War is Not Playing House

Yes, Sengoku was defeated in the end. His full-strength Buddha Palm was defeated by Giotto's punch.

And at this moment, after the light dissipated, the one who remained standing was Vongola Primo. However, he seemed to be in an equally bad state as Sengoku. He couldn't lift his right arm and blood was dripping down from his right arm.

Giotto had also exhausted himself. It put too much toll on his body when he used Sky Flare, and he also took on Sengoku's Buddha Palm head-on. His body could no longer handle the burden.

The blood at the corner of his mouth proved that his internal organs were also damaged. After getting hit by Sengoku's Buddha Palm, he realized that Sengoku's attack was indeed very powerful. Those with a weaker physique would find it difficult to withstand this kind of power.

However, he did not fall. Even though he felt very tired, and this battle really consumed a lot of energy, he remained standing.

Previously, when he used Flame Emperor, he had already exhausted his stamina. But he could continue fighting after absorbing Sengoku and Aokiji's energy attack by using Zero Point Breakthrough. That alone had already challenged the limit of his body. Now, it could be said that he has gotten past the limit of his body. However, it was only the limits of his body. His willpower had not reached its limit yet!

Moreover, in such a situation, Giotto could not allow himself to fall!

"Ha... Ha. Ha."

Sengoku eventually sat up on the broken ice after panting. His eyes looked at Giotto who was still standing straight. He was at a loss for words.

"Vongola Primo..., He has grown to this extent in just a few years. What an enviable talent. Maybe only Fleet Admiral Kong and Garp can overpower him in Marine."

Even if Giotto was an enemy, Sengoku couldn't help but acknowledge his strength. A few years ago, when he was in the G5 branch, it took everything he got just to escape, but now he actually defeated him head-on. Moreover, he was still standing!

What made him even more shocked was that Vongola Family was not at its full strength yet. There were still two other powerful Guardians in the New World!

Although Sengoku had never personally encountered them, it was not hard to tell from the intel that those two were extremely powerful. Moreover, how could someone with the same position as Alaudi be weak?

In only a few years, Vongola Family had already developed to such an extent. This was even more shocking than the progress of Giotto's personal growth!


"Admiral Sengoku!"

At this moment, many Marines were approaching their Admiral to protect him from further attack from Vongola Primo.


A clear order came from Sengoku. Although he was injured, his brain worked perfectly. If he continued to fight with Vongola Family, he knew the Marine would be defeated.

Buster Call had been thwarted, so he couldn't allow the Marine elites to die here!

"ushishishi! You fight when you want to fight, and now you think you can leave whenever you want? Aren't you Marines too naive?"

At this time, Belphegor was on a killing spree. Hundreds of Marine elites already died at his hands. The blood of the enemy splattered on his body, making him look like a ferocious devil.

It was not easy to escape from him!

Looking at the Marine soldiers who began to retreat cautiously, Bell did not hesitate to release Visone Tempesta and threw out the knives in his hand.

But at this time, an ice wall was quickly erected, blocking Bel's attack and protecting the escaping Marine soldiers.

"Everyone, retreat as fast as possible, we will keep them busy!"

Aokiji didn't hesitate to give the order. He looked at the Vongola Family members cautiously. He had the same thoughts as Sengoku. He couldn't let the elites of the Marine die here: "Vongola, let's stop this here!"

Giotto slowly turned his head. At this moment, his body was supported by sheer willpower. Even his voice sounded weak: "Did you hit your head somewhere? The Marine issued a Buster Call to kill me. Now that you can't beat me, you want to stop here? This is war, not a child playing house, Marine!"

Giotto didn't like war and killing, but he was not a saint!

They thought they could just pick a fight with him and left whenever they want?

"Damn criminal, do you still want to fight us? Marine is the ruler of the sea!"

Akainu was not as rational as Aokiji. He was so angry after being toyed around by Xanxus and now he was ordered to retreat. Had it not for his duty to obey his superior's order, he would've rushed to the enemy.

How could he restrain himself when the enemy said that they were playing house?

But in fact, he himself felt that Aokiji's words were too naive, and even Sengoku's retreat order was just as naive. Just as Vongola said, this was war!


Giotto didn't say anything, he simply called Xanxus' name.

And this was enough, just calling his name was enough!

"Haha, that's how it should be. Vongola is the strongest!"

Xanxus grinned. Of course, he knew what his Boss meant. "Every Varia Member, listen to me! Kill all these marine soldiers! Don't let any of them escape!" Xanxus ordered his men.

Everyone aside from Fran became even more spirited. Their attacks became more ferocious. Meanwhile, Fran thought that since they had already won, there was no need to put in extra effort, but he still had to make it seem like he worked hard in front of his Boss.

"All Lieutenant Commanders and above, stall the enemy with all your might and help the rest of the Marines retreat!"

At this moment, Sengoku forced himself to stand up. If a critical moment arose, even if he was injured, he would immediately join the battle.

At this time, a warship appeared out of nowhere and quickly approached the island. At the same time, a calm and soft voice came from the deck:

"It's rare seeing you in such a bad state, Sengoku! Fortunately, my new recruits passed by during their training. Otherwise, I wouldn't have seen you like this!"