A Storm-like Attack

"Killing a Division Captain should be somewhat acceptable, right? It's mostly because that old man Whitebeard is too strong. He blocked half of my shot by himself. And that guy Marco actually used his body to block my shot. However, will you be able to block the next attack?"

The corners of Colonello's mouth rose slightly, revealing a meaningful smile. Then, he pulled the trigger again.

A blue beam of light shot out from the sniper rifle's muzzle. After this shot, Colonello turned back into a baby, complete with his pacifier. He had lost all his strength and couldn't even lift a finger. The last ounce of his strength had been put into the attack just now!

The two rookies immediately came over at this moment. They were in charge of retrieving Colonello and his sniper rifle.

At this time, they realized that their "mission" was only to bring back Colonello and his sniper rifle.

The Whitebeard Pirates were furious as Blenheim was killed from this distance. At this moment, they had completely forgotten that Fran had already reminded them that they had entered Colonello's sniping range. Right now, the only thing on their mind was crushing the Vongola Family!

Squard being killed by Varia's Lightning Guardian had already made them extremely angry. Now, they could only watch as Blenheim was killed from a distance. This infuriated them, and they wanted to slaughter all the members of the Vongola Family to ease the souls of their family in heaven!

Marco was the only one who was worried. He felt that Vongola Family's strength had exceeded his expectation. If they attacked Wano Country as planned, it might cause even more casualties for Whitebeard Pirates.

However, he couldn't possibly say this to his Pops. Knowing his pops, there was no way he'd give up on fighting Vongola Family. Moreover, in this situation, they were not just going to Wano Country to deal with Levi and avenge Squard, but the entire powerful Vongola Family.

They hadn't even met them in person, and they had already lost a Division Captain. It was safe to say that the current Vongola Family was stronger than them. If they really went up against the powerful Vongola Family, in Marco's opinion, their only chance of winning was their pops.

Although he did believe that the Vongola Family was stronger than them, he could say one thing for sure...

That was, their pops, Whitebeard, was still the strongest man in the world!

Even Vongola Primo, or Alaudi, who was known as the strongest Guardian, was definitely no match against his pops. This was the thing that Marco believed in.

"Vongola brat..."

At this moment, Whitebeard's face was grim. Even he did not expect to go to war with the Vongola Family.

"Pops! That attack is coming again!"

Because Marco was in the air, he could see more clearly than the others. The azure light beam that pierced through the sky once again appeared in his field of vision. "This time, it feels a bit different. Everyone, be careful!"

Just as he shouted, the light beam that pierced through the sky directly exploded in the sky. The extremely powerful attack fell like a rainstorm, bombarding all of Whitebeard Pirates and the allied pirates under his command.

Who would have thought that the enemy would turn their entire fleet into a sniping target from such a distance?

And according to the envoy's words earlier, only one person was responsible for this, a guy named Colonello!

Marco had heard about him before, but according to the intel, Colonello was only responsible for training Vongola Family's rookies. He also heard that Colonello was called Arcobaleno.

Compared to his fellow Arcobaleno like Reborn, Fon, and Mammon, Colonello was unheard of for the most part. Who would have thought that some unknown instructor would be capable of sniping from this absurdly far distance?

"Attention, get out of the enemy's attack range as fast as possible. It doesn't matter even if you split up, we'll rendezvous again in Wano Country! The Division Captains and I will block these attacks for you!"

Whitebeard made a decision in an instant. They didn't know how long the opponent could keep this up. They were left with two choices. Either get out from the enemy's attack range or headed to Wano Country as fast as they could and started the decisive battle with the Vongola Family!

If it were just Squard, Whitebeard might consider retreating to ensure the safety of his men. But now that even Blenheim was killed by the Vongola Family, he couldn't retreat no matter what!

Still, it was not easy to get out of the Rain Flame's bombardment. It covered too much area that Even Whitebeard and his Division Captains could not block all of them.

Although many of Whitebeard's allies were famous pirates in the New World, it was not easy to block Colonello's attack with their strength. Even after the light beam was split into countless rays of light, making their power far weaker before it was split, it was not something that pirates like them could block!

Whitebeard Pirates were destined to suffer heavy losses the moment they took this attack!

"Are you ready?" Inside Wano Country, Xanxus slowly said.

"Don't worry, Reborn and the others are coming soon. This time, we're not just going to keep Whitebeard at bay. If possible, we may be able to eliminate the strongest Pirate of the New World forever!"

Squalo grinned, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

Those who challenge the Vongola Family and Varia must pay the price!