Steel Bone Resignation

"Five Elders-sama!"

Everyone greeted the dreadlock Five Elder as he slowly walked toward them, including Kong, Sengoku, and Jenuo.

After all, this person was their superior, one of the people who held the highest authority in the World Government. Moreover, judging from the strength he displayed just now, he might be even stronger than them.

After all, none of them had seen Five Elders use their full strength. That powerful attack just now seemed like a normal attack for him.

"Kong, I'm very disappointed with Marine's response this time, especially you. As a Fleet Admiral who will likely become World Government's Commander-in-Chief in the future, you actually failed to defeat the leader of a mafia family! Moreover, you have an Admiral with you. I sure hope that you will explain this later. Otherwise, the World Government will cut down Marine's military expenses. We have no intention to feed freeloaders."

At this moment, the dreadlock Five Elder had a serious expression on his face. He clearly seemed furious, judging from his tone. "And you should be one of CP0's commanders, but hadn't it been for me, the outcome of the battle between you and that traitor would have been uncertain. It was simply a humiliation!"

Neither Kong nor Jenuo refuted because what the dreadlock Five Elders said was the truth. They could not say that the opponent was too strong, as Five Elders did not like to hear those excuses.

"Five Elder-sama, I'll resign from my post to take responsibility. The reason why it all came to this was because of my mistake in decision-making." Kong did as he had thought before and planned to take all the responsibilities upon himself. He would also be relieved of Fleet Admiral's position in no time. He was promoted in the original plot, but that wasn't necessarily the case now.

"Regarding that thing we have already discussed, you can inform me once you've made your decision. As for your decision to resign from your post, I feel that we still need more time to think about it." The dreadlock Five Elder answered right away. He did not intend to meddle too much in Marines' business. They were content as long as they could ensure that this organization belonged to the World Government, and they had the final say.

"Thank you, Five Elder-sama!"

At this moment, Kong was slightly relieved. As long as Marine was not affected, the part involving him did not seem to be that important.

"Don't worry, the Marines still had a lot of things to do. Those escaped slaves can not be let go! There's also that Fishman who dared to break into Mary Geoise, I think you should know what to do."

The Five Elder did not mention Vongola Family at this time. In fact, he was well aware that Vongola Family, which was far away in the New World, was not easy to deal with. Although he believed his attack just now was enough to take Vongola Primo's life, Vongola Family was not such a puny force that the Marines could easily destroy even without their leader.

The Guardians, as well as the independent assassination unit of Vongola Family, Varia, were all powerful.

Moreover, there were many pirates in the New World. Even if the Marines went on an expedition, there would definitely be no good results. It was better to just wait for Vongola Family to make a mistake!

After the leader was gone, there would be a fight over power, which was a common way for a powerful force to fall apart. He had seen too many things like this, so in his opinion, Vongola Family would eventually be one of them.

At the same time, the Vongola Family's warship had already begun to sail toward Fish-Man Island. They had already finished coating their ship, so they did not need to return to Sabaody Archipelago.

The Family executives gathered in Giotto's room. The rescued slaves were on the other two warships, and they would be returned to their hometowns one by one.

"How is Alaudi?"

Giotto had just woken up, and the first thing he asked was Alaudi. After all, before he was pierced by the spear, he saw that half of Alaudi's body was covered by cold air.

He did not have to worry about his current situation at all. After comprehending the pinnacle of Wave Energy, his injuries had almost fully recovered in a short time. However, he was not sure if this was the system helping him or if comprehending the pinnacle of Wave Energy itself had such an effect.

"Don't worry. His calf is just frozen, so he suffered a certain degree of necrosis. Lussuria has used Sun Flame to treat his injuries. Once we arrive at the base, Knuckle can fully treat Alaudi's injuries."

Aria explained as he added, "Now, I feel that we need to monitor about the World Government's movements. After all, you have caused too much trouble this time."

Setting Mary Geoise on fire, freeing the slaves, fighting Kong and the others there, killing the higher-ups of the CP0, and finally forcing one of the Five Elders to make a move. Giotto indeed went too far this time.

However, at this moment, Giotto shook his head and said, "We don't need to worry too much about the World Government. Those Five Elders won't make a move just because of this. All they care about is the balance between Marines, pirates, and other forces, which will help World Government's growth. Moreover, our base is in the New World. It won't be so easy to lay a hand on us even if they want to."

"The one who is truly in danger is Tiger. The World Government should be going after him. The World Government will pin all the blame on him, and by arresting or executing him, they can wash away their failure and Mary Geoise will be considered a holy and sacred place once again. This is much easier than attacking us."

Hearing this analysis, Aria also nodded. There was indeed a high chance that World Government would do so. Just as Giotto said, Tiger was a much easier target compared to Vongola Family.

"Then do we need to help him?" Aria asked.

"It's no use. Considering his personality, he will definitely send the slaves back to their hometown one by one. In the process, the Marine and the World Government will definitely take action. All we can do is ensure his safety in the New World, but after he leaves the new world..."

Giotto then sighed, "It's gonna be hard to protect him!"