Deja Vu

Facing such an attack, Hawkeye's expression remained unchanged. He gripped the Black Blade's hilt with both hands and concentrated all his strength on his hands.

Then, he abruptly brandished his black blade and slashed horizontally!

The light greenish slash waves were generated in an instant as if it would tear the sky and earth.

Even Giotto and the others who didn't understand the way of the sword gasped and concentrated at this moment. They quietly watched this amazing showdown. It wasn't just them. The people watching this duel from all over the world couldn't even make the slightest sound. It was as if they were afraid it would affect the two peerless swordsmen somehow.

It could be said from the exchange just now that the attacks of these two people displayed breathtaking swordsmanship. Any other opponent might have already lost at this point.

Hawkeye's swordsmanship was majestic and extremely powerful, but it was a bit less agile than Ugetsu Asari's.

Ugetsu Asari's swordsmanship was like flowing water. It could be calm, serene, or fierce if he wanted to.


The moment the light greenish slash wave and Nine-Headed Dragon Collapse collided, a deafening sound could be heard even from miles away, and it was as if the sky itself was torn apart, as the cloud was split.

If such a thing happened to the sky, let alone to the island below them. Just one clash between their move and the island already began to show signs of breaking apart.

"That guy is very strong, but he is still a bit weaker than me. Perhaps it won't be long before he can reach my level."

At this moment, Squalo did not shout as loudly as he did at the beginning. He calmly watched the duel and analyzed the situation at the same time. "However, it is not good enough to be just as good as me. Ugetsu Asari-senpai's swordsmanship is above mine, so the outcome of this battle has already been decided. Hawkeye won't win!"

His own swordsmanship was also extraordinary. As the second generation Sword Emperor in Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn World, there were only a handful of people who could rival his swordsmanship. However, he had to admit that there was still a certain gap between his swordsmanship and the First Generation Rain Guardian.

Now he acknowledged Hawkeye's swordsmanship. He believed Hawkeye was about to stand on the same level as him and would be a very good opponent in the future.

Hawkeye, the Strongest Swordsman in the World, wouldn't win against the First Generation Rain Guardian!

At least, the present Hawkeye had no chance of defeating Ugetsu Asari!

"Squalo-senpai, they've only used two moves. How can you say that the outcome has already been decided?" Kuina was a little confused.

"It's very simple. Each of Hawkeye's strikes was his strongest attack. This is where his advantage lies. Each of his strike almost represents his peak strength at this moment. Unless he is deliberately controlling it, any strike of the sword will have a terrifying edge."

Si Ku Varro glanced at Kuina and began to explain, "However, this is his advantage and also his disadvantage. It is precisely because each of his attacks is pursued to the extreme that it is not so easy to surpass this extreme. I reckon that even if he goes all out to slash, his power will only be at most 30 to 50 stronger than his first strike. Unless he breaks through his own limit, he will be able to unleash even more powerful slashes."

"Isn this sword dao very strong?" Kuina's nod, not understanding.

It is indeed very strong. To remove all the fancy techniques, only the simplest and most direct slashes will be left. However, his current extreme is like a town to Senior Ugetsu Asari.

To a soul-like sword skill, it was not a threat at all!

Si Ku Varro was very certain. After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. For him, there was no need to continue watching this battle.

After carving, he directly jumped onto the back of a shark and left the island.

At this time, Eagle Eye emitted an aura that was stronger than before, but just like Si Ku Varro said, his aura was 50 stronger than before.

At the same time, his Color of Observation Haki also completely locked onto Ugetsu Asari. His sword was at its peak, and every attack was the same. However, this attack would be even stronger than an ordinary attack!

"Let me see your strongest attack!"

Hawkeye was close to his opponent at this moment, and then he shouted: "In contrast, I will use my strongest attack to end this battle!"

The duel between the Big Sword Hero and the Big Sword Hero would not last for too long. Usually, the outcome would only be an instant. In the beginning, he and Ugetsu Asari had exchanged two moves. Both of them could be considered to have figured out the opponent's background. Therefore, the next move was to determine the outcome!

However, when Ugetsu Asari heard Hawkeye's words, he was slightly stunned. Then, he looked at the man with hawk-like eyes and said softly, "You should already know that there is a gap in our strength. If I use my strongest attack , I can't guarantee that I will be able to keep you alive."

It was not that he looked down on or sneered. Ugetsu Asari was merely stating a fact at this moment.

Just as Si Ku Varro saw the outcome of this duel, the two of them already understood the strength of the other party.

Although they were both Great Sword Masters, Ugetsu Asari was stronger, and his strength was not just a little bit. It could be said that he really stood above Hawkeye, looking down at his opponent.

"If I can see your strongest slash before I die, then I will die without regrets! As a swordsman, I believe you should understand my thoughts. Not to mention that I am a Great Sword Master like you, even if I am just an ordinary swordsman, since it is a duel, you should not hold back!"

Hawkeye's eyes were full of determination at this moment. The sword intent on his body actually had the intention of breaking through to the extreme: "I came to the new world so quickly just to fight you. Let me see how big this world is. Let me see how far I am from the strongest in this world! Ugetsu Asari!"

"For this, would you rather choose death? What a strong heart!"

Ugetsu Asari sighed. He could understand the other party's thoughts. Without a doubt, this was the choice of a real swordsman. "Then, in order to show the etiquette of a swordsman, I will use my strongest sword skill in this life to send you to the end of your life!"

Seeing this scene, Giotto felt a sense of deja vu. It was like when East Blue met Zoro, but at this moment, his position was completely opposite.

Ugetsu Asari was the strongest swordsman, and he was like Zoro in the future... Challenger!

Chapter 130 Soul Suppressing Night Bell

After a moment of silence, Ugetsu Asari directly threw three small knives into the air. With the flames of rain, these three small knives directly entered the clouds, and then a layer of dark clouds condensed from the flames of rain appeared in the sky.

Soft rain fell from the sky, dripping on the earth.

Hawkeye, who had already condensed his momentum to the extreme, suddenly felt that everything was weakening. It was as if the rain was washing away his edge and washing the fighting spirit in his heart.

""... "

The sound of rain falling was extremely crisp, like a clock turning, or like playing a serene music in the world.

"It can't be. Is it really possible to reach this level by relying on Sword Dao? Even the weather has changed!"

It was unknown how many people had this thought in their hearts. Some of them had seen great swordsmen before, but this was the first time they had seen someone like Ugetsu Asari.

"This is the strongest? This is really interesting. So what I want to pursue is this level of power!"

Hawkeye did not give up because of the rain. He felt his blood boiling more and more. The powerful will urged his body. Under the cleansing of the Soul Suppressing Rain, he forcefully gathered his sword intent and aura again. Moreover, it was even more violent and powerful than the so-called extreme!

That's right, he had exceeded his limits and had taken a step further on the path of a Big Sword Hero!

However, Ugetsu Asari did not care about this step at all. He walked forward step by step, strolling through the heavy rain. His aura began to dissipate, and his expression became extremely cold.

If one did not need to stare at him closely, it was as if he did not exist at all.

Even Color of Observation Haki had no way of capturing his existence. Among everyone present, only Giotto could use the Hyper Intuition to capture Ugetsu Asari.

"Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!"

The three knives in the sky collided with each other and emitted a strange bell sound, as if they were bidding farewell to this world, but also as if they were praying to this world.

"It's now! Black blade? Break!"

Hawkeye finally condensed everything he had at this moment. He didn't continue to wait. He gripped the black blade in his hands and used all the strength in his body to attack Ugetsu Asari.

The dark green sword energy was more than ten meters long, and the sharpness contained within it could break mountains, split seas, and split the heavens and earth!

This was the strongest sword in his life. Before he met Ugetsu Asari, it was a sword that he could not slash out no matter what, and it was also a sword that surpassed him!

But at this time, Ugetsu Asari was still moving forward. When he landed on the ground again, everything in this world became slow, as if time had slowed down for him.

"Did you hear it clearly? This is the Soul Suppressing Song that rang with the evening bell?"

Ugetsu Asari seemed to be talking to Hawkeye, but also seemed to be talking to himself, "When the rain falls to the ground, it nourishes everything and also washes away the blood. This is what the gods gave to the world, taking away death ."

The late bell of death, the song to awaken the soul... Let the person in front of me release the soul at this moment, and sleep is my strongest sword skill. Its name is...

"The late Soul Suppressing Bell!"

The moment the voice fell, Ugetsu Asari took another step. In an instant, his entire person disappeared between heaven and earth, but only at that moment.

In the next moment, he appeared behind Hawkeye. The long blade was not stained with blood. He continued to walk, as if he was listening to the music of rain falling to the ground. Everything in the rain, except for him who was still walking, was forbidden.

Hawkeye maintained his chopping motion, and the sword energy he swung also stopped in front of him.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if the heavens were crying and the earth was sad!

Then, three small knives fell from the sky and returned to Ugetsu Asari's hand. It was at this moment that a blue sword light flashed and cut open the dark green sword energy from the middle. At the same time, it cut on Hawkeye's body.

The rain stopped and the sword energy dissipated. Eagle Eye spat out blood from his chest and fell backwards. There was a shocking sword mark on his chest. It was left behind by Ugetsu Asari's sword.


No matter if it was the people watching before Morgan's live broadcast or the people present, no one could clearly see that slash. Only Giotto used the Hyper Intuition to catch a trace of it.

This was Ugetsu Asari's sword, the unparalleled sword dao!

"Don't stop here, Jorah - Mihawk!"

Ugetsu Asari turned around and looked at Hawkeye, who had fallen to the ground. His cold voice sounded at this moment: "Now that you have seen the world you want to see, you should work hard next. If you think I am the strongest , then I will wait for your challenge until you stand in the same position as me!"

0... Begging for fresh flowers 0.

To be honest, he didn't have much self-awareness as a swordsman. Although he had a change in hand, he had always thought of himself as a musician in Ugetsu Asari's heart.

However, because of this battle with Hawkeye, this young man whose strength was inferior to him actually made his heart burn with the flame of a swordsman that he had hidden away.

A special feeling appeared in his heart...

So there was such a swordsman chasing after his back!


Especially this guy who was chasing after him. He had terrifying talent in the path of the sword. Wasn't this something that people were looking forward to?

"Cough cough..."

After coughing a few times, Hawkeye became slightly more clear-headed. He weakly opened his eyes and looked at the sky that was no longer covered by the flames of rain. The corners of his mouth curled into a smile, "I won't ... stand in the same position as you... In the future, I will surpass you! Ugetsu Asari!"


Ugetsu Asari smiled and shook his head. At the same time, a fighting spirit ignited in his eyes. "If you can do it, then come. No matter how many years have passed, I will be waiting for you to challenge me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he put away Four Irregular Swords. With a flash, he walked towards the location of the ship. Since this battle had ended, there was naturally no need to stay here any longer.

Moreover, he also needed to calm down. After all, he had encountered an interesting swordsman.


Giotto let out a long breath. Only now did he recover from that stunning sword. "Crowley, I'll leave the guy lying on the ground to you. Don't let him die because of lack of treatment. In the future sea, if there are fewer swordsmen like this, it will become much more boring."

Because of this battle, the future Hawkeye should be stronger than in the original story, right?

Moreover, in Giotto's opinion, this sword that pursued the ultimate might be waved in front of Ugetsu Asari in the future!

Chapter 131 All Movements

Countless people in the world were intoxicated by Ugetsu Asari's last sword strike, playing the Soul Suppressing Song in the heavy rain and ringing the evening bell.

"Erm, Vista, do you really think you can win against them?" At this moment, Marco couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva and turn to look at his good brother.

This time, it was directly said that some people turned their eyes to Vista, as if they were waiting for his answer.

They all knew that Vista was a good Sword Hero, and his talent in the sword was also extraordinary. However, compared to the two people in the picture just now, there was a gap. And this gap was not ordinary.

"Hmph, I admit that Ugetsu Asari is the strongest Great Sword Hero in the world. Just based on the music played in the rain just now, he is worthy of the whole world to acknowledge his status. However, although I am definitely not" 880" His opponent, however, is still capable of fighting against Hawkeye at the fifth level. Moreover, if I were to fight against Ugetsu Asari, then I wouldn't have lost so miserably like Hawkeye

Kista intended to forcefully redeem his face. Anyway, most of the people present didn't understand the way of the sword, and they couldn't see the change in the momentum of Hawkeye in the last period of time. So, if they could fool him, then they would try to fool him as much as possible. They couldn't say that they were indeed no match for those two people, right?

Even if he was bragging and lying, he had carefully thought about it.

If he directly said that Hawkeye and Ugetsu Asari couldn't beat him, then his group of brothers would definitely not believe him. So, he first admitted that he was inferior to one of them. Moreover, the other person was similar in strength to him. This way, it would be much easier for others to believe him.

"Gura ra ra ra!"

At this time, Whitebeard smiled and said to his son, "Let's be realistic, compared to Vista. Those two young men have undoubtedly reached the realm of the Great Sword Hero. Even the defeated eagle-eyed boy took a step towards the higher realm of the sword. The change in his aura and eyes can not fool people. As for Vongola's little Yu boy, I feel that he is about to reach the end of the sword. With your three-legged cat sword path, there is no way to compare with them."

Three-legged cat...

To be honest, Vista's Two-Blade Flowing Flower Sword was also a little famous in the new world. However, just like his father had said, compared to Ugetsu Asari, his sword was really a three-legged cat's sword path.

The difference between him and the other party was too great!

"Dad, just watch. It won't be long before I become a Great Sword Master and challenge them!" A light flashed in Vista's eyes. At this moment, he made up his mind to follow the figure on the path of the sword .

Although it was a good thing to have such determination, it was not clear whether he would succeed in the end. After all, in the original plot, Vista, after more than ten years, had only reached the top of the Sword Hero.

The new world, Whole Cake Island.

Ma-ma-ma-ma! Is this Vongola's guardian? A top-notch Great Sword Hero, even that brat Hawkeye was not his match. He was defeated by such a person. That guy, Kaido, was not

"I'm innocent!"

Big mom had also finished watching the battle between Ugetsu Asari and Hawkeye. Her expression was slightly solemn as she said, "Katakuri, if it was you, would you be able to win against the two people in the scene just now?"

Hearing his mother's words, Katakuri raised his head. His expression didn't change in the slightest as he continued to maintain Leng Mo, "I wasn't sure before the fight, but it shouldn't be a problem to deal with Hawkeye. As for Ugetsu Asari... it might be very troublesome."

He didn't have any habit of lying. He only made a judgment based on what he had seen just now.

However, Katakuri himself wasn't sure if his judgment was accurate. After all, he had only seen this battle through Morgan's live broadcast, and it was difficult to determine the true strength of the other party.

At this time, Perospero, this Den Den Mushi, quickly walked over and said with a respectful face, "Mom, it's a call from Kaido."

Big mom Momo frowned slightly. She and Kaido were old acquaintances, but why did he call her at this time? Was he going to celebrate Vongola's protection together?

Would he be able to ascend to the throne of the world's number one swordsman?

After a short pause, Big mom picked up Den Den Mushi and said in a deep voice, "Ma-ma-ma-ma! Kaido, why are you looking for me at this time?"

"Lingling, you saw it too, right? Vongola's family is stronger than you and me now. If he continues to develop like this, both you and I may not be able to defeat him..."

Kaido's voice came from Den Den Mushi, "So, I think we can join hands once. What do you think?"

"What? Are you kidding me? Kaido? Why would I go to provoke Vongola Family with you? There is no conflict between my Wanguo and Vongola now. Don't try to use me as a gun!"

Although she had always been unhappy with Vongola, Big Mom was not stupid enough to go to war with Vongola who was in the limelight at this time. She knew that the family had become prosperous. If there was no suitable opportunity, it would be impossible to defeat it.

The other people saw the activity of Vongola Primo and Ugetsu Asari. The people in the Dark World saw the strength of Vongola's independent assassination unit, Varia. But these people had begun to forget how Vongola Family escaped from Whole Cake Island at the beginning.

Every guardian of that family is simple. For example, at that time, they blocked their country with their physical strength...

Sun Guardian, Knuckle!

In addition, the world traitor who just appeared not long ago, who was also the guardian of Vongola Family's Cloud, Alaudi, God knows where that kid on Roger's ship found these powerhouses!

"Of course I don't want to use you as a tool. I also know very well that I need a suitable opportunity to make a move on Vongola. So, I just want a promise from you to crush that family at the critical moment !"

Kaido himself was not stupid, so he came to join forces with Big Mom not to immediately attack Vongola, but to directly kill Vongola at the critical moment and not give him a chance to turn over.

After thinking for a while, Big Mom smiled and said, "If that's the case, then I promise you! But you have to remember that this is another favor, and the favor has to be returned in the future, understand? Kaido!"

Chapter 132 The Fleet Was Attacked

On the sea of ​​the new world, a boat with Varia's flag was slowly sailing.

"Senior Bell, this time we are transporting three billion Belly, and there is also a rare Devil Fruit. Why do I feel that you are not nervous at all?"

Enel stood on the deck and asked Bell.

The two of them transported the three billion Belly that Morgan had promised before, and that Devil Fruit was obtained by Bell in the process of the mission. He hadn't had the time to put it back in the family, so it was still on this ship.

"ushishishi! Is there anything to be nervous about? In this sea, no one dares to provoke us. But then again, I hope there is. After all, this mission is too boring. I can't enjoy the feeling of killing. "

Belphegor chuckled. He didn't care about the pirates on the sea at all. Even if a so-called big pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions came, he couldn't support it for long. As the guardian of the Mist, he had enough strength to ensure the safety of this ship.

Moreover, who in the new world didn't know the name of Vongola Family? Although Belly was attractive with three billion and six hundred million, how many people dared to provoke the powerful Vongola for these treasures?

Unless they were stupid, no one would do such a stupid thing.

"You are really confident. As expected of Senior Bell. I wonder when I can become like the seniors!"

Enel was seriously twinkling with stars. He worshipped every officer in the family, and Belphegor was naturally one of them. Moreover, he always felt that Senior Bell's "Hee" laughter was not always charming!

Didn't you see that the laughter of famous people in the sea was unique?

Therefore, he had been thinking about how to arrange a laughter that could be remembered in an instant.

"Hmm? Has the weather changed?"

Belphegor was suddenly shrouded in shadows. He frowned slightly and then slowly raised his head. "But why do I feel that this is not a sign of rain... but an unexpected idiot?"