Oden's Last Breath

A series of footsteps sounded. Not long after, the guy that Kozuki Oden hated the most appeared in front of him.

With a group of ninjas and samurais, who else would it be other than Wano Country's shogun? The one who wanted to turn this country into a massive weapon factory.

It was just that Kozuki Oden did not understand how Kurozumi Orochi could reach this place so quickly.

Although the battle between him and Giotto was certainly a huge one, it would take some time before the news reached Orochi, and even after receiving the news, someone with his personality wouldn't set out and rush to Kuri again.

There must be something that he didn't know about, which was the reason Orochi could reach this place so quickly and set up an ambush for him!

Wait a minute, ambush?

Kozuki Oden suddenly turned his head, and his eyes widened, 'Evening Shower' Kanjuro!

Why did Giotto's subordinates suddenly attack him and say his eyes seemed to be hiding something?

If this was the case, then everything made sense. No matter how much Kozuki Oden refused to believe it or doubt it, he had to admit that this was the only way to explain everything that was happening now.

The reason why Giotto's subordinate, Belphegor, attacked Kanjuro was that he had discovered something hidden in his eyes. Therefore, at that time, Belphegor was hinting that his retainer, Kanjuro, was a traitor!

Then, while he was fighting with Giotto, Kanjuro used a certain method to inform Kurozumi Orochi of this news. Therefore, before the battle between him and Giotto ended, Kurozumi Orochi had already brought his men to set up an ambush outside Kuri, waiting for him to fall into the trap.

Then, how was Kurozumi Orochi able to ambush him at an accurate location?

This was all thanks to Kanjuro, as he was the one leading the way!

To be honest, Oden really wanted to convince himself that all of this was just a coincidence. Or rather, Giotto's side had joined forces with Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido, which was why this situation occurred. Unfortunately, he could not even convince himself because there couldn't be so many coincidences in this world. At the same time, he also knew that Giotto's pride would not allow him to do such a thing.

What a joke. The person he trusted so much that he chose over his former comrade was actually a traitor?

"This miserable state suits you, Kozuki Oden, Gufuhahaha!"

Kurozumi Orochi laughed out loud. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time. This would be the day he would completely erase Kozuki Oden from the world. "What are you still standing around for? Don't forget your surname. Complete your last mission! Kill Kozuki Oden, and then enjoy the rest of your life with me!"

When he said this, Kozuki Oden knew that his speculation was correct. However, he was unwilling to believe that the retainer who was close to him like a brother was actually Kurozumi Orochi's man.

Moreover, Orochi just now said, don't forget your surname, right?

So 'Evening Shower' Kanjuro was actually Kurozumi Kanjuro?

"There's no point in making us fight each other, we will never betray Oden-sama!" At this moment, Raizo was already prepared to die. He stepped forward and faced Kurozumi Orochi and the ninjas under his command. His loyalty was so clear that no one would doubt it.

However, at this time, Kanjuro stepped back while holding his brush, not knowing what to do.

However, this hesitation only lasted for a few breaths of time, and then...


The large brush directly pierced through Kozuki Oden's chest. No one would have thought that the man who had roamed the sea along Whitebeard and Roger would actually die in the hands of his own retainer in such a pitiful way.

This kind of ending was far less heroic than in the anime, but no matter what, this was also his own choice.

He chose to believe in his retainer and fought with Giotto for Kanjuro, causing him to exhaust too much energy. To be honest, it was not that Kozuki Oden's strength was inferior to Giotto's.

After all, he was a man who almost killed Kaido.

The main reason he was defeated was that his fighting style was a bad matchup against Giotto. Those lightning-fast and deadly sword techniques of his were of no use when they could not hit the opponent.

"Gufuhahaha! Finally, you've finally died in front of my eyes, Kozuki Oden!" Kurozumi Orochi seemed to have fulfilled his lifelong wish, and he burst out laughing without holding back at all.

"ka, ka, ka!" At the same time, Kurozumi Kanjuro also laughed like a lunatic.

Oden, who was at the verge of death, reached out his hand as if trying to grab Kanjuro. "Even in the end, I still trust you, Kanjuro!"

"Raizo, live on and tell Giotto to liberate this country!" As he finished speaking, Oden's hand fell weakly to the ground. This man called Kozuki Oden, had already met his end.

"How... how could this be!"

Raizo turned his head and saw a scene that he did not want to see in his life. "Kanjuro!"

Anger had filled his heart. He picked up his weapon and rushed toward his former companion. Unfortunately, the situation he was in was not as good as he had imagined.

In a flash, he was surrounded by Kurozumi Orochi's men. Even though Raizo was stronger than them, he was losing in terms of numbers!

He did not want to kill anyone or take revenge. This ninja called Raizo only wanted to return to his master and protect his master's body. That was all...

"Sigh... The position is indeed a bit off, but I happen to see a very interesting scene."

At this time, Giotto suddenly fell from the sky. Although he was still in Hyper Dying Will Mode, it was obvious that the Dying Will Flame on his forehead was much weaker than before. The battle with Kozuki Oden exhausted a lot of his energy.

Fortunately, he could also use Flame-Flame Fruit's ability now in addition to Dying Will Flame.

Looking at Kozuki Oden, who had already lost all signs of life, Giotto sighed. He didn't think that his appearance would bring such a huge change to Wano Country.