I like You.

David is done with his meeting today. As promised, they went to the bar after being busy and hard at work making games. David treats all employees who are members of his newest game.

"You can order whatever you want. Oh, I leave everything to Heath, if you need anything, you can just tell him," said David, pointing at Heath—an employee and friend—to take care of tonight's party.

"Well, let's a party!" cried Heath clapping his hands.

The employees cheered and began to scatter to the bar tables to order drinks while the others sat or took to the floor and danced.

David himself chose to return to the room to sit for a moment while closing his eyes because he was too tired from his work lately.


"Why do you suddenly want to go out for a drink, Chloe?" asked Anne looking into the back seat, while Kristie was in charge of driving the car they had borrowed from Quil.

"Nothing, just wanted to have fun," said Chloe nonchalantly.

"Is it because you were fighting with Allan?" said Kristie. "You've been very different lately."

Chloe turned her face away not wanting to answer. She prefers to stare out the window, folding her arms across her chest. Anne shrugged when kristie looked at her with a questioning expression.

They all arrived at the bar, the place they had been before. Chloe walked to lead them in front. When she was about to climb the stairs to the second floor, she accidentally bumped into a man who was descending in a hurry.

"Oh sorry. I—" said the man without finishing his sentence when he saw Chloe's face.

"Heath? What are you doing here?" Chloe asked with knitted brows.

"Hey, Chloe. Sorry, I was in a hurry. Are you here to see David?"

"David is here?" Chloe asked, confused. She glanced at Anne and Kristie who stood frozen behind her.

"Yeah, David treats all his employees here because they've been working so hard on his new game. I thought you came here because David invited you."

"Did David invite us, Chloe?" asked Anne curiously.

Chloe just glanced at Anne then turned to look at Heath. "Where's David?" she asked impatiently.

"He's in the VIP room, No. 4," Heather replied.

Chloe hurried off leaving Anne and Kristie.

"Chloe!" Kristie exclaimed, following Chloe, followed by Anne who was behind her.

Chloe passed through several crowds of people, looking for VIP room no. 4. When she finds a red heart door that says VIP no. 4, she immediately opened the door, slowly.

"David!" Chloe snapped. Her hands clenched into fists, her eyes glaring at the two couples who were making out.

The long-haired woman—who was above David— instantly turned to Chloe, looking surprised when she heard Chloe's scream.

David was flabbergasted. He was surprised to see Chloe standing in the doorway. "Chloe?"

"Fuck!" Chloe's cursing was unknown to whom. She walked over to David and grabbed the woman's arm so violently that she fell backwards.

"Hey!" the woman shouted.

"Susan!" David was surprised to see Susan almost fell to the floor. She immediately stood up holding Chloe's arm in case Chloe did something to Susan again.

"Shit, what are you doing stupid girl!" snapped Susan. She stood up and almost slapped Chloe, but Chloe caught her swiftly.

"That's your punishment for teasing him, you cheap woman!" Chloe cursed.

"W-what? David! who is this crazy girl?!"

Chloe rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You better get off before I rip through your disgusting hair and make-up, loser," Chloe snarled.

Susan stomped her feet in annoyance when there was no defense from David. She was forced to leave with a crushing defeat and shame. When she came out, she passed Anne and Kristie who were watching the scene with amazed faces.

"Chloe, what exactly are you doing…"

"You're an asshole, David! You shouldn't have done this to me," Chloe snapped. She pulled David's tie and kissed him suddenly.

The door was purposely closed after the unexpected scene just now. Kristie and Anne had to wait outside while David demanded an explanation of what Chloe had just done to him. Honestly, David was in shock when Chloe suddenly kissed him.

"Am I wrong?" Chloe asked nonchalantly. She looked at David innocently. Sitting on his lap like a spoiled baby. "I wouldn't have done something crazy like that if you weren't making out with another woman, David!" Chloe snapped.

"I'm not making out with her. When I woke up Susan was already on top of me and all of a sudden you came from the door like a crazy woman," David admitted, still confused about what had just happened to her.

"Oh, that's even better."


When Chloe was about to kiss him again, David refused by pushing her away.

"Chloe, what are you doing?"

"Kissing you."

"Wait, your current attitude is very strange. Are you doing a trick with me?"

"Perhaps I can try a trick to tease you?" Chloe's hand touched David's tie and the school shirt button wanting to take off his shirt.

"Chloe, what exactly do you want to do?" he asked holding Chloe's arm.

"Teasing you… don't you like it?" Chloe lowered David's hand and locked it there. She kissed David's lips, crushed, and felt David's lips so seductive. She couldn't resist the urge to fondle David when she saw him again after not seeing each other for a while.

Chloe missed David so much and she was willing to spend the night in her bed. Struggling to find warmth in each other's bodies.

David allowed himself to kiss Chloe back. Leading Chloe in a hot, passionate kiss. His hands had slipped from Chloe's grip and easily grabbed her by the waist. He growled as Chloe rubbed the sensitive part of his. The girl is indeed very smart to make David aroused in a short time.

"Oh shit!" David cursed, pulled Chloe's body, laid her down on the sofa while he was on top, and licked Chloe's seductive lips again.

Chloe's hands curled around David's neck. Squeezing David's short hair into a mess. She squirmed beneath it. She moaned as David's fingers tickled her stomach and found a mound in her black shirt.

"Touch me, David," she pleaded in a trembling voice.

As if taking a huge hit, David regained his sanity. "Stop!"

Chloe blinked in confusion. "What is it?"

"This is not true. I almost stripped you," David said glancing at Chloe through his eyelashes. "I'm sorry, I should be able to control myself more."

"David, it's not what you think," Chloe approached David. "I want it… I want you, David."

"I think you're drunk. Come on, I'd better take you home," David said, pulling Chloe's arm to rush her home.

"I missed you," admitted Chloe.

David turned around, staring at Chloe in disbelief. There was a glimmer of hope in his blue eyes.

"I like you, David."