Lone Wolf

Giotto frowned, this was the first time he heard someone talk to him like this. Thankfully it wasn't directed at Xanxus, otherwise, he would have snapped for sure.

Putting these words aside, the aura emitted by these three CP0 agents was indeed extraordinary. The tall and thin man seemed to be the weakest among them, but even so, he was not weaker than the current Aokiji. In other words, as strong as a Vice-Admiral.

The burly one was the calmest and most powerful one. Although he hadn't made a move yet, Giotto could feel the pressure constantly coming from him. In addition, Giotto noticed Sengoku glancing at him just now. In other words, this burly man was a man worthy of Sengoku's attention.

Then it was very likely that his strength was equal to an Admiral!

It should be said that the CP0 is worthy to be the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons.

As for the last man who looked ordinary...

He was very strong, even stronger than the burly man, but Giotto didn't need to worry about him.

"Hey, hey, say something, bastard! Don't tell me you were so scared that you wet your pants? Wahaha!"

Judging from his demeanor, it could be seen that he was very powerful. After all, he would have been beaten to death if he kept running his mouth like that!

"Don't blame me for breaking your head if you keep up that attitude!"

Giotto's figure instantly disappeared from where he stood. Immediately after, he reappeared mid-air next to the thin and tall man, ready to punch the thin and tall CP0 agent with a fist enveloped in Color of Arms Haki.

The thin and tall CP0 agent noticed this attack, and choose not to dodge. He just stood there and said, "Tekkai!"


Giotto's attack, however, was blocked by the burly man's hand who rushed there with Soru.

Giotto was not surprised by this situation. Since his attack did not work, he immediately put some distance between himself and his opponent.

It was the thin and tall CP0 agent, who was the most surprised. He had clearly used Tekkai to block the opponent's attack, so why did his companion have to block it in his stead?

"Amon, don't underestimate this guy. His fist is stronger than your Tekkai. If you were hit by his punch just now, you would at least be seriously injured."

The burly man said in a deep voice. "If it were any other part of your body, I wouldn't interfere. However, your head is not so hard that you can ignore his attack."

"Huh? Do you think I am no match against this bastard, Al?" Amon obviously was not convinced and immediately yelled at his companion.

However, when the burly man called Al turned his head around, and the bloodthirsty gaze that was like a wild beast was directed at him, he immediately shut his mouth and gulped down a mouthful of saliva. He didn't dare to say another word at this point.

That pure bloodthirst, although it wasn't the Color of Supreme King Haki, it was intimidating nonetheless. Especially since the burly man was strong in his own right.

Even Giotto, who was standing in the distance, was slightly shocked as if he saw a powerful beast!

"Amon, Alaudi, cooperate with Admiral Sengoku to capture Vongola Primo. I don't want to waste too much time in this place, so I will only give you half an hour. If you can't deal with the enemy within half an hour, then I will personally take action. But if I do, I will have to teach you a good lesson."

Al crossed his arms and closed his eyes as if this matter had nothing to do with him. Either that or in his mind, Giotto did not deserve to fight him.

The burly man called Al was indeed full of pressure!

"Alright, whatever. You have the final say."

Amon listened to Al obediently. This was how it was in the CP0. Whoever was stronger had the final say. "Then, Alaudi, are you going to fight him or should I take care of that bastard?"

At this moment, Alaudi slowly took off his mask, revealing his cold and stern face. At the same time, he walked over to Amon and took out the handcuffs with his right hand. He coldly said, "Who allowed you to call me by my name? And to be honest, your voice is really annoying!"


The moment he finished speaking, Alaudi immediately handcuffed Amon's hand, and a smile painted the corner of his mouth.

"Hey! Alaudi, you idiot, do you think I won't rip off your head for doing this?"

Amon was stunned for a moment, then said fiercely, "You actually dared to handcuff me? Did you hit your head after a long sail? Hurry up and remove this handcuff!"

At this moment, Giotto took out a ring from his pocket and threw it at Alaudi.

Alaudi also quickly caught the ring and put it on. Then, a cold voice came from his mouth, "First of all, you won't be able to rip my head off. Second, you don't have the right or the strength to order me around. And lastly, what makes you think that we are companions?"

The purple Cloud Flame burned fiercely at this moment. After the handcuff was injected with the Cloud Flame, something surprising immediately occurred. The handcuff quickly multiplied, from one to two, two to four, and in less than a few seconds, the handcuffs covered up Almon's entire body, leaving only his head behind.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Alaudi, what the hell are you trying to do?" Amon struggled frantically and screamed, and at the same time, fear appeared in his eyes because at this moment, he felt that death was approaching him.

"It's rare to see someone as stupid as you. Didn't you see that Al has already given up on you? He's much smarter than you. At least he knows that even if he makes a move now, he won't be able to stop me..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Alaudi suddenly pulled the chains of the handcuffs, and Amon's head separated from his body. His widened eyes were filled with fear. He didn't even realize why Alaudi, who was also a CP0 agent, would do this to him.

Filled with regret and doubt, his head rolled on the ground...