X-Burner Combined with Color of Arms Haki

Indeed, X-Burner took quite some time to use. It was hard to land, especially against Kizaru.

However, the power of this world could overcome this weakness, that was...

Color of Observation Haki!

As long as Giotto's mastery in Color of Observation Haki was high enough, even with his speed of light, Kizaru would not be able to escape his attack!

Although the intermediate level Color of Observation Haki was not that powerful, it should be enough!

And now, Kizaru was actually in a very awkward situation. He noticed that Giotto was charging up his attack, and he certainly wanted to seize this opportunity to attack and interrupt Giotto.

However, if he blindly rushed toward Giotto, it would be troublesome if Giotto seized that opportunity to counterattack as he was not that good in close combat.

But if he used his Devil Fruit's attack like earlier, it might be absorbed by Giotto again, so he really did not know what to do now.

"Since you want to fight head-on, then let's give it a try!"

For some reason, the usually lazy Kizaru was unusually motivated, as if he wanted to prove himself.

His hands formed a special gesture, and countless particles of light began to converge between his hands. Powerful energy fluctuations also spread out at this moment, like ripples, spreading out in all directions.

The two of them were storing up power, and the moment they blasted their respective move, everything in their surroundings will be razed!

"Target locked, right side flame pressure rising!"

"You actually chose to fight me head-on? This is not like him at all!"

The corners of Giotto's mouth rose slightly. He smiled and said, "But I'll take the challenge. Since you want to fight head-on, then I will give you a taste of X-Burner's destructive power! My Dying Will Flame is not something that anyone can resist!"

Thinking of this, Giotto once again increased Dying Will Flame's output. The flame pressure instantly broke through the 300,000 Fiamma Voltage, and that value was considered high.

A few years ago, when Giotto fought Big Mom, his X-Burner only reached at most 200,000 FV or so. In other words, the current X-Burner's power was 50% stronger than when he fought Big Mom!

But this was not the end of it. If he could only dish out this much power, how could he compete with the big pirates in One Piece world?

"350,000, 400,000... The flame pressure continues to rise!"

Fifty percent stronger than two years ago was not enough to satisfy Giotto. He was constantly raising the Fiamma Voltage. The astonishing momentum alone made Kizaru's forehead covered in sweat.

Now, Kizaru already regretted his choice of choosing to fight Giotto head-on. However, since he had already amassed quite a bit of power, retreating would obviously be more disadvantageous. Moreover, looking at the current situation, it was already too late!

Because at this moment, Giotto had already raised his other hand at him. This was the sign that he was about to launch his move!

"The balance is perfect, ready to fire!"

"Grit your teeth, Borsalino. This attack is different! X-Burner armament!"

In an instant, the vigorous Dying Will Flame burst out. The tsunami-like power was completely released at this moment. Moreover, there was a black aura circulating inside this Dying Will Flame. This was a move that Giotto had developed to deal with Logia's users.

Logia's users could avoid all physical attacks. Only Color of Arms Haki could hit them. In this case, simply blasting the X-Burner was useless.

Logia's users only had to turn their body composition into a natural element to avoid Dying Will Flame. However, if Giotto combined X-Burner with Color of Arms Haki, that was no longer the case.

Color of Arms Haki that merged into the X-Burner could capture the Logia's users' body, allowing X-Burner to harm their intangible body!

"There's no way I'd be outdone by the likes of you!"

Kizaru refused to be outdone at this moment. He blasted everything he had just gathered in one blast and hit X-Burner head-on!


A loud sound rang out as the shockwave spread out in all directions. Not only the surroundings, but even the sky and earth also shook under this violent collision. Even the clouds in the sky were blown away by the powerful shockwaves of the two forces.

Kizaru had already used all his strength, but he could only watch as X-Burner gradually overwhelmed his laser.

In that instant, Kizaru's laser was completely devoured by X-Burner. Then, Kizaru was hit by the X-Burner. The gap between them was as clear as day.

Of course, it was also Kizaru's fault for choosing to fight head-on. Otherwise, he wouldn't have lost so quickly.

The strength of the Glint-Glint Fruit was never its offensive ability but its terrifying speed. Even if it could only move in a straight line, that speed would definitely give him a sufficient advantage in most battles.

On the sea not far from the Sabaodi, a warship was sailing at full speed.

On the deck of the warship was a tall man wearing a white tank top and a dark blue shirt. He was also wearing a navy coat.

Vice-Admiral Kuzan!

He was the last one of the three monstrous Vice-Admiral in the Marine, Aokiji, who would become an Admiral in the future!

He looked up at the terrifying impact in the direction of Sabaodi Archipelago, as well as the flames and light colliding with each other. His face became very serious. He was picking up the pace.

"Vice-admiral Kuzan, we're already going as fast as we can, we can't go any faster!" A commodore next to him replied.

"Just go faster! The opponent this time is Vongola Primo, that man is definitely not easy to deal with, Borsalino won't be able to hold on for too long!"

Aokiji was very cautious. He had seen Giotto before, and even when Giotto was still an apprentice in Roger's Ship, he had already had a feeling that Giotto was not an average man.