Aqua Laguna

Torrential rain fell on the whole Water 7. All the residents began to evacuate to the upper levels with their necessities to avoid the upcoming natural disaster. The water level of the city was also constantly rising as if it was going to completely submerge the city. Seeing such a scene, Giotto also understood why Master Tom wanted to build a Sea Train to save this city.

If he did not create the Sea Train, then in a few years, this Water Capital and the best shipwrights in the world would have become a thing of the past.

Under this dark sky, there stood two figures. It was Giotto, who sat on top of a building with the Sky Qilin that was covered with Sky Flame. It was quietly lying beside him. Its eyes were staring into the distance as if it was waiting for something to come.

Many passers-by advised Giotto to evacuate quickly because Aqua Laguna would come soon. What would they say if they knew that Giotto was staying behind to stop that natural disaster?


After letting out a long sigh, Giotto said solemnly. "Aqua Laguna. I've never thought about stopping something of this caliber."


Yan gently roared as if cheering for his master.

At the same time, in another part of Water 7, Master Tom brought Aria and Kuina to look at the particularly striking figure with orange Sky Flame that dyed the sky.

"Master Tom, you must have made this request on purpose, right?" You will build a big ship for him regardless of whether he can do it or not, won't you?" Aria gently smiled as he looked at Master Tom, who had been staring at the orange flame all the time.

She had seen through Master Tom's thoughts from the beginning, and she believed that Giotto must've already realized this, too, but he still agreed and tried his best to stop Aqua Laguna.

"Oh? You saw through me so easily. It seems that I am a bad liar."

Master Tom was stunned for a moment and then burst into laughter. He then looked in Giotto's direction with a hint of nostalgic look: "Giotto is different from Roger. Roger always smiles no matter what difficulties he faces, as if all of them are nothing to him. I want to see how Giotto fares against Roger in this era." Master Tom laughed after finishing his words.

Aria also smiled. However, Kuina was probably too young, so she did not understand what this old man was thinking.

Suddenly, Giotto stood up. He looked at the Aqua Laguna that had finally revealed itself. The Dying Will Flame on his body was also burning even more fiercely. He knew very well that he could not afford to let his guard down for even a second!

The massive tide rushed straight at Water 7 as if it wanted to drown everything!

"Yan, Form Change!"

Giotto said calmly. Then, Sky Qilin instantly changed and turned into a mechanical cannon, which was covered with scarlet lines. These lines contained the power of the Storm Flame. In other words, its blast contained the Disintegration characteristic of Storm Flame.

The combination of Sky and Storm... Gungnir!

Gungnir was a divine artifact used by the Norse God Odin. It was a divine spear that would hit its target and pierced through its target no matter what. This Form represented an attack that could destroy anything, as Storm Flame was the most aggressive type of Dying Will Flame!

Giotto was very clear that it was not so easy to stop Aqua Laguna, so he immediately used the strongest from the get-go! Even though he knew he wouldn't be able to completely repel the Aqua Laguna, blasting away the tide that would hit Water 7 should be enough.

"To be honest, I was quite surprised to see this Form Change myself, but it's a good time to test its power!" As he said this, Giotto placed his hands on the mechanical cannon in front of him. Then, he channeled his Dying Will Flame into the cannon, and the orange-reddish flames began to converge on the muzzle bit by bit.

The astonishing power contained in the cannon kept building up, and Giotto's Dying Will Flame grew weaker. "No way, just how much Dying Will Flame does this cannon need? At this rate, one blast is my limit!

He had never thought of this himself. After all, he had never used this Form Change before. Even Giotto's big moves like Sky Flare and X-Burner would not drain all his Dying Will Flame in one go. However, the amount of Dying Will Flame used reflected the strength of the attack. In other words, the power of Gungnir's attack would far surpass Sky Flare and X-Burner!

"Since that's the case, then let's see what kind of power this Gungnir packs!"

Looking at the massive tide in front of him, he and the city seemed so small. It was like an apocalyptic scene, but he stood there, trying to crush this massive tide!


The red lines on Gungnir shone with dazzling light. This meant that it was charged with enough Dying Will Flame and could attack at any time!

"Blown into pieces, Aqua Laguna! Dying Blast, Gungnir!"