Soul Soothing Requiem

After a moment, Ugetsu Asari's Four Irregular Swords were infused in the Rain Flame. However, he frowned slightly as if he was dissatisfied with the flames.

"Sure enough, I can only produce this level of Dying Will Flame without the Ring. I wonder where Primo is now. My Ring should be with him.

Ugetsu Asari felt a bit helpless. Kuri was in such a chaos already, yet Giotto's figure was nowhere to be found. "Forget it. I don't need the Ring to deal with this guy."

He was still confident that he could fight Kaido even though he wasn't in tip-top shape.

If others heard what Ugetsu Asari said, they would probably laugh at his arrogance and ignorance. This was because Kaido was one of the powerhouses in the sea.

However, if it were Giotto, he would not doubt Ugetsu Asari's strength at all.


Ugetsu Asari himself possessed unparalleled swordsmanship. In this world, he was a Great Sword Master. In addition to the Rain Flame, his swordsmanship alone was already quite terrifying. His only shortcoming was Haki. He had just arrived in this world not long ago and had not mastered Haki yet.

When he mastered Color of Arms Haki in the future, no one would be stupid enough to face him head-on!

Just as Ugetsu Asari raised his head to look at Kaido, the huge dragon suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out fire from his mouth. This kind of attack almost instantly evaporated a mountain.

"Ugetsu-kun, watch out!"

Hyogoro, who was fighting Orochi, couldn't help but remind Ugetsu Asari. At the same time, his eyes were full of fear after witnessing Kaido's strength.

This guy was so strong that he was not like a human!

"Not a bad attack. Since that's the case, then I will take it seriously."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ugetsu Asari swung his long sword once above him, and in an instant, the Rain Flame poured down like a waterfall in front of him. This waterfall was the best barrier for Ugetsu Asari.


The fire breath hit the waterfall, and it was extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was impossible to break through this rain waterfall!

"Is Ugetsu-kun also a Devil Fruit user?" When Bao Wulang saw this scene, he was also stunned. He originally thought that Ugetsu Asari was just a sword master, but now it seemed that he was also a Devil Fruit user.

Hyogoro did not know what Devil Fruit Ugetsu ate, but it seemed like a rain-like ability.

After repelling Kaido's Bolo Breath, Ugetsu Asari leaped up until he reached the same altitude to Kaido in the air. Then, he imbued his swords with Rain Flame and swiftly slashed forward.

"Frozen Rain!"

A huge compressed air blade shot out along with the Rain Flames. Halfway through, it turned into dozens of ice spikes that were hurled toward Kaido.

As a Rain Guardian, Ugetsu Asari had a high degree of control over Dying Flame, and the technique he just used was actually the embodiment of hardening the Rain Flame to the limit.

However, Kaido's body was extremely sturdy. As the ice spikes struck his body, it caused a metallic sound before they shattered.

"Are you scratching me? With that level of attack, I can just stand here all day!"

Kaido laughed. What he was most proud of was not his Devil Fruit ability but his almost immortal body. The Devil Fruit was just an icing on the cake for him.

"Sure enough, my flame is a bit weaker. If I have the Ring, the attack just now should be able to hurt him, albeit not much.

Ugetsu Asari sighed helplessly. After all, a Guardian's strength was significantly reduced without the Ring, but this did not mean he was completely out of options.

"It should be possible to break through this guy's defense with Rain Flame!

With this thought in mind, he swung his long sword again. At the same time, he threw out the three short swords in his hand. The extremely powerful compressed air blade was blasted to Kaido again.

Like earlier, the compressed air blade had Rain Flame infused in it, but just as he had said earlier, this time, he only used the Rain Flame as the way to break through Kaido's defense. The real attack was the compressed air blade he sent out with his unparalleled swordsmanship!

Kaido, who was still laughing, suddenly became serious when he saw his opponent launched his attack again. He felt danger from this strike!

Kaido felt threatened even though his opponent didn't use a high-level Color of Arms Haki.


Just at this moment, Kaido blew a large number of wind blades from his mouth that resembled a Kamaitachi, a yokai in Japanese folklore.

At the same time, a ring flashed with blue light in the distance landed on Ugetsu Asari's hand. The moment he received the Ring, Ugetsu Asari suddenly disappeared from sight.

When the wind blades clashed with his compressed air blade, they were cut apart by the compressed air blade, and the three short swords flew towards the body of the Azure Dragon.

However, at this time, Kaido no longer felt threatened like earlier. He, in fact, did not blow the wind blades to repel his opponent's sword qi. At the same time, he also knew that the wind blades would not be able to block Ugetsu Asari's attack.

However, being unable to block it did not mean that it could not be weakened!

After using multiple wind blades to weaken the attack, even if it landed on his body, it would not be a big deal.

However, it was at this moment that Ugetsu Asari, who disappeared a moment ago, reappeared in the air. His body zoomed toward Kaido like a cannonball. Beside him were the three sword shorts that he had thrown out earlier covered with Rain Flames.

At this moment, he held the long knife with both hands. The Rain Ring in his hand emitted the same color as his swords.

"Rain Devouring!"

Ugetsu said the name of this move in a low voice as if singing the Soul Soothing Song. And the moment the three short swords slashed Kaido's abdomen was like a heavy downpour.

In addition, Ugetsu struck with his long sword right where he aimed his three short swords earlier.

With four strikes all hitting the same point, no matter how strong your defense was, it would still be difficult to block this attack, right? Kaido!