The Famous Shimotsuki Isshin Style

In the dimly lit auction room, Tesoro sat randomly with his cold eyes looking ahead.

He only had one purpose here, and that was the Gold-Gold Fruit!

He was not particularly interested in Devil Fruit, but since this was a task that Primo himself entrusted to him. At the same time, Primo also believed that Gold-Gold Fruit was the most suitable Devil Fruit for him, which could greatly improve his strength.

Ever since he escaped from Mary Geoise thanks to Vongola Family's help, he had been grateful to Vongola Primo. He entered Vongola Family later and even undertook Reborn's training. The current Tesoro could be said to worship Vongola Primo, so he would carry out any task that Primo gave him, even if it was sending him to his death!

"Welcome to Donquixote Family's auction house. The auction will start soon. We have prepared a lot of high-quality goods for everyone here..."

A man wearing a pair of sunglasses was standing in the middle of the stage. He said with a smile, "Slaves, treasures, famous swords, and what you all looking forward to the most, Gold-Gold Fruit! First of all, I wish that all of you can buy whatever you're after. And now, the first item was..."

The first item was soon brought out. It was a female human. Although Giotto and Fisher Tiger had rescued the slaves of Mary Geoise, as long as the world didn't change, the slave trade would never disappear. After all, the people who supported this kind of business were the World Nobles.

Moreover, it had to be said that this business was really profitable. After all, there were many people in this world. For the strong, the lives of ordinary people and the weak were not worth mentioning!

How could humans care about the life and death of ants?

"What a bunch of trash!" Tesoro could not help but curse when he saw the nobles treated slaves as a measurement for their wealth. He himself was once a slave, and his beloved woman had died because of these filthy nobles. Hadn't it been for Vongola Primo and Fisher Tiger, he would have died eventually.

As a result, grew to hate human trafficking.

However, he was also well aware that now was not the time to vent his anger. The Gold-Gold Fruit that he was after had not appeared yet, so he had to restrain himself!

As time went by, the atmosphere in the auction house became lively and livelier. After all, all the good things came out later, whether it was slaves or other treasures.

"As Issho-san said, this new guy is indeed impatient. Although he held back and did not make a move, his anger was written all over his face. However, this scene really touched the deepest part of his heart. This place must be the place he hated the most!"

In the corner of the auction house, Koshiro's eyes were on Tesoro. At the same time, he muttered in his heart: "To be frank, even I can't stay sane. This despicable thing is everywhere. This must be what Dragon-san wants to change, right?

He also had a connection with Dragon. Although he was part of Vongola Family's External Advisors, he agreed with Dragon's ideology.

If Dragon could succeed, he shouldn't see something like he was seeing right now as much. After all, Koshiro was well are that it was impossible to completely erase it, because a lot of money were involved in this business.

Koshiro suddenly remembered what Giotto had taught Dragon during their encounter in his dojo


Giotto, who was at Isshin Dojo, suddenly sneezed.

"Did you catch a cold, Giotto?" Aria asked.

Giotto shook his head and said, "I guess someone is talking about me behind my back. But who would do it?"

It didn't occur to Giotto that he greatly influenced Dragon through their encounter. Dragon had listed everything Giotto had said and taught it to all of his men.

Back in Kage Island, everyone was amazed by the host of the auction. He completely dominated the stage and entertained the crowd.

"Well, well, everyone. Next is a rare treasure. It is also one of the popular goods of this auction. It is one of the 50 Skillful Grade Blades, Kashu! It is said that this famous sword will emit a beautiful light like a night pearl at night. It's a very good choice for your collection. And of course, a famous sword is a famous sword. It will be perfect in the hands of a swordsman!"

The host seemed really excited, as if he'd definitely buy it if he had money. "The starting price for this item is 1.5 million Belly. Who's interested in bidding? There are only 50 of such famous swords in the world. It is very cost-effective to buy it at such a price!"

"1.8 million!" Just as the auctioneer finished speaking, someone immediately bid.

"Two million, Belly!" another person also bid.