Shoichi Irie's Suggestion

Giotto was actually a little wary of Demon Spade.

In their previous world, Demon Spade was born an aristocrat. However, he despised the depraved aristocrats very much. He believed that the ones who deserved to be the backbone of society were only the highly capable people, and he eventually met a like-minded girl named Elena and fell in love with her.

Sometimes afterward, Elena introduced Demon to Giotto. He joined Vongola Family and became the First Generation Mist Guardian. He upheld justice with Vongola Primo and protected the weak.

At some point, Elena died due to his failed attempt to persuade Vongola Primo not to weaken Vongola Family's military strength. Since then, he swore to create Vongola Family that everyone would fear.

He hated the weak Vongola and wanted to make sure everyone trembled in fear upon hearing Vongola Family's name. In order to achieve his goal, he would do anything and give up unnecessary feelings.

In order to achieve his goal, Demon Spade betrayed Giotto, becoming the only traitor among the Vongola Primo's Guardians!

In this world now, Giotto was the Vongola Primo. Although his way of doing things was slightly more drastic than the Vongola Primo in the previous world, he still had Vongola Primo's kindness.

From this point of view, it was likely that Demon Spade would not like him.

After all, there must be a reason why the System didn't reveal when Demon Spade would come to Secon Island even though he was already unlocked. If that were really the case, things might be quite troublesome because Demon Spade knew Vongola Family's Guardians and officers' strengths and weaknesses very well.

Moreover, Demon Spade was extremely strong. In addition to being the best illusionist in the world, he also had healing and possessing ability. In terms of Dying Will Flame, Demon Spade could use all Dying Will Flame aside from Sky Flame and Earth Flame! He could even use Flame of Night!

Fortunately, he didn't have his Vongola Ring at the moment, which could slightly limit the power he could exert.

But even so, Demon Spade was not someone to be underestimated. Moreover, considering his personality, if he really had a scheme for the Family, it would be hard to deal with it!

After the end of the memorial ceremony, Giotto returned to Secon Island with Lampow, Reborn, and the others. During this time, Big Mom Pirates indeed fought with Whitebeard Pirates, but in the end, nothing came out of it.

After all, the current Whitebeard Pirate was stronger. Although they suffered heavy losses, Marco had achieved awakening.

Secon Island, Vongola Family's base camp.

"Primo, Issho-san has sent us news. All of the Donquixote Family's businesses in the New World have been dealt with. What should we do next?" Shoichi Irie walked to Giotto with a bunch of paperwork.

"What do you think about this?" Giotto looked at the document carefully and asked softly.

"I think we have two choices now. The first is a direct means, send our men to the North Blue with an optical camouflage warship and kill them before they can react. We can sail in the Calm Belt, and with an optical camouflage warship, our men will not be discovered, so we should be able to put an end to the Donquixote Family, but there is also the risk of being discovered, and I think Doflamingo must have taken some precautions. Considering how cunning he was, he would not be as stupid as waiting for us to find him.

After a slight pause, Shoichi Irie continued: "The second choice is to find the man behind the argument between Levi-san and Squard and inform Whitebeard Pirates about it, and let them find the Donquixote Family on their own. Considering Whitebeard's personality, he definitely will not let them get away. We'll leave the results to them."

"However, the drawback of this choice was that Whitebeard Pirates didn't have the means to sail through the Calm Belt, so it would take them a long time if they wanted to go to North Blue. Secondly, Moby Dick was too big, so Whitebeard should not send all of his crew. Perhaps the only ones going to North Blue are just some Division Captains. In the current situation, it was likely Marco that would lead the team."

Shoichi Irie quickly analyzed the situation clearly and listed the pros and cons of the two choices, letting Giotto choose.

"If that's the case, I personally think that the first choice will be better. What do you think, G?" Giotto thought for a moment and gave his answer.

"... I don't mind either way. If we need to send our men, I can also lead a team. Anyway, they are just a bunch of clowns who can be easily dealt with. However, according to what you said before, it will be better to leave this to Whitebeard. It is true that our Family is strong, but making too many enemies is not wise, especially the forces of the World Government." G said with a serious face. He was a little afraid of the World Government because the old man that attacked Giotto and injure Alaudi in Mary Geoise was quite terrifying. Moreover, there must be other skilled combatants that he didn't know of in the World Government. There were also the other four Five Elders.

"Then it's decided. Have Issho relay the information without Whitebeard Pirates knowing it's us. At the same time, have Xanxus keep an eye to Joker's information through his Underworld connections. If possible, cut off that guy from the Underworld altogether!"

At this time, Giotto also made a decision. Anyway, Doflamingo should've taken Whitebeard into account, so there was nothing wrong with letting Whitebeard Pirates deal with this matter.

"Well, I will inform Issho-san soon. One more thing..."

After saying that, Shoichi Irie took out a stack of paperwork and put it in front of Giotto, "Robin has sorted this out. It's the list of our men closest to Secon Island. After reading it, you can tell me your decision.