Shakky's rip-off bar

After discussing with Reborn, Giotto was basically sure that he could get the suitable Devil Fruit for him and the Guardians. However, it would be a difficult task for sure.

Of course, these devil fruits were not essential. After all, the Vongola Family's Guardians were extremely powerful in their own right. Moreover, whether they were willing to eat the Devil Fruit or not was still unknown. A sword master like Ugetsu Asari most probably wouldn't be interested in the Devil Fruit.

For now, the Devil Fruit that needed to be obtained was only the Flame-Flame Fruit for him.

Obtaining this devil fruit would certainly boost Giotto's strength.

If he wanted to get the Flame-Flame Fruit, he had to act based on the plot. Since there was no Flame-Flame Fruit user on the sea right now, the Devil Fruit must be at East Blue, to be exact, on a deserted island called Sixis, waiting for Ace to come.

But now, Giotto was ready to get there before him!

The only problem now was where was that deserted island called Sixis located.

He wouldn't be able to find such an island by wandering around aimlessly, so he needed information about this island. Regarding intel, Giotto had an excellent person to consult, that was, Rayleigh's old friend, Shakky!

Sabaody Archipelago, area No. 13.

This island was the only route from the first half of the Grand Line to the New World, so there were many pirates, businessmen, and bounty hunters gathered here, but most of the people here still obeyed the rules, even if they were extremely vicious. The same was true for most pirates. After all, this island was not far from the Marine Headquarters, and Celestial Dragons often visited this island.

Unless you were confident that you could fight against an Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, it was better to lay low on this island.

The entire Sabaodi Archipelago, in actuality, was a massive mangrove forest in the middle of the ocean made up of 79 separate trees, and each tree were divided into several areas, with each depending on the number of the area.

The number 1 to 29 were lawless zones. All kinds of people like human traffickers, slave traders, and mercenaries could be found in this place. Many people in the Underworld had their own industries in this area.

At this moment, Giotto was walking in area 13. After bringing Belphegor back to Secon Island, he set off alone to Sabaody Archipelago in order to find his former senpai, who used to be on the same ship as him.

As for Secon Island...

Now that Knuckle, Reborn, Fran, and Bell were in charge, it should be very safe, and he did not need to worry about it. The thing he had to worry about when he set out this time, aside from the Flame-Flame Fruit he coveted, was money.

The expansion of the Family needed money, the establishment of the technical department also needed money, and to get stronger, he also needed money...

Anyway, if you had money, you could do almost everything, but if you didn't have money, you were nothing!

"This is it. I hope I can convince Rayleigh-senpai to get the information I want."

Giotto looked up at the small bar called "Shakky's rip-off bar," not far ahead as he murmured to himself. Then, he just pushed open the door and walked in.

"Ah, if it isn't little Giotto! The famous man with a bounty of 970 million Belly, what's the occasion? Let's talk about what to drink first. Someone of your stature can't drink a cheap drink, right?"

Standing at the bar was a black-haired woman. She saw Giotto came in and greeted him with a smile.

She and Giotto knew each other. To be precise, she knew all the people on Roger's ship. The reason was none other than Rayleigh!

"It's been a long time since we last met, Shakky-senpai. I'm not famous. I'm just a poor man. But then again, when did I have a bounty of 970 million?" Giotto shook his head at Shakky.

He remembered that his reward should be 560 million Belly, and he hadn't messed with the Marine recently, so how did it increase to 970 million all of a sudden?

"Retreating with your men safely after the fight against Big Mom on Whole Cake Island, and then fought Whitebeard for his subordinates on West Island and still come out alive and well. I was actually surprised that you only get a 970.000 Million bounty because of these two things alone. I think the Marine is underestimating you. You don't know because you don't regularly check the news, this bounty was updated only two days ago, after all."

Shakky poured Giotto a glass of wine as she spoke: "That'll be 10 million Belly."

Giotto, who had just raised the wine glass, immediately stopped his movements when he heard this and looked at the wine in the glass.

A 10 million Belly drink!

It's worse than robbery at daylight!

"Just drink if you want. I'm just joking with you. You're a friend of that guy Rayleigh after all. The bill will be charged to his account." Shakky laughed after seeing Giotto's expression.

Hearing this, Giotto no longer held back and drank, but he felt a little bad for Rayleigh. Since Rayleigh went as far as deliberately getting caught and sold to a wealthy bidder whom he'd rob later for money, this time, he had 10 million debt, and that was not counting the interest...

Since it was a matter between the two of them, Giotto decided to set it aside.

"Shakky-senpai, this time I came here to ask for information about an island..."

"Well, if it isn't Giotto! You have made quite a fuss recently, what brings you to Sabaody all of a sudden?"

Before he finished speaking, Rayleigh, who had just walked into the bar, found Giotto, put his arms around Giotto's shoulders, and said with a big laugh, "Could it be that you have finally come to your senses? You must've come to invite me for a drink, right? "

"Rayleigh, I've already put little Giotto's bill on your tab, 10 million Belly!"

Hearing Shakky's words, Rayleigh's joy to see Giotto disappeared instantly, and his face twitched. After being silent for a while, he whispered to Giotto, who was beside him: "Giotto, you are building a Family by yourself now, right? Ten million Belly shouldn't be that much for you, right?"