High IQ Sabo

Hancock steadily landed on Giotto's boat. At the same time, she stared at Aria intently. Her instinct as a woman told her that she was her biggest competitor.

Well, even without relying on instinct, it was clear from how Aria holding Giotto's arm. The most important thing was that this woman was a member of Vongola Family, which meant that she had known Giotto far longer than her.

The idea of giving up her position as Pirate Empress and joined Vongola Family even crossed Hancock's mind!

"It's not a good habit to come uninvited! But since the Pirate Empress insists, let's go with your idea. But don't forget what you just said. Only until we're out of Calm Belt! People don't like clingy women after all!"

Aria looked at Hancock with hostility, but since Hancock didn't have any malicious intent, she couldn't be so adamant either.

Moreover, Hancock said that she wanted to repay Giotto for his kindness, and there was nothing wrong with that. Giotto was indeed her savior, and Aria was well aware of it. After all, she was also rescued along with those slaves in Mary Geoise.

"That's impossible! Why? Because I'm beautiful! Moreover, I will certainly keep my word, but who are you? Why do I feel that you are always making decisions for Vongola Primo? Could it be that you're more important than Vongola Primo? But that's not possible. After all, he is the strongest person in the sea!"

Hancock confronted Aria without holding back. The only person she respected was Giotto!

After all, she was not only aggressive, but also narcissistic. She just held back a little since Giotto was there!

"You asked me who I am? I'm afraid that you will be heartbroken if I answer that question, Pirate Empress!"

Aria suddenly thought of something and said with a smile, "I am Giotto's fiancee. He has already proposed me before. Many people in the Family would testify. I don't mind inviting you to our marriage if you are interested. However, it may not be that easy for Kuja Pirates to go there, so you may not be able to attend.

These words were like a sharp knife that constantly stabbed Hancock in the heart.

Hancock was so angry that she couldn't hide it. Even her sisters' mouth were twitching. Who would have thought that their sister had such a side to her? Getting jealous of another woman and fought over a man? This was completely unprecedented. Besides, their sister would only turn eighteen in a few months. Why did it seem like she was looking forward to getting married already?

However, since it was Vongola Primo, it didn't seem to be that strange. Moreover, having Vongola Primo as their brother-in-law might be pretty good. Only a great hero like Vongola Primo was worthy of their sister!

"Don't tell me big sis will fight that woman! I seem to have heard of that woman. She is the leader of Vongola Family's Arcobaleno. Her name is Aria if I'm not mistaken." Marigold whispered to Sandersonia.

"Maybe, you should know how big sis is, but with Vongola Primo here, she should be keeping up her appearance and won't do anything. As for the Arcobaleno you are talking about... I have also heard of it, but aren't all Vongola Family's Arcobaleno babies? "Sandersonia said.

The word Arcobaleno was quite famous. After all, they stole the spotlight during the battle between Vongola Family and Whitebeard Pirates!

Colonello, who could shoot down countless of Whitebeard's men including one of the Division Commanders from thousands of miles away! Skull, who blocked Whitebeard's all-out attack and survived! Mammon, the illusionist who trapped even Diamond Jozu in their illusion! Fon, the formidable martial artist wind who easily defeated Marco the Phoenix, and... 

Reborn, who could fight Whitebeard on even ground and even injured Whitebeard!

It was safe to say that Arcobaleno's reputation wasn't any less than the Guardians or Varia. As the leader of Arcobaleno, people deemed Aria as one of the most skilled individual in Vongola Family even though she had never fought.

After all, it was impossible that the leader of a famous group like Arcobaleno would have no skill in fighting if you think about it normally.

At this time, Aria and Hancock were still arguing. Neither of them had the intention of listening to the other. Giotto just stood behind them helplessly. He knew that couldn't say a word now. If you interrupted two women, especially two beautiful women quarreled, you made a mistake.

"Boss, tell me more about the Family. There are many things I don't know yet, such as Reborn-sensei who will teach me later. I am very curious about him."

Sabo suddenly said to Giotto while pulling the corner of his clothes.

Giotto instantly felt that bringing Sabo into Vongola Family was the most correct decision he had made so far.

Look at how thoughtful he was! Completely different from his brothers

No wonder he could become Revolutionary Army's Chief of Staff in the manga.

"No problem, Reborn is very powerful. I will tell you in detail." Giotto took advantage of this opportunity and sat with Sabo on the corner as he told him about Reborn.

Aria obviously knew what Sabo meant? She just smiled and walked to Giotto, "I am Sky Arcobaleno. How can you leave me out if we're talking about Reborn?"

Aria gave Hancock a taunting look...


Hancock snorted and couldn't say anything more. After all, she didn't know much about Vongola Family's internal affairs...