Sengoku's Arrival

In the New World, the Marine Headquarters G5. The low-rank soldiers had basically all fainted. Bullet's Color of Supreme King Haki was not a joke. These soldiers did not have the strength to withstand it.

As for the Captains and Commanders who managed to stay conscious, it was difficult for them to intervene in the battle between the two.

The battle between Sakazuki and Bullet had already shattered the ground. What was even more terrifying was that there were almost no wounds on Bullet's body. His powerful body and the Color of Arms Haki all over his body made Sakazuki, a marine monster, feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

But even if he was a little powerless, he would not give up at all. His eyes burned with extremely dense killing intent. Perhaps when he faced the evil pirates in his eyes, he did not understand what fear was!


A frantic roar burst out from Sakaski's mouth. He forcibly resisted Barrett's fist. After being knocked back half a step, his entire body began to lean forward. At this time, his right hand had completely turned into lava: "Hell Hound!"

He transformed his arm into magma and lashed it towards Bullet. This was one of his trump cards. In the future, when he was an Admiral, he used this move to melt off part of the Whitebeard's head.

Unfortunately, he was still young now. Whether it was strength or experience, he could not reach that level just yet.

Bullet grinned, and his expression became more and more ferocious. Just as Hell Hound rushed towards him, he simply raised his hand and directly grabbed Sakazuki's fist with his arms coated in Color of Arms Haki.

"Marine monster? Hahaha, not bad. Too bad it isn't enough."

Bullet pulled Sakazuki to his side and stared at him with eyes like that of an evil ghost. "You are sharp enough, but your strength is still got ways to go. You are far weaker than Rayleigh!"

The moment he finished speaking, his body quickly turned dark blue. An incomparably powerful aura soared into the sky, and waves of air swept in all directions.

Up until now, he still hadn't used his true strength.

Now, the Demon's Heir has finally bared the tip of his fang.

Devil form!

By fusing his own Color of Arms and Color of Supreme King Haki, his speed and strength were greatly enhanced. Under this form, Bullet was like a demon from hell. This was his most powerful form without using the power of his Devil Fruit ability!


Borsalino couldn't help but exclaim in surprise when he felt Bullet's explosive power. This wasn't a joke. He was truly shocked by Bullet's terrifying power. "I don't think he's much weaker than the Admirals, right?"

"If you look the other way while fighting me, you may end up dead, you know."

With Dying Will Flame's propelling force, Giotto's speed was also quite fast. Taking advantage of the moment when the other party was distracted, he quickly closed the distance with Kizaru. When the distance between the two was less than one meter, "Dying Will Armament: Bone Crusher!!"

Bullet had the power to fuse Color of Arms and Color of Supreme King Haki, and under his guidance, Giotto learned how to combine Dying Will Flame and Color of Arms Haki!

Moreover, it was too late to dodge at this time. Borsalino could only use his body's instinctive reaction to block Giotto's attack with his hand coated in Color of Arms Haki.

But he wasn't a good student back in his early days. He was too focused on honing his devil fruit ability that he didn't put effort into other aspects despite Z teaching him the Rokushiki, the Color Of Arms, and Color of Observation Haki.

This was also a weakness of his.


A muffled sound exploded in the air, and then a silhouette turned into a beam of light before falling to the ground.

At this time, a light flashed in Giotto's eyes, and Giotto instinctively tilted his body to the right.

Almost at the same time, a laser was shot at where his left shoulder was just now.

"It seems that you are not an easy opponent. Since you can dodge that one, Your Color of Observation Haki must be quite powerful!

The dust dispersed, and Kizaru was still there with his right hand raised. He just wanted to take advantage of the moment when Giotto could not see him and attack him, but he did not expect that his opponent could easily dodge it.

In truth, Giotto couldn't dodge it with just his Color of Observation Haki. It was his Hyper Intuition that played a huge part at that moment earlier.

Vongola's Hyper Intuition was a power that could see through all. It could see through the enemy's disguise, detect the malice of others, and see through the illusion. In battle, it could even allow Giotto to predict the enemy's movement, giving him an advantage in battle.

Just now, he had relied on his own super sense to avoid the opponent's laser attack.

At this time, Giotto ignored the opponent and turned to Bullet, "Bullet! What took you so long to deal with a Vice-Admiral?"

He didn't want to waste time here. After all, this was the Marine Headquarters. He accompanied Bullet to make a scene because he owed Bullet a favor.

More importantly, he felt a sense of danger just now. Unless there was a problem with his Hyper Intuition, there would definitely be trouble!

"Hehehe, what are you so afraid of? Giotto!"

Bullet laughed and punched at Sakazuki crazily. If his opponent still had the strength to resist earlier, then that would no longer be the case after he entered the devil form.

Had it not for the sheer power of the Mag-Mag Devil Fruit, Sakazuki would have already been dead. Now, even though he was still facing Bullet head-on, compared to him, he was countless times more miserable.

"Bullet, don't think you can defile justice!"

Sakazuki panted heavily, completely ignoring the blood all over his body. He pounced on Bullet like a mad dog, "Great Eruption!"

The two of them were in close combat. He believed that even Bullet wouldn't be able to completely defend against Great Eruption at such a distance!

At the same time, a warship on the sea was approaching the G5 branch as fast as it could, and a navy in an Admiral's coat was on the ship.

"All troops! This time, we must arrest Bullet. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Admiral Sengoku!"