Big Mom Was Defeated

"I don't have my Ring or Shield. I thought I would die this time!"

Lampow panted heavily as he laid around the debris. He had indeed blocked the massive slash wave, but he could not completely block it. After all, the surroundings had turned into ruins.

However, Secon Island did not take much damage. The attack that was strong enough to destroy the whole island only destroyed dozens of buildings.

"Save Mama and retreat immediately!"

Seeing his Mama falling into the sea, Katakuri, as the second in command, immediately issued an order. He picked up Cracker's body and quickly left. Streussen, on the side, was shocked. It was the first time he had seen Linlin lose this badly for decades.

Unfortunately, he was too old now. He couldn't fully display his strength. That was why he was stalled by the boy with the throwing knives.

The Guardians of the Vongola Family were stronger than everyone thought, even though the recently appeared Lightning Guardian seemed much weaker than the rest.

Streussen was just worried that Vongola Family would retaliate against their Totto Land after this.

He hoped that Kaido could wear down Vongola Family's executives as many as possible. Otherwise, their Totto Land would not have a good life in the future. Although in his opinion Vongola would not launch a large-scale attack after this matter, There would definitely be friction between them. Totto Land's territory was not far from Vongola Family's territory, after all.

Fortunately, at this time, Streussen did not know that Kaido was encased in ice and the three All-Stars had already been killed. Otherwise, his old bones would give up at this point.

Seeing that Big Mom Pirates began to retreat, Knuckle was relieved. He didn't chase them and just watched them quickly retreat. Once he saw no one else in the vicinity, the flames on his body disappeared instantly. At the same time, he was lying flat on the ground.

This left him exhausted. On top of pushing his Sun Flame to the limit, he fought for a long time. In order to break the defense of the fat woman, he used up all his strength.

He punched with all his might, but he knew that it could only injure Big Mom. That old hag sure was tough.

"This is why I didn't want to fight in the first place. I look so miserable, but I can't even get rid of their. How pitiful.

Lampow was lying in the middle of the debris. He was severely injured, and the wound on his chest was so big. He was relieved that he survived without being split in half by the massive slash wave.

However, when he thought of this, he couldn't help but say, "It's all Primo's fault. I wouldn't have been injured had he given me my ring or shield."

The Lightning Guardian was indeed a lightning rod that would draw away the damage from the Family. Moreover, the characteristic of the lightning attribute Dying Will Flame was hardening, but!

Can't you give better equipment first? No matter how high your level was, if you entered the dungeon to kill the boss without any equipment, you would only die!

Of course, he only whined in his heart. When Giotto came back, he would not say anything.

"At least the situation is not so bad. Aside from the result in other islands, Big Mom Pirates had lost more than half of their strength. Moreover, we've killed some of the Charlotte Family, such as Cracker and Oven. Even Big Mom herself fell into the sea. Although I don't think she will die so easily, she must be seriously injured."

At this time, Reborn stood next to Lampow and said slowly, "Most importantly, if the damage Secon Island sustained is still within a tolerable level, the situation on the other islands should be better. In short, it's our victory. Moreover, our casualty is no more than twenty, and they're all low-level members, and the executives are merely injured."

Not long ago, the report from other islands also came in. Lussuria and Fran had pushed the enemy back. As for Skull...

He became a punching bag. Half of the casualties were caused by him, but fortunately, there was no major problem.

On Fon's side, the result of the battle was the most obvious. Not only did he force the Big Mom Pirates to retreat, but he also killed Oven, who had been provoking him all the time. Daifuku also fled with serious injuries. Those who had seen Fon's attack would not dare to underestimate this baby.

"It has nothing to do with me. Little brat, if you don't hurry up and find me a doctor, the number of casualties will increase!"

Lampow looked at Reborn and sighed.

He was heavily injured, and Reborn was still standing next to him, explaining the situation of the battle

Although this injury was not enough to kill him, he should at least stop the bleeding, right?

With his small physique, if he lost too much blood, he would die!

"Don't worry, Robin is on her way with the Secon Island doctor. You're this severely injured just after taking a slash wave? And you're supposed to be a Lightning Guardian? I suggest you participate in my training in the future. I can quickly improve your ability and make you really worthy of Lightning Guardian's name."

Reborn's words were completely intentional. He was well aware it wasn't that Lampow wasn't strong enough. He knew that he couldn't exert his full power because he didn't have Vongola Ring and a high-quality shield.

In fact, Lampow was more than strong enough for being able to block Big Mom's attack with only a biscuit as a shield!

However, in this world, Lampow indeed has a lot of shortcomings. Among the current Vongola Family Guardians, he was undoubtedly the weakest one, and the reason is very simple...

It was Haki!