Guardian Meeting

In the conference room, all the Guardians except for Mist Guardian had gathered together, and Giotto sat in his seat. This was the Guardians meetings, so even Reborn and the others did not participate.

"Tell me, what exactly is it that needs all of us to gather together? I am very busy." Alaudi asked first. He met a member of Varia and rushed back after receiving the notice, but they didn't tell him the reason for this meeting. They just said that it was a very important thing.

"Well, I am also very puzzled. The war with Whitebeard Pirates has just ended. Is the Family facing a new threat?"

At this moment, Ugetsu Asari frowned slightly and said with some worry. He didn't like things like war. If possible, it would be best if there was no war. Moreover, Vongola Family needed such peace.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Giotto's expression became serious. He said with a serious face, "Demon Spade has come to this world, but he is not here. We don't know where he is now."

"Demon Spade does?" Hearing this name, Alaudi frowned and his eyes changed.

At this moment, G snorted coldly and said, "Is he planning to cause us trouble again? I haven't forgiven that guy. If he causes trouble again, I might kill him directly!"

"G! Regardless of what happened, he is the Family's Guardian, and more importantly, one of us." Giotto sighed and said.

He couldn't let G take down Demon Spade. His main mission was at stake here, but he couldn't afford to tell anyone about it. Moreover, if G took some of their men to find Demon Spade, they would also be in danger!

"His way of thinking is different from ours in the first place. He might be slightly tolerable back then, but now..." Knuckle couldn't help but frown. "There are too many forces that he can use in this world. With his ability, if he really wants to be enemies with us, things will become more troublesome than ever."

"Yes, if it is Demon Spade, although he is alone, I think he is more of a threat than Whitebeard and the World Government."

Ugetsu Asari nodded and agreed with Knuckle's words. "I suggest to have Varia investigate Demon Spade's whereabouts. No matter what he does, at least we should be prepared. Especially you Primo, as the leader of the Family, you will probably become his target."

All of them knew Demon Spade more than anyone. After all, they were fellow Guardians and had worked hard together.

It was because of how well they knew him that they knew how much of a threat he was!

"That twisted guy..."

At this time, Alaudi shook his head and said, "But as far as I'm concerned, he should not be able to make a move that fast. He first needs some time to devise a plan. Secondly, if he really plans to cause some trouble, he will not only target us, but also the enemies of the Family, though it is barely good news. In any case, I will pay more attention to news involving him later. If that is all, I will take my leave here."

After he finished speaking, Alaudi stood up, ready to leave. He was not the kind of person who would spend time in the Family. The vast world outside was more to his liking.

At the same time, he also planned to investigate the specific situation of D r. Stray. After all, he was not an existence that could be ignored. No matter what he planned, he needed to pay attention to it.

"If he tries to do anything funny again, I will never let him get away with it!"

G was clearly more agressive than the others. He was really annoyed at Demon Spade. If I remember correctly, you should still have the Mist Ring, right? Demon Spade will go after the ring for sure. After all, he can't exert his true strength without it. If he ever comes to you, don't give him the ring!"

"Uhhhh... Do I look that stupid to you? How can I do something as stupid as helping the enemy, right?" Giotto sighed.

But just as he said this, the Guardians said in unison, "You do!"

Even Alaudi chimed in before he left.

In their eyes, Vongola Primo was that kind a person, but Giotto was nothing like Vongola Primo from their world!

After a sigh, G continued, "If it was any other enemy, I knew you wouldn't do something that dumb, but Demon Spade is special to you. No matter what he did, you will be tolerate it for sure. All of us know this very well."


Before Giotto could finish his words, G interrupted him, "Don't tell me you actually want to bring him back to the Family right now!"

This question stumped Giotto. He indeed had the idea of forcing Demon Spade to submit and return to the Family to become the true Mist Guardian. However, it was also partly because of the mission from the system!

He clearly couldn't say that he'd die if he got rid of Demon Spade, right? They system did say to keep it a secret, so he could only smile awkwardly as he looked at G and did not say anything.

The Guardians all sighed at the same time. They were already used to their leader's personality.

Perhaps this was why they flocked to him and build Vongola Family as it was now... 

"Well, as long as it is not that urgent, don't worry about it. We will deal with it. The only thing I can promise you is that no matter what happens, at least he will be spared!"

At this time, G also voiced his decision very strongly and ended the meeting...