Idiot Lord (Part 2)

Wano Country, Kuri.

Giotto and his group were walking on the street. Their attire was completely different from Wano Country's people. Therefore, people looked at them in fear. No one dared to approach Giotto and the rest because, in the eyes of Wano Country, they were outsiders. And now, the only outsiders in this country were the Beast Pirates!

In other words, these people regarded Giotto and others as part of the Beasts Pirates!

Those devils who killed people without batting an eye naturally made them afraid.

"So why did we come here, Primo? Wouldn't it be better if we go straight to that guy named Kaido? If there's a fight, Rain Guardian will definitely find out." Belphegor felt a little bored. He came to enjoy killing, but along the way, he did not encounter any battles.

Not to mention others could not see their ships when they were in the sea, thanks to Verde's optical camouflage technology. Of course, since no one saw them, there would not be any battles. But when they set foot in Kuri, they immediately drew attention since they dressed differently from the people of Wano Country.

"That guy, Kaido, is not easy to deal with. Moreover, this is the enemy's territory. If we fight him rashly, things may not end well for us."

As Giotto moved forward, he said, "We need a person who is familiar with Wano Country and is very strong to help us. And that person used to board the same ship as me, so he can be considered my senpai. If he can help us, then the chance of defeating Kaido will be much higher."

"The same ship? The ship of the former Pirate King, Gol D. Roger? I heard that those who used to be on that ship were all amazing people. If such a person is here, how can this country be occupied by the Beast Pirates and Kurozumi Orochi?"

Lussuria couldn't comprehend the logic behind this matter. Giotto's senpai was clearly powerful, but he didn't do anything when he saw his country being occupied by an outsider and a traitor?

"Due to some special reasons, he can't do anything to Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido, but there is no doubt that his decision is stupid. Although this may sound cruel, in most cases, those who want to save everyone often times couldn't even save one person in the end."

Giotto sighed. He deeply sympathized with what happened to Kozuki Oden, but it was only sympathy. Wano Country fell into this predicament today because of Kozuki Oden's decision in the first place.

He wanted to save Wano Country citizens that Kurozumi Orochi held hostage, but rather than saving them, he brought the entire Wano Country into its downfall.

Had he led the people of Wano Country to stand up against Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido's reign, Wano Country wouldn't be in such a state now, even though there would be many sacrifices.

In Giotto's opinion, Kozuki Oden was capable of defeating Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi from the very beginning!

Because at that time, Wano Country's people trusted him and regarded him as the hope of this country. But now, almost all of Wano Country's people regarded him as an Idiot...

Idiot Lord!

"Big Brother Giotto, what kind of person is this senpai who used to be on the same ship as you?" Crowley suddenly asked.

After thinking for a while, Giotto answered, "He is an extremely brash, confident, carefree, and self-willed man. One more thing, he got a really distinctive hairstyle."

Hearing this, Crowley was stunned for a moment. Then, he pointed to a man who was kneeling on the ground not far away and said, "Big Brother Giotto, are you talking about that man?"

Following where Crowley's finger was pointing at, Giotto saw the familiar figure. Without a doubt, the man that kneeled on the ground was his senpai on Roger's ship, Kozuki Oden!

Looking at Oden's current state, Giotto could not help but sigh.

A moment later, he stepped forward and whispered, "Long time no see, Oden-senpai. To be honest, I didn't expect to see you again after the captain disbanded the pirates, especially when you kneel on the ground and cry. This is not like the man who once conquered this sea!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Kozuki Oden suddenly looked up and saw Giotto's calm eyes. "You, you, you are Giotto! Why are you here at Wano?"

It was a pair of eyes that seemed to see through everything. Oden, of course, would not forget such eyes. Therefore, when he saw those eyes, Kozuki Oden immediately knew it was his former comrade. However, he did not expect that he would be able to see Giotto in Wano, which made him both surprised and happy!

What made him happy was naturally his reunion with Giotto, and what made him shocked was that Wano Country was too dangerous for Giotto now!

He thought that Giotto hadn't changed at all since their time on Roger's ship. Back then, even though Giotto was the strongest among the apprentices, he couldn't hold a candle to other crews.

"A friend requests me... to defeat Kaido!" Giotto directly stated his purpose.

Hearing this, Kozuki Oden's expression changed drastically. His eyes became so wide, too. A moment later, he slowly got up. His face was filled with indescribable anger. He subconsciously clenched his fists, and a terrifying aura slowly spread around.

"You are not from Wano. This matter has nothing to do with you. Leave the war against Kaido to me!"

After enduring the pain and mockery for so many years, the anger in his heart could no longer be contained!

"We have been waiting for those words!" Oden's nine retainers looked serious and full of spirit. They had indeed waited for these words for too long.

That was what they should've done a long time ago. Only by defeating Kaido would they be able to save this country!

Only then would they be able to save the citizens who were tormented because of Orochi's reign!

"You guys... are planning to go straight for Kaido?"

Giotto shifted his gaze at Kozuki Oden and his retainers and then said, "What are our odds of winning, Oden-senpai?"