Buster Call Level

Marine headquarters, Marineford.

In the conference room, there were already a lot of high-ranking officers. Except for Garp who went home, only Sakazuki was not there. And the person in charge of this meeting was the only powerhouse of the Marine headquarters left, Sengoku.

From the fact that Fleet Admiral Kong didn't attend, everyone could see that Fleet Admiral Kong was actually handing over the authority. It was estimated that in a few years, Admiral Sengoku would become Fleet Admiral Sengoku.

And the officers attending this meeting basically represented the future of the Marine.

"You all should know why this meeting is held."

Sengoku looked at everyone and said in a deep voice, "The Celestial Dragons have pressured us more than once to capture Vongola Primo before he returns to the New World."

"Then he will be sentenced to death. I think everyone should know why there is such a request. Vongola Primo attacked the Celestial Dragons. This is a serious crime that the World Government can not tolerate. Secondly, if he returns to the New World, we will lose the opportunity to capture him."

Yes, if Giotto enters the New World, the Marine will stop pursuing him.

The reason for this was that in the past few years, the Marine had made a choice. It was to pacify the first half of the Four Seas and the Grandline and completely put most of the sea under the control of the Marine.

Therefore, apart from a G5 branch that was symbolically built in the New World, they almost gave up the New World.

After all, in order to fight for the dominance of the New World, they had to fight against Whitebeard Pirates, Big Mom Pirates, Vongola Family, and other forces that were far stronger than in the four seas.

In the eyes of Marine's higher-ups, doing that obviously was not worth the loss. If Marine confronted these forces, even if they won, they would suffer heavy casualties anyway. It was better to prioritize the four seas and the first half of the Grand Line first and only then would they move on to New World.

As they focused their manpower on Paradise, they hoped that the different forces in New World would kill each other and consume each other. This was also beneficial for the future

"If we want to make a move before he enters the New World, then the place where I think it would be best to deploy our forces is Sabaodi Archipelago. That is his only way back to the New World." Vice-Admiral Tsuru thought for a moment and gave an answer.

In her opinion, Sabaodi Archipelago was undoubtedly the best place to ambush, but there was also a certain disadvantage in ambushing there. That was that the target would definitely see this coming and come prepared.

"No, the World Government has already banned us from using the area around Sabaody as a battlefield, because the Celestial Dragons would visit Sabaody Archipelago from time to time." Sengoku shook his head and rejected Vice-Admiral Tsuru's proposal.

Hearing this, many Marines looked on one side, and some even clenched their fists subconsciously.

It's those stupid Celestial Dragons again!

The Marine was forbidden to send troops to capture Vongola Primo in Sabaody just because they'd visit that place sometimes?

What a bunch of idiots!

"Since that's the case, we can only think of a way to surround Vongola Primo. It's just that he is sailing alone on a small boat, so his whereabouts are difficult to pinpoint. Trying to surround him under such circumstances is...

Before Vice Admiral Tsuru could finish her words, a Marine officer walked quickly and said to Admiral Sengoku, "Admiral Sengoku, Vice-Admiral Sakazuki called just now and said that he has found Vongola Primo's whereabouts. He has already started the pursuit and is near Ball Island. Vice-Admiral Sakazuki said that he would arrive at Ball Island within three days and plans to subdue Vongola Primo there!"

Hearing this, Sengoku didn't hesitate to look at the sea map. He frowned: "Ball Island... Is it the island that is closer to Water 7? Very well, immediately tell Sakazuki that we will capture Vongola Primo in Ball Island! Capture, not kill. The World Government wants to publicly execute Vongola Primo in order to let the world understand that the Celestial Dragons can not be offended!"

The moment Sengoku saw the location of this island, his eyes immediately lit up. He didn't expect Sakazuki to bring him such a good news!

The geographical location of Ball Island itself was not good, but now, it was definitely the most suitable place to surround and subdue Vongola Primo!


Because it wasn't far from Water 7, Water 7 was not far from Enies Lobby. As long as you go to Enies Lobby through the Gate of Justice, the Marine fleet can reach the vicinity of Ball Island as fast as possible. There was no need to make extra arrangements, and they could directly surround Vongola Primo.

It could be said that this was the best opportunity that god gave them!

"Then the scale of the attack, because of special reasons, the scale of the attack is equal to... Buster Call!"

If it were the scale of a Buster Call, there would be at least five Vice-Admirals leading ten warships and the elite forces of the Marines. There would be about 1,000 Marine soldiers on each warship, which meant that there were more than 5,000 soldiers.

There were few people in the sea who could resist such a force. Even a powerful madman like Douglas Bullet caved in under Buster Call.

In fact, even if the Marines wanted to subdue Vongola Primo, it was far more than using the scale of Buster Call. But this time, all the Marines knew that this was going to happen.

Because of Celestial Dragons!

"This time, I will personally lead the attack. The rest of the personnel will be Kuzan, Borsalino, Gion, and Momonga!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's eyes widened, and the astonishment in their eyes was difficult to conceal.

How was this Buster Call's standard? It had clearly surpassed Buster Call's standard. In addition, with Vice-Admiral Sakazuki, who had discovered Vongola Primo's whereabouts, there were already a total of five Vice-Admirals participating, and on top of that Admiral Sengoku still had to personally participate.

Moreover, the five Vice-Admirals were the most skilled Vice-Admirals, especially Kuzan, Borsalino, Sakazuki, and Gion.

Although they hadn't reached the peak of their strength yet, which meant that they didn't have the strength of an Admiral, they were still powerful in their own right!

In the end, it was because of the World Nobles that the Marine could dispatch such strong personnel this time!

But since Marine had sent out this level of combat power, then even if the other party was the famous Vongola Primo, this might be the end of the road for him.