Vongola Family vs Whitebeard Pirates 5

You would suffer internal damage if you were afraid of your enemies?

Jozu wanted to curse now. He finally understood why Mammon said that his diamond defense was useless. This kind of technique was indeed impossible to guard against.

Moreover, the rule Mammon set was also very difficult to avoid!

Unless one's strength far surpassed their opponent's, it was very difficult not to fear the enemy at all. After all, fearing the enemy did not mean defeat. Fear would make people more cautious in battle, which was a good thing. But now, he had to force himself to erase his fear of Mammon. But the more he thought about it, the more fear he felt.

"I just have to knock down this guy before I can no longer move!"

Such an idea suddenly emerged in Jozu's mind. He felt that it was feasible. Since he could not avoid being afraid of Mammon, then he should just settle this before his injuries got worse. That way, this rule would naturally disappear, too!

"Seeing your eyes, I know you plan to defeat me before you suffer too many injuries, right? I have to say that this is a very good idea. For someone like you, it is also the best choice. However, do you really think you have what it takes to defeat me?"

Mammon's tone was calm as if he had completely grasped the victory in his hands. "Don't underestimate my illusion technique. Although the one I used just now involved me setting a rule on your brain, I can manipulate your body if I want to!"

Suddenly, Jozu felt his body stiffen. He couldn't even move.

Was this guy that strong that he could manipulate both my mind and body?

"Now, you can die! Don't even think of using your willpower to break my Ouroboros. In this world, there are indeed some people who can do this, but you're not one of them!"

As Mammon yelled, countless eel-like creatures quickly bound Jozu. Then, these eel-like creatures continuously tightened as if they were going to strangle him.

However, at this moment, Jozu's tremendous strength suddenly exploded, breaking the eel-like creatures that bound him. Then, he charged toward Mammon as fast as he could.

"Perhaps your illusion can manipulate my body and spirit, but you should not have used that weak-ass thing to attack me. Thanks to your weak-ass attack, I have enough confidence to break free from your restraint. I indeed have no means to prevent damage to my internal organs, but other than that, you can forget about destroying my defense.

Jozu regained his confidence at this moment. He finally realized his mistake just now. Why did he use his weakness to fight against the opponent's forte?

He had never been good at willpower or that kind of stuff, but he was confident in his defense!

Since the enemy wanted to use some kind of illusion technique to affect his spirit, he would use this absolute defense to show his opponent what true strength was!

"Your comrade seems to be in a dire. He probably won't survive after Jozu hits him, don't you think?" Marco said as his talon hit Fon's punch.

He knew how strong Jozu's physical strength was, and Mammon didn't seem like the type who could withstand Jozu's attack.

"You should worry about yourself before worrying about others. Moreover, although that guy is not very athletic, his illusion technique is first-rate. It is not so easy to defeat him, even though I firmly believe that Illusions are inferior to martial arts!"

Fon was not worried about Mammon. As a fellow Arcobaleno, he knew how strong Mammon was. His weak body was not enough to become his weakness. After all, touching his body was difficult since he was the best illusionist!

Mammon was just a little careless. He believed that Diamond Jozu would have no chance of touching Mammon's body again!

"Judging from your words, you think that you're stronger than your comrade, right?"

Although Marco kept speaking during the fight, he could not let his guard down at all. The opponent's attacks were too fierce, and each of them was difficult to predict. If he was a little careless, the opponent would easily land a strike.

"Well, of course!"

At this time, Fon suddenly stopped his movements, but the Storm Flame on his body burned even more fiercely, especially on his fists. The Storm Flame quickly concentrated, and the powerful force created shockwaves that spread in all directions.

"It seems that we find something in common. Just like how you think you're stronger than your comrades, as the Captain of the 1st Division, I am also stronger than my brothers!

Marco grinned. What he said was only the truth. Among the Whitebeard Pirates' crew, his strength was second only to his pops.

Especially a few years ago. After Giotto made a name for himself, he also intensified his training, and his strength increased significantly. After all, he didn't want to be overtaken by others in the future.

"Is that so? That's good for you. It's good to have such confidence, but the battle between you and I should end soon. There is no more time to waste here!"

Fon knew very well that he could only remain in this state for fifteen minutes. And now, more than half of the time had passed. If he kept wasting time, let alone challenging that old man Whitebeard, he would not even be able to settle this battle. His opponent was indeed pretty strong, and defeating him in his infantile body would be difficult.

Thus, he planned to directly put an end to this battle!

The Storm Flame was burning like crazy. At this moment, a slight tremor appeared in the surrounding space. Fon's gaze was like a ferocious beast as it locked onto Marco. As he took a deep breath, he shouted, "Exploding Dragon Fire Dance!"