The Fleet Was Attacked

A boat with Varia's flag was slowly sailing on the sea of ​​the New World.

"Bel-senpai, this time, we are transporting three billion Belly, and a rare Devil Fruit to boot. Why do I get the feeling that you are not nervous at all?"

Enel asked stood on the deck and asked Bel.

The two of them transported the three billion Belly that Morgan had promised before and that Devil Fruit was obtained by Bel during the mission. He hadn't had the time to bring it back to the headquarters, so it was still on that ship.

"ushishishi! Is there anything to be nervous about? In this sea, no one dares to provoke us. But then again, I hope there is. After all, this mission is too boring. I can't kill anyone. "

Belphegor smirked. He didn't care about the pirates on the sea at all. Even if a well-known pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions came, they wouldn't be able to survive for long. As Varia's Storm Guardian, he was strong enough to ensure the safety of this ship by himself.

Moreover, who hadn't heard of Vongola Family in the New World? Although three billion Belly was indeed tempting, just how many people dared to provoke the powerful Vongola Family for that amount of money?

No one would do such a stupid thing unless they were stupid.

"You are really confident. As expected of Bel-senpai. I wonder when I can become like you!"

Enel's eyes were in awe. He admired every officer in the Family, and Belphegor was naturally one of them. Moreover, he always felt that Bel's "uishishi" laugh was charming!

He noticed that famous people in that world had a unique laugh, so he had been thinking about his own unique laugh that would be easily remembered by those that heard it.

"Hmm? Has the weather changed?"

Belphegor suddenly hid in the shadow. He frowned slightly and then slowly raised his head. "But why do I feel that this is not a sign of rain... but something stupid?"

"What the hell is that A ship floating in the sky?"

"Floating in the air? Why do I feel like I've heard of it somewhere before?"

"What an amzing ship. It's actually sailing in the sky? I wonder if Advisor Verde and the others can build something like that?" Enel couldn't help but exclaim in surprise as he looked at the two large ships above him.

In any case, flying ship was very rare, and none of them had seen it before!

"Don't just stand there like a moron. Don't you see that the enemy's cannons are already aimed at us? ushishishi!"

Bel's eyes were quite sharp. It was obvious that his blond hair covered his eyes, but it did not cover his line of sight, even though this was not logical, "Everyone, prepare to engage the enemy! Take out those two ships!"

"Kill them!"

A thunderous roar came from the sky, followed by two pirate ships firing their cannon relentlessly. At the same time, dozens of giant figures directly jumped down from the sky and landed on the Varia's ship.

As the Varia saw saw what kind of monster these figures were, they were surprised!

There were lions, tigers, pythons, gorillas...

They were all animals, but they were much larger than their normal size. Their eyes were red and extremely violent. As soon as they landed, they fiercely attacked anyone around them!

Yes, they were not only attacking Varia's members. Anyone near them would be attacked, even if it were their own companions.

It was as if they had no fixed target in their mind. The only thought in their heads was to kill and kill anything they could see!

"Tsk, what a pain. The ship has been destroyed to such an extent. Both boss and Primo-sama will be very angry!"

As he spoke, Belphegor threw out a throwing knife and accurately pierced the heart of a gorilla. "ushishishi! You are very tenacious, but that's all..."

The gorilla did not fall even after being stabbed in the heart by the throwing knife but instead became even more violent because of the injury.

Seeing this scene, Belphegor also knew that he could not hold back. Although in his opinion, these animals did not pose any threat to him, if the ship was completely destroyed, he would be in trouble, too.

Therefore, he took his Box Weapon out and released Visone Tempesta. Even if these beasts were extremely tough, they had no chance of withstanding the Storm Flame. After all, with its Disintegration characteristics, no ordinary creature could not resist it!

At the same time, Enel rushed forward with a long staff in his hand. The Lightning Flame burst out violently, and with the help of Color of Arms Haki, his attack posed a considerable threat.

With a single strike of the staff, the head of a fierce tiger was smashed into pieces, and it fell lifelessly.

Seeing the two executives make their move, the other Varia members were relieved. However, because of the strict training they had received, they did not let their guard down in the slightest. They rushed towards the wild beast in groups of two or three. Even if they could not kill them, they could still keep them in bay and stop them from destroying their ships.

As long as Visone Tempesta did its job, its Storm Flame could turn these monsters into ashes!

"As expected of Vongola's independent assassination unit. I recall you are called Belphegor, right? Do you want to consider becoming one of us? In addition to getting a good position, you can stay alive!"

At this time, a towering, well-muscled, broad-shouldered frame man with long limbs wearing a black leather suit and a mask covering all parts of his body. This man also had a pair of black wings on his back and a flame on his back.

"Huh?" Even if you want to persuade me to surrender, you should at least bring a decent guy. You guys sure look down on me if you think a bird brain like you can intimidate me! "

Bel then threw out more than ten throwing knives straight at the man in the air.

Seeing Bel's reaction, the man shook his head regretfully as he drew the long sword on his waist. "It is precisely because I do not underestimate you, Prince the Ripper, that the Governor-General specifically ordered me. As for you... It is a pity that you made the wrong choice. Since that is the case, you'll have to die in the sea today!"