The Clown's Temptation

"Alright, I understand. I won't tell Reborn about this matter. If I do, you will not be able to stay as the Captain of the royal army."

Giotto nodded and agreed to Kyros' request. He would not report such a trivial matter. Moreover, if Reborn were to find out about this matter, Kyros would definitely be brought back to Secon Island to undergo Reborn's hellish training, even against his will.

Kyros was more than strong enough. The reason why he was caught by the Dwarves was most likely because he was ambushed. In addition, he had to look after Scarlett.

"But that aside, what are you doing here in Green Bit?" Giotto was confused. Kyros and Scarlett should be in Dressrosa. Why did they come here?

Hearing this, it was as if Kyros suddenly remembered something and immediately replied, "Our patrol team found your ship and then informed me. Then, Princess Scarlett said that she wanted to come with me to see for herself. We met a group of pirates on the way here, and I planned to deal with them before seeing you. It turns out..." 

Kyros did not continue. He was probably a little embarrassed that the Dwarves managed to ambush him. After going through Reborn's hellish training, he had grown pretty strong. Moreover, he had awakened the Sun Flame and had Dying Will Ring that Verde developed, so he should be able to deal with a Vice-Admiral. Who knew that he would fail in an easy task and be captured by the Dwarves?

Hearing Kyros' story, Aria squinted. Her eyes were soon focused on Princess Scarlett. She looked at the Princess and was somewhat at a loss. She wanted to come up and talk to her, but she was somewhat shy. It would be strange if she didn't understand her feeling.

Moreover, she had the ability to see through other people's inner thoughts and emotions, but her boss didn't seem to be aware of this Princess's feelings.

"Wait a minute, did you say that there are pirates in Green Bit? Do you know who they are?" Giotto frowned and immediately asked.

"I'm not sure. I've never seen that Jolly Roger, but those guys don't look like good people. They went straight to Green Bit without stopping by Dressrosa. I think there is a high chance that they're up to something. They must be quite skilled if they could get through the Fighting Fish around this island."

As the Captain of the royal army in Dressrosa, he was responsible for ensuring Dressrosa's safety. He ought to find out what those pirates were up to.

"Then let's find them!"

Then, Giotto looked at Princess Mansherry and said with a smile, "Mansherry, please treat my friend if we meet again."

After saying this, Giotto and Kyros were ready to find the pirates who came to Green Bit. Scarlett silently followed them. She would look at Giotto's back but then immediately look away.

"Hero Vongola and others are going to deal with the bad humans. We'll come with you in case something unexpected happens!"

At this time, one of the Dwarves said that he'd come along. The other Dwarves also followed behind Giotto and others without hesitation. 

"On the southeast coast, I can sense many people there. They should be the pirates that Kyros mentioned."

Aria's Color of Observation Haki instantly pinpointed the location of the pirates.

Her Color of Observation Haki was quite powerful. She could completely cover an island like Green Bit at ease. No one would be able to hide from her Color of Observation Haki unless they had some special means to conceal their presence!

Kyros was stunned. Although he had heard about Aria through the information that the Family sent regularly, this was the first time he had seen Aria in person. Aria had a certain air about her that distinguished her from others, and Kyros certainly didn't expect that her Color of Observation was this good.

In comparison, it seemed like his Princess was inferior to Aria!

"First of all, what do you think the Young Master wants us to investigate?" Other than the Captain of the Royal Army, Kyros, no one else is worth mentioning here in Dressrosa. Even we can deal with the royal army on our own."

A pirate with a scar laughed as he sat on the ground.

Giotto and the others could hear him. Giotto could more or less narrow down who they were just from these words. There might be more than one person who was addressed as Young Master in this world, but the only one who was interested in Dressrosa was Doflamingo, who was still in the North Blue.

He didn't expect that Joker had already started his plan to enter the New World, and Dressrosa was his target.

However, this bothered Giotto a little because he thought that Doflamingo would give up on Dressrosa. After all, it was no secret that the Captain of Dressrosa's Royal Army was a member of the Vongola Family, meaning that this country had the Vongola Family's backing.

Would Doflamingo still take the risk of taking over Dressrosa?

Wasn't he worried that he would incur Vongola Family's wrath?

Or did he do this to find out the Vongola Family's response?

Regardless of his intention, Giotto didn't really care because the Donquixote Family's strength was nowhere close to them. Crafty tricks alone couldn't make up the gap between them.

"There's no need to think too much about it. These guys are definitely enemies. Since their target is Dressrosa, I'll leave it to you, Kyros!"