Plus 200 Million


Just as Xanxus' released his terrifying aura, the person who led Xanxus there earlier directly between Xanxus and Umit. "Please step back a little. This person's strength is extraordinary, but with me here, I can definitely guarantee Umit-sama's safety."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Ahan!" Umit nodded and stepped back.

Umit himself did not have much combat strength, but as the Emperor of the Underworld, it was impossible that he wouldn't have any skilled combatant under his command. If he did not even have one, how could he occupy the Emperor of Underworld position for so long? One had to know that the competition in Underworld was fierce, and it would definitely not be easier than the battle on the sea!

"Tsk, not bad. You may not be a trash, an insect may suit you more!"

Xanxus could feel that this man called Ahan in front of him had a certain level of strength, but he still had ways to go if he wanted to stand in Xanxus's way

It wasn't enough!

Even Giotto would be cautious if he faced Flame of Wrath user, let alone this insect in front of Xanxus!

"You will see how good I am soon. Although I'm no match against Vongola Family's leader and Guardians, dealing with you shouldn't be a problem."

As he spoke, Ahan also clenched his fists, and then Color of Arms Haki completely covered his whole body in an instant, turning it black. "After all, I used to be a famous pirate with a bounty of four hundred and forty million Belly before I entered the Underworld!"

As soon as his voice fell, Ahan rushed out in an instant. He was so fast that it felt like he zoomed through space itself. After his whole body was hardened by Color of Arms Haki, his defense and offense would be greatly enhanced

However, in the face of such a situation, Xanxus did not even have the slightest intention of dodging. With his pride, it would be unacceptable for him to dodge because he considered Ahan as nothing but an insect!

The moment Ahan approached him, Xanxus threw the ball-shaped Flame of Wrath out with his bare hands...


An explosive sound resounded through the entire area. In an instant, it completely swallowed Ahan's 2.5 meters tall, sturdy body. Xanxus didn't even bat an eye as if this kind of attack was as no big deal for him.

This was also the truth, as he did not even use a weapon. He was only using Flame of Wrath's strength with his bare hands. In other words, he wasn't even in his combat stance!

"How can he be so strong!"

He clearly had closed the distance with his opponent but was pushed back by the flames. His entire body was already covered in Color of Arms Haki, but he still felt pain. The flame seemed to pierce through his body.

Ahan retreated more than ten meters. His shirt was completely burned by Flame of Wrath, and so was some part of his body.

He carefully observed Xanxus and then said, "Hahaha! I got it now. You must've lied earlier, right?"

This sudden sentence made Belphegor confused, and Lussuria was also dumbfounded.

Only Fran looked at his boss and asked with a strange expression, "Boss, when did you lie? Don't tell me that you are actually not our boss, but a Master used illusion to make you look like boss?"

For some reason, Bell and Lussuria took Fran seriously. If it were really Fran's master who had transformed into Xanxus, they really wouldn't be able to tell.


What kind of joke was this?

If they couldn't even tell the difference, how could the man in front of them tell? It was clear that Fran was talking nonsense!


At this time, Xanxus was also stunned. "Did you hit your head somewhere? When did I lie?"

That's right, even Xanxus himself didn't know what he was lying about.

"Having such tremendous strength, you must be one of the Vongola Family's Guardians, not some leader of an assassination unit, am I wrong?" At this moment, Ahan felt that he had seen through everything. He had the 400 million Belly bounty, and the Varia's members only had around 300 million Belly bounty.

There was no way that someone who wasn't a Guardian could be as powerful as Xanxus. That was what he thought.

"You talk too much. Let's end this boring farce!"

Xanxus once again overwhelmed Ahan with Flame of Wrath. Then he looked at Umit and said coldly, "Hand over the money. As you said, there may be another cooperation in the future, but you still have to pay the price! Do you hear me, Deep Sea Current, Umit!"

It wasn't wise to kill Umit now. After all, this guy was an important source of money for their Family, and he might have some use in the future.

However, he had to compensate Vongola Family no matter what. It was not only because the tech department needed it but also because Giotto promised to give him his share as Varia's operational fund.

So why did Xanxus demand such a lot of money in one go? Of course, it was to get more money and allow Varia to operate better in the future.

Looking at Xanxus in front of him and then looking at his fallen subordinate, Umit's expression changed immediately.

In the end, he nodded and said with a gloomy face, "Okay, let's go with the sum you just mentioned. I agree!"

"That was no longer the case. You have to add another 200 million Belly. I waste unnecessary energy getting rid of your men." Xanxus raised the price again.

Umit was already cursing in his heart. What did he mean by wasting a lot of energy?

Umit's subordinate instantly fainted before even touching him!

However, now that the situation was not in his favor, Umit could only nod and reply, "Alright, I'll give you another two hundred million Belly. I hope that in the future, we can... cooperate well!"

Umit had a hard time finishing his words. However, Xanxus was not interested in Umit's feelings at all because no matter how frustrated this guy was, he was not qualified to challenge Vongola Family!