Whitebeard Arrives

Giotto and Marco knew each other. He had fought with the Whitebeard Pirates when he was an apprentice on Roger's ship.

Everyone who has seen Giotto's Dying Will Flame would definitely remember him when they saw it, including Marco.

"You want to meddle in Whitebeard Pirates' affair, Giotto? I've heard about the Vongola Family you founded. Even the Marine and Big Mom are having difficulties dealing with you, but I'm sure you haven't forgotten how strong Pops is."

Marco stopped attacking temporarily. He stood in front of Giotto and said with a serious face: "We are the Whitebeard Pirates, and those that provoke us and attack our family will have to pay the price!"

What's the worst mistake to make at sea?

It was none other than hurting Whitebeard's family, and that included harming the island under Whitebeard's protection.

Roger Pirates, Golden Lion Pirates, and Whitebeard Pirates used to be the most fearsome Pirates in the sea, but now, only Whitebeard was left among the three big pirates. Although it is said that the New World was still chaotic, everyone knew that Whitebeard was the ruler of the sea today, an unrivaled existence!

Even the powerhouse such as Kaido and Big Mom wouldn't be foolish enough to provoke Whitebeard at his peak, let alone the newly established Vongola Family!

"It can't be helped. After all, this idiot prince is my Family member!"

Giotto grabbed Bell's head with his right hand and said solemnly: "So, can you spare him for now? After all, he hasn't killed any of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the deceased Prince took it upon himself as he mocked Bell first, am I wrong?"

If members of the Whitebeard Pirates also died because of Bell, Giotto would not insist on persuading Marco. After all, he knew very well the Whitebeard Pirates wouldn't compromise if one of their own were killed.

Thankfully, Bell didn't kill any of the Whitebeard Pirates, so he should be fine regarding that matter. As for the unfortunate Prince...

Hadn't that unfortunate Prince mocked Bell, he might not have to die. End of the line, it was not Bell's fault.

Even if it were Bell's fault, Giotto would still have to step in.

Just as Whitebeard protected his men, Giotto, as the leader of the Pengele family, also had an obligation to protect his Family members, even if he had to fight the strongest pirate group in the sea!

"That's an understatement, Giotto."

Marco shook his head and then continued: "This matter is related to Whitebeard Pirates' reputation. That kingdom has put up Pops' Jolly Roger. If I don't settle this matter, Pops' reputation will be tarnished."

At this moment, Reborn came over step by step, holding Leon, that had turned into a pistol with one hand while fiddling his sideburns with the other: "Then why don't we take a step back? This stupid Prince is indeed at fault, but at the same time, as Giotto said, his actions did not cause substantial damage to the Whitebeard Pirates."

"So, if you can let this slide, us Vonggola Family owes the Whitebeard Pirates a favor. If there is any need for help in the future, we'd have to help with everything we had. Would that be enough for an answer?"

Reborn was well aware of the Vongola Family's current situation, and it was definitely unwise to stand against the Whitebeard Pirates in the current situation.

And the three of them would be no match against the Whitebeard Pirates. Although Giotto could deal with Marco and Bell could keep Jozu at bay, retreating would prove to be difficult.

Besides, Whitebeard Pirates already knew where to find them. Who knew when Whitebeard would suddenly knock on their door?

Among the current Vongola Family member, the only person who could hold off Whitebeard was Knuckle, who was in charge of guarding Secon Island.

If they encountered Whitebeard here, most likely, everyone would be stuck here!

"A favor from Vongola Family?" Marco blinked, obviously considering Reborn's proposal.

He paid attention to the changes in the sea every day, so he was also well aware that the current Vongola Family was pretty capable in their own right. Being able to escape from Big Mom in Whole Cake Island and shake off Sengoku definitely meant a lot.

And he could see that the guy in front of him named Vongola Giotto had an extraordinary talent.

Logically, a favor from the Vongola Family was very valuable.

The Whitebeard Pirates were indeed sitting at the top now, and Whitebeard was indeed the strongest man in the sea right now, but still, having one more reliable ally wouldn't hurt.

"Goo la la la la!"

While Marco was thinking about it, the familiar laughter also echoed, and as everyone looked at the source of the sound, they could immediately see the Moby Dick that had docked.

There was no doubt that the strongest man in the world had come!

Giotto's face was extremely solemn at this time. Just now, if Marco did not agree to take a step back, he could just force Bell to escape. Although it was not so easy, there was a certain possibility of success.

But now, it was different. When Whitebeard arrived, even he, Reborn, and Bell combined, retreating was simply not possible.

As for the rest of the men on Giotto's boat...

They wouldn't be much of help if the enemy was Whitebeard!

thump, thump, thump...

The heavy footsteps sounded like a heartbeat. Giotto's eyes were completely locked on the Moby Dick at this time, and he was unprecedentedly focused. In a moment, a 6-meter-tall man entered everyone's field of vision.

"Is he really here? The Strongest Man in the World, Whitebeard!" .