Sky Accepts Everything

Chapter 57 The Sky Embracing Everything

Most people could not understand Giotto's actions at this moment. Just like Kin'emon and the others at this moment, their faces were full of confusion.

Oden discharged the compressed air blade using Color of Arms Haki. As everyone knew, Color of Arms Haki could hit the Logia user's intangible body, so changing Giotto's body composition to flame wouldn't solve this problem.

As for using the cloak to block this attack, it was undoubtedly a joke!

If Giotto's Color of Arms Haki was really high and he used it to reinforce the cloak, he might have a chance of blocking Oden's attack, but could Giotto's Color of Arms Haki rival Kozuki Oden's?

Among all the people present, only Belphegor and Lussuria understood what Giotto was up to, and there was no worry in their eyes because they knew very well that their leader's cloak was not as simple as it looked. In addition to the fine quality of the cloak, it could harness Sky Flame! Sky Flame's characteristic was Harmony. It enveloped all and accepted all.

Breaking through Giotto's defense wasn't something that could be done so easily, even for a Great Sword Master like Oden!

The compressed air blade that hit Giotto's cloak actually turned into dirt and then fell to the ground.

Who had seen such a scene before?

"As expected of Primo. He is more proficient in utilizing Sky Flame than Boss." Lussuria could not help but say at this time.

The Boss he referred to was not Giotto but the character that had not appeared in this world for the time being. Varia's captain, Xanxus!

It was fortunate that the Xanxus had not appeared yet. Otherwise, even if he did not vent his anger on Giotto, he would definitely use Lussuria as his punching bag!

Taking a few steps back, the main reason Oden's attack turned into the dirt was due to Sky Flame's characteristic, Harmony!

Giotto harmonized the opponent's attack with the surroundings. There was more dirt nearby, so the compressed air blade directly turned into dirt. If there were more stones around, then Giotto could naturally petrify it, much like Xanxus's Ligre Tempesta di Cieli.

"I have never seen such a technique before. Although that strike just now was not my strongest strike, still... I'm sure not that many can block it.

Kozuki Oden stared at Giotto with a strange gaze. He knew that he could no longer see this young man in front of him as how he used to see him back then. Regardless of whether it was Giotto's ability or not, being able to block his attack so easily was enough to prove that Giotto's current strength was most likely to be on the same level as himself.

Moreover, if this were his own ability, it would be even scarier!

Everyone in the sea knew that each person could only eat one Devil Fruit, and Flame-Flame Fruit certainly didn't grant the ability to turn attacks into dirt. Therefore, there were only two possibilities. Either Giotto somehow bypassed Devil Fruit's limitations and ate two of them, or this special ability was related to the Dying Will Flame he showed!

Vongola Family was really special!

Just now, he saw the so-called Dying Will Flame on the blond boy with throwing knives, but the color was different from Giotto's.

"Your confidence misplaced, Oden-senpai... No, Kozuki Oden, do you still want to continue fighting?" Giotto did not want to have a meaningless battle with Oden here.

"How can I let it end just like that! I just want to get justice for my family!"

At this moment, Kozuki Oden's eyes were burning with a fighting spirit. Right now, he not only wanted to seek justice for Kanjuro, but he was also interested in Giotto's special ability that it made him temporarily forget about Kaido.

After he finished speaking, he jumped up with both swords coated in Color of Arms Haki and directly rushed towards Giotto.

Since Giotto could turn his compressed air bade into the dirt, then Oden wouldn't use it anymore. Therefore, he decided to fight in close combat. He did not think that Giotto could also turn his Ame no Habakiri and Enma into dirt!

Not to mention that both of them were clad in his Color of Arms Haki!

Seeing Kozuki Oden rushing towards him, Giotto did not take him lightly. However, he wasn't afraid of bringing this into close combat.

With Color of Observation Haki and Hyper Intuition, he could deal with most dangers. Kozuki Oden's swordsmanship was indeed very exquisite and deadly, but what was the point if it didn't connect?

"Oden Two-Sword Style: Peach Meadow!"

At this moment, Kozuki Oden delivered a deadly diagonal slash. He had used this attack to kill the so-called "Mountain God", splitting it into two.

In the next moment, the two swords directly cut Giotto's figure in the middle!

Oden certainly saw his attack connect, but he frowned because he did not feel like he had hit anything. In other words, his attack did not really hit Giotto. The figure in front of him was just an afterimage!

"Is he so fast that I merely strike his afterimage?

"Fire Pillar!"

After dodging his opponent's attack, Giotto immediately propelled himself into the air above Kozuki Oden's head. The flames on his hands burned wildly. Then, he blasted a swirling flame pillar at Kozuki Oden from above.

The scorching flames exuded a really high temperature at this moment. Moreover, the Fire Pillar covered quite a large ground. In a short period of time, it turned the ground below Giotto into a hell covered in flames.

Bel and the others, as well as Oden's retainers, backed down to safety. After all, the battle between Giotto and Oden was too much for them to handle. If they stayed there just now, it was very likely that they might fall prey to their attacks.

"Cough cough!"

Oden couldn't help but cough twice after he waved his swords to disperse the flames around him. His clothes were a bit burnt, and his face was covered in dust.

"I won't hold back at all next time!"

After taking a deep breath, Kozuki Oden raised his head and looked at Giotto with an extremely serious gaze. He said sternly, "are you ready to be killed by me, Giotto?"