Verde Watches The Avengers


Marco's Fenghuang Seal and Lampow's lightning clashed. An ear-piercing sound echoed at this moment, and shockwaves visible to the naked eye also spread to all directions with them at the center.

The two of them did not stay on the ground for too long. They directly flew into the air. After consuming Rumble-Rumble Fruit, Lampow could also fly!

In the sky, the two figures only remained motionless for a moment before rushing at the same time toward each other and exchanging blows in the air. The confrontation between the two was extremely breathtaking, and from the beginning, Lampow had an absolute advantage. He kept pushing Marco back. If not for Marco's powerful recovery ability, he would have lost to Lampow in no time.

"A resilient cockroach is just annoying. Is this all you got?"

While attacking, Lampow didn't forget to attack Marco's mentality. He said this not to provoke him but because he really thought so in his heart. Seeing that the old man Whitebeard was so powerful, he thought that Marco, who was the Captain of the 1st Division, should also be very strong.

Marco could still stand back up after being knocked down by Fon's Explosive Dragon Fire Dance, and just like what Lampow said, Marco was a resilient cockroach, which was very annoying!

After hearing this, Marco was baffled! He clearly wasn't weak, his opponent was just too strong this time!

His opponent had Rumble-Rumble Fruit's power, plus Vongola Family's only Dying Will Flame! Any trash would gain tremendous strength with that!

"Don't look down on me! Even if I am no match for you, you'll never get past me!"

Marco shouted in desperation. In his opinion, even if he couldn't defeat Lampow, stalling him shouldn't be a problem. After all, he had the Flame of Regeneration. Even though he had consumed a lot of physical strength in the previous fight with Fon, he should be fine as long as he was careful. And keeping Lampow occupied was important for Whitebeard Pirates.

After all, in Wano Country, the only Guardian present was Lampow, and now he was completely sure that Lampow was the strongest combatant on the enemy's side!

"Do you think you can stop me by yourself? And do you really think I can't get past you?"

Lampow's expression instantly became a little strange. "If that's the case, then I'll try to get past you!"

It was also because Marco didn't understand Lampow's personality. Otherwise, he would never have said such words just now. This was because Lampow didn't intend to acknowledge the truth. However, just because of those words, he felt that Marco looked down on him. Therefore, he planned to show Marco his true power as a Lightning Guardian!

This was no different from a child throwing a tantrum, but that was just how Lampow was!

With this thought in mind, he took out a green box from his trouser pocket. Then, he said, "Come out!"

Green lightning illuminated the surrounding as soon as Lampow opened the box. Genbu, which was covered in green lightning, majestically showed itself.

However, this was only the beginning. Lampow was already angry, so he wouldn't simply use this kind of power to deal with Marco!

"Form Change!"

Once these two words came out of Lampow's mouth, Genbu instantly transformed into two streaks of lightning and struck Lampow. Genbu was a combination of a tortoise and a snake, so these two streaks of lightning represented a turtle and a snake respectively.

In an instant, the lightning transformed into a shield and landed on Lampow's left hand. One of the lightning transformed into a hammer and the other transformed into a shield.

Thor's Hammer and Zeus' Aegis!

This was the Box Weapon that Verde had developed for Lampow. It was the Box Weapons that belonged exclusively to Lightning Guardian. The former symbolized unrivaled strength, and the latter symbolized impenetrable defense!

The strongest offense and defense!

However, there was one thing that he needed to ask Verde later. With Lampow's current appearance, didn't he look like Captain America?

Could it be...

Verde also watched The Avengers?

Green lightning flames swirled around the hammer and shield. The aura that Lampow emitted at this moment was so powerful that it was shocking. It was as if he was the real Thunder God!

Fortunately, Enel was not here. Otherwise, when he saw Lampow in this state, his chuunibyou would've run wild!

"This is simply a monster among monsters. I don't think Alaudi is the strongest Guardian. This guy is clearly the strongest one among Vongola Family!"

Marco felt that he had been deceived. Because just looking at Lampow now, he could not help but feel fear in his heart. The lightning around his body emitted a strong pressure. Among all the people present, he believed only his father could defeat this guy in front of him!

However, he was not actually deceived. Alaudi was indeed the strongest Guardian, but now, Lampow was indeed the most terrifying one because he had Vongola Box Weapons that no other Guardians had and the strongest Logia Devil Fruit, Rumble-Rumble Fruit!

"Are you ready?" I said that I would get past you, so I hope you're prepared. Otherwise, there is no point in defeating you. After all, my power is way above yours yours, and now... "

Lampow tilted his head and said directly, "I think no matter how strong your recovery ability is, you can't withstand a blow from me. Come to think of it, there is one thing I am quite curious about. You are called Marco the Phoenix, right? Is it true that you can't die?"

"Thunder Meteor!"