Familyr's Flagship

Right when Giotto and the others left Sabaody Archipelago, the World Government also released the news that Sir Crocodile, Dracule "Hawkeye" Mihawk, and Gecko Moria were appointed as the Seven Warlords of the Sea. As pirates that the World Government labeled as legal, they had the right to plunder. This news instantly caused a great uproar in the world.

Many people didn't understand why the World Government had to recruit these pirates and give them the right to plunder. This meant that the civilians were powerless if the Seven Warlords of the Sea were to rob them, and the Marines couldn't intervene!

In addition, the safety of the Seven Warlords of the Sea's men was guaranteed. In other words, even if they had committed crimes in the past, they would be pardoned.

Because of this, many pirates wanted to become the Seven Warlords of the Sea. If they couldn't, they would become the subordinates of the Seven Warlords of the Sea instead so that the crimes they committed before would be justified.

Because of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system, the Marines' justice was questionable in the eyes of some people!

The only thing that was worth celebrating was there were only three Seven Warlords of the Sea now. Among these three, although Mihawk was a pirate, he was a great swordsman who pursued the pinnacle of swordsmanship, and he wouldn't rob the civilians. So what they needed to worry about was only Crocodile and Gecko Moria.

And these two were still in the first half of the Grand Line, so at least the Four Seas Sea wouldn't be affected.

"Establishing Seven Warlords system to use pirates against pirates? But do these so-called Seven Warlords really have what it takes to deter other pirates?" Aria murmured as she looked at the newspaper, "Hawkeye is one thing as he can stand his own against Ugetsu Asari, but what about the other two?"

If Moya and Crocodile heard this, they would snap for sure, as they were quite well-known pirates!

"They were very powerful in their own right. Moya fought Kaido at Wano Country, and even though he was defeated, it was undeniable that he and his men were strong. After that battle, his confidence was crushed along with his crew. Then this guy went into hiding and planned his scheme." Giotto explained to Aria.

He then continued, "Crocodile is more or less the same. He once fought Douglas Bullet, and although I don't know the outcome of their battle, it is enough to prove his strength. After that, it was rumored that he challenged Whitebeard and failed, and then he began to search for ancient weapons to obtain military strength."

"In other words, the former lost his determination, and the latter relied on the external force? Which part of them is powerful if they are discouraged after just one failure." Aria threw the newspaper in her hand into the sea. Regardless of whether Moria and Crocodile were powerful or not, she sure couldn't bring herself to like the people who were discouraged just after one failure.

In comparison to Vongola Family, the timid and spoiled Lampow can take the lead in the face of danger. Knuckle could crush the problem that the Family faced with his body. When Ugetsu Asari knew that Giotto encountered a problem, he did not hesitate to sell his instruments to in exchange for his Four Irregular Swords and crossed the world to help him...

And although Xanxus was angry after receiving the wound from Vongola Nono's Zero Point Breakthrough, he wasn't discouraged.

In any case, none of them was discouraged when faced with danger and failure. They would do their best even at the last moment of their lives!

"Anyway, except for Hawkeye, the other two are not really a problem. Our next destination is Water 7, right? This time, we can ask Master Tom to build a flagship for the Family. Although we are not pirates, a flagship is equal to a symbol."

It was decided after a discussion with the Family members. Originally, it should be Shoichi Irie who came to talk to Master Tom, but it just so happened that Giotto and Aria were going to stay in Water 7 anyway, so he simply left this to his Boss.

Moreover, Giotto was also acquainted with Master Tom.

The reason why he wanted Master Tom to build the flagship was partly due to him being the most skilled shipwright in the world.

Well, part of it was also because Verde and the others were not interested in building a ship, but they didn't mind adding some weapons and optical camouflage tech to the flagship once it was done.

Besides, asking Verde and the others to build the flagship would cost too much money because Spanner planned to make an aircraft carrier and put dozens of Moska on the flagship, then Giannini planned to make weapon storage and put all kinds of weapons like bombs, torpedoes, even missiles and rockets there. It got worse, as Verde wanted to sci-fi-like stuff on the flagship, such as optical camouflage systems, electromagnetic radiation systems, and other high-tech gadgets. After Giotto rejected their ideas, these three immediately lost interest in making the flagship. 

Then, Shoichi Irie suggested that they should find the world's best shipwright to build it. Once the Family's financial situation got much better, maybe building an aircraft carrier wasn't so bad?

Looking back, if Verde and the others really made an aircraft carrier, it would be quite badass, especially when dozens of Moska that Spanner mentioned were dispatched. That would be quite a cool scene.

Giotto felt that the flagship that those three worked together to build was likely more powerful than the legendary ancient weapon - Pluton. Unfortunately, they had no money now, so they could only ask Master Tom to build a normal flagship, even though this was somewhat impolite.

But there was no other way as he was poor.