Formidable X-Burner

100 Strong XBNT

Sengoku walked step by step toward where Giotto was. Each of his steps was very heavy. Before he came here, he had already expected this battle to be unlike the battle he had ever participated in, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult. This time, the Marine had dispatched a Buster Call-level force, and with him as an Admiral, this had already surpassed Buster Call-level force!

Buster Call has always been feared.

Even a madman like Douglas Bullet was powerless against Buster Call and was imprisoned in the Impel Down.

But now, Vongola Primo, as well as his subordinate Varia wasn't losing ground against Buster Call-level force. In fact, it was Marine that seemed to lose ground in this scenario.

How could he accept this?

"If I had known this would happen, I would have called Garp back. He is also a Vice-Admiral nonetheless."

As he walked forward, Sengoku thought in his heart. However, he could only think about this matter, because he knew that Garp was too focused on his grandson. It was unrealistic to call him back to work.

Let alone him, even Fleet Admiral Kong wouldn't be able to stop the stubborn guy!

"Vongola Primo! How many sacrifices will fall before you surrender?"

Sengoku suddenly stopped walking. He looked at Giotto who was not far away and shouted: "The casualties won't be just our soldier, yours will also fall victim to this battle. We'll still arrest you in the end, so is there any meaning in this battle?"

"Meaning? We don't care about that. And as far as I see it. The only casualties are your soldiers. I don't see a member of my Family on the ground."

Giotto said with a smile.

He glanced around just now. Varia's troops were indeed injured, but there was not a single casualty among them. The reason for this situation was Lussuria. He did not participate in the battle and assumed the role of a doctor instead.

However, the people who had been treated by him had to trim their beards and nails when they returned. After all, every one of them had become a long-haired monster...

"You are too arrogant for your own good, Vongola Primo!"

Sengoku's body also began to grow bigger and eventually turned into a golden Buddha that stood in front of everyone: "I'll put an end to your sinful life!"

In a split second, Sengoku moved in a flash and directly closed the distance between himself and Giotto. He raised his golden palm and slammed it toward Giotto.

At the same time, Aokiji didn't just sit back and watch either. Under the surge of cold air, the ice blade appeared in his hand. In addition, it was enveloped by Color of Arms Haki, and he swung it at Giotto's injured arm.

The cooperation between the two was flawless.

"Flame Commandment: Fire Pillar!"

When Giotto saw this, he immediately shot up a pillar of fire around his body to block Sengoku's palm and Aokiji's attack.

However, the ice blade in Aokiji's hand suddenly accelerated. The moment it came into contact with the flame, the cold wind came out of the ice blade, forcefully extinguishing the rising pillar of fire.

Sengoku's golden palm continuously expanded in Giotto's field of vision. Then, his palm enveloped in powerful Color of Arms Haki hit Giotto's chest, sending Giotto flying more than ten meters away.

Hadn't Giotto used Dying Will Flame to stabilize his body, he would have probably flown even further away.

"Cough cough!"

Being hit in the chest, Giotto couldn't help but cough out blood. He didn't expect that he would actually take some damage right away, especially the last attack imbued with Color of Arms Haki.

"As expected of the strongest Admiral in the headquarters. You're nothing like those Vice-Admirals! But you're so agile despite having such a huge body. It's actually unfair! But since you've made your move, now it's my turn. Operation X!"

"Roger, Boss!"

"'X-Burner launch system initiates!"

The moment his retreating body stabilized in the air, Giotto had already placed one of his hands backward. He discharged Soft Sky Flame and adjusted its intensity according to the instruction coming from his earpiece.

As for the other hand, he clenched it into a fist and placed it in front of him. Hard Sky Flame gathered at a faster rate than before. Giotto was well aware of what kind of opponent he was facing right now. Sengoku would never give him time to store energy, so even if it might cause a slight instability between the Flames, he had to make use of every minute and second!

"Stop him, Sengoku-san! That move is devastating. I was unable to contain it even after using all my strength before!"

Originally, Kizaru was fighting Fran, but the corner of his vision just happened to see the large-scale Soft Sky Flame. Just that little information made him understand Giotto's thoughts.

Even now, he still had a lingering fear of the X-Burner.


Sengoku felt the energy that Giotto accumulated and immediately shouted. At the same time, he raised his golden palm again.

If it were a normal X-Burner, then Sengoku and Aokiji would have enough time to react, but this time, Giotto didn't intend to give them any time to react!

"It's too late, Admiral Sengoku! X-Burner!"

As soon as Giotto finished speaking, the hand that was clenched into a fist quickly opened up and stretched forward. The Hard Sky Flame that he amassed earlier was shot forward. The Sky Flame instantly covered everything in Giotto's vision. Even the space in front of him seemed to distort under this force.

This force was also blasted toward Sengoku and Aokiji at an extremely fast speed.

"What, what is this move?"

Aokiji was stunned at this moment. He had seen Kizaru's laser, but at this moment, the Dying Will Flame's attack was obviously stronger than Kizaru's laser. He could feel an extremely terrifying aura from it even without getting hit.

He finally understood why Kizaru was defeated so badly. He even lost an arm in the process, so he must have been hit directly by this move.

"Pull yourself together, Kuzan, block it with all your strength! Impact Wave!"

With a loud shout, Sengoku raised his golden palm and launched a golden shockwave forward.

And Aokiji didn't hesitate to use his best move, Ice Block: Pheasant Beak!

