Special Reward

Dragon left not long after. Right now, his Revolutionary Army had just barely started. There were many things that he needed to deal with personally. He felt a bit regretful that he could not invite Giotto to join them. However, the thoughts that Giotto spoke of were already enough for him to process in a while.

"Then, it's about time for me to leave."

Giotto would not stay in one place for too long. On one hand, he needed to recruit three more External Advisors. Besides, if he stayed in one place for too long, he might be discovered by the World Government.

"If there is a chance, I will go to the New World."

Koushiro said without asking Giotto to stay longer. He saw many things very clearly, and since he knew it, there was no need to say unnecessary polite words.

"Ha! Ha!"

Just as Giotto was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly heard shouts from outside. This was different from the children who were training in the dojo. This cry was from a little girl.

Although her voice was weak, anyone could hear the tenacity in her voice.

After pushing open the door, he saw Kuina, who was only five years old, holding a wooden sword. She stood under the shadow of the trees and constantly swung her wooden sword. It was clearly a time for her to enjoy her childhood, but she didn't mind sweating profusely.

"With such hard work at such a young age, she'll be a good swordsman in the future for sure!"

Seeing Kuina who was desperately training, Giotto could not help but sigh. For your information, in the manga, Kuina died because of some trivial things. It was really unfortunate as with her talent, she would grow up to be a Sword Master!

No matter what others thought, that was what Giotto believed.

"Yes, but unfortunately, Kuina is a girl, and girls can't get far on this path!"

Koushiro could also see that Kuina was very diligent in training, and he could also see the determination in his daughter's eyes. Because of this, he deliberately said such words to the point that Kuina could hear them.

He did not want his daughter to be disappointed after spending so much effort!

Kuina, who was swinging her sword, paused. Her originally determined eyes became a little dimmed.

She clenched her teeth and did not say a word. She continued to wave the wooden sword in her hand like a robot.

"That might not be the case, Koshiro-san."

Giotto smiled and said softly, "In my opinion, girls can also get far in the path of the sword. It is not impossible for her to become a great swordsman. Her tenacity and willpower will become her drive. As long as she didn't lose her faith, no one can defeat her determination!"

"Primo-sama... You should not..."

Koshiro was slightly stunned. He wanted to tell First that he should not give Kuina such hope because the greater the hope, the greater the despair would she feel in the end.

However, Giotto did not care about such remarks at all.

He smiled and walked towards Kuina. He gently placed his hand on Kuina's shoulder and stopped her from swinging her sword. At this moment, he could feel Kuina's small body trembling.

After a short pause, Giotto smiled and said, "Do you want to become my Family? As Vongola Family's External Advisor, there's no need to care about anyone's opinions. Hold the sword in your hand tightly and became a great swordsman that everyone in the world looked up to!"

"I, can I really?"


Kuina had crystal clear eyes, and Koshiro wanted to stop her, but no one saw the slightest change in Giotto's expression.

"Of course, but this requires very strict training. If you're really serious about becoming a swordsman, I will find a world-class Great Swordsman as your mentor."

The world-class Great Swordsman that Giotto spoke of was undoubtedly the Rain Guardian, Ugetsu Asari. That peerless genius of the sword should be able to teach Kuina well!

"As for Koshiro, women can also travel on the path of the sword. For example, Momousagi of the Naval Headquarters is an example. Just because there has never been a female world's number one Swordsman in the past, we firmly believe that it will never appear in the future. Isn't it too much for people like Kuina who have her dreams?"

Giotto smiled and turned his head. His calm eyes looked at Koshiro knowingly: "In the past, people thought that was City of Gold was a lie. For hundreds of years, they thought Noland was a liar. But, I found it!"

Koshiro was stunned. He knew that Giotto was not showing off the gold, but wanted to tell him through this that perhaps in the future, women could also become the most powerful swordsman in the world!

Even if the chance was slim, there was still... possibility!

Koshiro let out a long sigh, casting away all the unnecessary thoughts in his mind, and then said: "I understand. As expected of Primo-sama. Now I finally understand why you can make Vongola Family become such a powerful force in such a short time. Perhaps it is because of your extraordinary mentality."

"Pri... Primo-sama! I want to become the world's number one swordsman and Vongola Family's External Advisor!"

Kuina imitated her father's demeanor. She stood up straight and bowed to Giotto. She would not give up her dream, especially after hearing Giotto's words just now. She had to stick to the path she had chosen.

"Mission: Recruit native world powerhouses as External Advisors(3/5)"


Giotto was dumbfounded. The External Advisors he had recruited were only Jinbei and Koshiro, why were there three...?

Looking at the little girl in front of him...

Was Kuina also a native world powerhouse?

[Host has changed Kuina's fate. Reward: Shigure Soen Ryu – Takeshi Yamamoto Version (exclusive to Kuina)]

Hearing the second prompt, Giotto was relieved. It turned out that this was the point of the system!

Kuina's talent in swordsmanship is extraordinary. If she could continue to grow, there was indeed hope to become a strong person in the sea, and now with Shigure Soen Ryu, that was to say...

If she didn't die prematurely, Kuina would definitely become a Great Sword Master, and even becoming the number one Swordsman in the one piece world was not impossible!