Whitebeard Pirates Arrives

Wano Country.

More than 20 pirate ships were approaching, and there was no doubt that they belonged to Whitebeard Pirates, and the one leading them was naturally Whitebeard Pirates' flagship, Moby Dick!

However, they didn't seem to be in good shape. Moreover, the number of big ships was reduced by a third. Although the number of casualties was not that high, it was unknown how many pirate ships were destroyed by Colonello's last shot and how many people lost their lives. The strongest Pirate crew was already reduced to this state before even reaching Wano Country. That just went to prove how strong Vongola Family was.

But every crew of Whitebeard Pirates was seething with anger now!

Varia and the rest of the Vongola Family's members were also ready to fight. After all, they were going to fight the strongest pirate crew.

Even if the opponent suffered quite a lot of loss because of Colonello, they were powerful combatants nonetheless!

"So that's Whitebeard Pirates? If they managed to withstand Colonello's attack, they should be a worthy opponent!" Squalo suddenly became excited as he longed for a good fight!

He was also a battle maniac, so it was not strange for him to have such a reaction.

"ushishishi! It seems that I can enjoy a killing spree for once. This number should do."

"Bel-senpai, do you realize what kind of face you're making now?"

As usual, Fran would make fun of Bel.

"Hmph, Colonello's sniping and Fon's martial arts can't do much in such a large-scale war, but illusions are different. No matter how many people there are, I can deal with them !"

Mammon usually wouldn't speak like this. It was all because Fon was beside him. He deliberately belittled Fon, and Fon barely reacted to it, which annoyed him very much.

"Mammon! Are you saying that illusions are stronger than martial arts? I have to disagree with that. A truly strong person can be distinguished through martial arts. Your illusions can't deal with that kind of enemy. For example, Whitebeard. His mental strength can definitely resist your illusions."

Fon usually wouldn't care about most stuff, but some things were an exception. Moreover, Fon himself believed that martial arts were much more powerful than illusions.

"Since that's the case, why don't we settle it with this war? Let's see which one is better between Fon's martial arts Mammon's illusions." Reborn also knew that they didn't get along with each other, but now was not the time to bicker. If there was any disagreement, it would be better to settle it in battle.

"Whitebeard Pirates, huh? What a hassle. That old man's body is very strong. He is simply a monster. Can I just lie around and watch as you guys fight?"

Although Lampow's tone was still lazy at this time, his expression was rarely serious. "That old man is probably even more powerful than Alaudi!"

The Cloud Guardian Alaudi was Vongola Family's strongest Guardian. He had killed a CP0 agent named Al in an instant and also fought one of CP0's higher-ups named Jenuo to a stalemate in Mary Geoise. Hadn't it been for saving Giotto, he could have even escaped unscathed.

Even Lampow said that Whitebeard's strength is likely to be on par with Alaudi, if not stronger. 

"As strong as the Cloud Guardian, huh?"

Reborn smiled and then said something that sent chills down everyone's spine, "If that's the case, I wonder if I can defeat that old man within fifteen minutes!"

The corner of Skull's mouth twitched. They discussed how strong Whitebeard was for one second and then wondered if he could defeat him in fifteen minutes right after.

Judging from what Reborn said, was he trying to say that he was stronger than Alaudi?

However, nothing could be concluded before the fight began. None of them could determine how strong Whitebeard truly was.

"Vongola Family and Varia, prepare to die, brats!"

At this time, Whitebeard had already stepped foot onto Wano Country. After looking at Vongola Family, he then said, "I am furious right now!"

He was indeed furious. After all, many of his beloved family members had already died at the hands of the Vongola Family.

He no longer cared about what caused this. All he cared about was avenging his sons!

"Whitebeard, you're not the only one who is angry!"

At this time, Reborn stepped forward and said, "We have been holding it in for a long time. Although Vongola Family's will is to protect, if someone threatens us, we will never hold back. Since you are already standing on our territory, I take it you're ready, right, Whitebeard?"

"Gu ra ra ra ra ra... Ready for what, little baby?" Whitebeard laughed as his gaze landed on Reborn.

At this moment, the smell of gunpowder in the air pierced through the nostrils. Both sides were already prepared for an all-out war. Moreover, this war was bound to change the situation in the New World... or even the entire sea.

At this moment, Reborn chuckled and spoke again.

"Are you ready to step down from your seat as the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard?"