War with Big Mom Part 1

Giotto's expression remained unchanged as he looked at the panel.

Since the Unlocking Rate reached over 40%, it got harder to raise it.

Even after completing several missions at once, the Unlocking Rate only reached 46%. If he wanted to raise the Unlocking Rate drastically, he would have to get an Arcobaleno or a Guardian.

The remaining Guardian was only Demon Spade, the Mist Guardian, and G, the Storm Guardian, while the missing Arcobaleno was only the Sky one.

But speaking of which, there were three generations of Sky Arcobaleno, and he did not know which Sky Arcobaleno would join him.

Seeing that he would reach 50% Unlocking Rate soon, Giotto was also looking forward to the next Family template. He did not know whether it would be Simon Family or the Millefiore Family.

In any case, it was fine as long as it wasn't some small-time Family, such as Dino's Cavallone Family, Lambo's Bovino Family, or Lancia's small Family

Of course, these small-time Families also had their own unique characteristics. For example, Bovino Family's Ten-Year Bazooka was a masterpiece!

"Xanxus, I'll leave this big guy to you. I don't want to see him ever again."

Giotto said as he pointed at Kaido, who was already encased in ice, and then added, "External Advisors will handle the rest. We can turn this place into External Advisors' base. Ugetsu, we should go back now. I hope that we're not too late if we use my ship."

Right now, he was worried about Secon Island which was facing the attack of the Big Mom!

"Don't worry, Kaido and the Three All-Stars have been killed. The rest of the trash can not do anything. We don't even need to do anything. Issho and the rest of our men can deal with them just fine."

Xanxus looked at Kaido, who was completely frozen by Zero Point Breakthrough. He looked at him as if saying, "How was it? Now you finally have a taste of what I went through!"

Giotto didn't know what Xanxus was thinking right now. He just glanced at Kaido for a moment and then left with Ugetsu Asari. Now they had to hurry back to Secon Island.


Meanwhile, a deafening sound resounded throughout Secon Island. Knuckle punched Big Mom in the abdomen. However, the Iron Balloon was only pushed back a little.

"Ma-ma-ma-ma! That's pretty good, but you seem to to hold back, why?"

Even after taking Knuckle's powerful punch, Big Mom revealed a smile, "Are you worried that you will damage this island? But if you are, you won't be able to defeat me, Knuckle!

Knuckle indeed deliberately held back just now. He did not want Secon Island to turn into smithereens after this battle, yet he was well aware that it was impossible to defeat the iron balloon in front of him if he held back, and if this went on, he'd eventually lose.

To make things worse, he also noticed that Reborn, who was battling Katakuri and Cracker, was now at a disadvantage. His baby body was too much of a restriction on Reborn. Even after mastering Color of Arms Haki and Color of Observation Haki, his Arcobaleno Curse still proved too much to handle.

Meanwhile, the injured Enel and Belphegor had to deal with the remaining Big Mom Pirates' crews and prevent them from entering the town behind them.

However, Belphegor and Enel could not hold on for long in their current state. If this went on, defeat would be a matter of time!

"You are right. I do not want to cause too much damage to Secon Island. However, it seems I can't keep holding back. "

Knuckle took a deep breath, and then Sun Flame immediately shrouded his whole body. He then used Color of Arms Haki's Hardening on his fists, and his powerful aura set off gusts of wind.

"In that case, separating the battlefield from Secon Island seems to be my best choice now."

"Separate the battlefield?"

Big Mom frowned slightly. She did not understand what Knuckle meant. Now that they were all on Secon Island, what could he do to separate the battlefield?

"Ultimate Radiant Fist!"

It was at this moment that Knuckle threw a punch with all his might. However, his target was not Big Mom, but the ground behind him!


As Knuckle's fist smashed the ground, the Sun Flame instantly transformed into a destructive beam that was blasted from Knuckle's fist. It directly pierced through the entire island and traveled in an eliptic trajectory.

The cracks began to appear one after another!


The sound of destroyed rocks resounded. As Knuckle said, he had separated the battlefield from Secon Island!

This terrifying punch instantly pierced through Secon Island, completely separating a portion of the land on the pier from Secon Island. This portion of land they were standing at was even pushed away from Second Island.

This scene left everyone in the surroundings dumbfounded. Just how powerful was Knuckle for being able to split this area and island apart with a single punch! It didn't just require power, exquisite control was also necessary.

"Phew... This way, I can fight you with my full strength. It doesn't matter even if the ground beneath my feet is destroyed!"

Knuckle took a deep breath, and his gaze locked onto Big Mom once again. "Come, I'll show you how my ultimate fist break through your defense!"

His aura spiked once again, and it was several times stronger than before. With the Activation characteristic of the Sun Flame, his joints and muscles were strengthened significantly.

However, the user ought to possess a strong enough physique to withstand an enhancement to that extent. Only Knuckle was able to utilize the Sun Flame to such an extent!

"Ma-ma-ma-ma! What a good idea. However, do you think that you can protect Secon Island behind you just with this? Zeus!"

Big Mom sneered. Zeus the Thundercloud suddenly covered the sky above Secon Island. Lightning flowed around it. If this lightning struck down, then Secon Island would definitely take massive damage!