David didn't know what to end their meeting with. He just stared at Chloe for so long that she spoke again.

"You can go home, David."

"Oh, yes. Go home."

Chloe nodded. David's feet took a few steps back from the front door of Chloe's room. He looked at Chloe who was about to close the door to her room. When the door is almost closed. David pressed the doorknob with his hand.


The girl opened the door again. She looked at David with a confused face. Her body froze as one brief kiss landed on her forehead.

"Sweet dreams,"