The Weakness of Kindness

Judge made sure to mind his manner because he knew full well who the person in front of him was.

Although he was immersed in his own research, he was aware of what happened in the world, and in the past few years, Vongola Family had been in the center of spotlight.

Despite that, Vongola Family didn't seem to have the intention of attacking other forces as long as they were left alone. They simply guarded their own territory, giving off the aloof vibe, but Judge did not think so. He believed that Vongola Family was amassing power and had a bigger plan behind their seemingly passive attitude!

For example...The whole New World!

"I believe you must have something you want to tell me. Otherwise, I would've come here for nothing, no?" Giotto smiled. He didn't directly say the reason of his arrival, but his eyes were cold.

He rarely had such a look on his face. But Judge was quite cunning. If Giotto didn't scare him, he wouldn't tell the truth.

Even when he felt the chill from Giotto now, his expression remained unchanged whatsoever. He sat next to Giotto and asked with a puzzled look on his face, "I don't know what you're talking about. Germa shouldn't have anything that will pique your interest. May I ask what you refer to?"

He was planning to play dumb until the very end!

He would never say a word about his deal with Shiki. Even if Vongola Primo asked about it, he'd just play dumb. He could not afford to offend Vongola Family.

"Do you really want me to say it? If I say it, I'm afraid this matter will not end peacefully. However, I don't mind giving you a little clue... Lineage Factor, does it ring any bell?"

Giotto sneered. A powerful aura instantly enveloped the entire living room. Although it was only a portion of his power, it already made Judge felt extraordinary pressure.

When he heard the words 'Lineage Factor', Judge's expression changed instantly. At the same time, he also realized that Vongola Primo definitely knew about the relationship between him and Shiki. Although it was very likely that there was no evidence, was there really any need for evidence in this sea? For a powerful force like Vongola Family, a hunch was enough!

After a long silence, Judge took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I discovered Lineage Factor with Vegapunk. I don't know where you learn about this. Could it be that your visit today involves the research data for the Lineage Factor? To be honest, I don't mind giving it to you if you want it. However, ordinary scientists can't figure out the mystery behind it."

Judge still insisted on not mentioning anything related to Shiki. In any case, Lineage Factor's research didn't just involve those mutated creatures. There were also many researches related to the Lineage Factor especially in Germa Kingdom.

For example, he had altered his children's Lineage Factor to make them more powerful, faster, and sturdier than normal people. Apart from Sanji, who had escaped from Germa Kingdom, the siblingss all had extraordinary physiques and would later develop "Exoskeleton". They also gained increased healing ability, strength boost, and resilience. In the future, they would definitely become strong.

"I see you're planning to play dumb until the end, Judge! But you know that's not what I am talking about, right? I will give you one last chance, and I don't need those useless information. Do you understand?"

In an instant, Color of Supreme King Haki was released from Giotto's body. Even the thousands of soldiers outside fainted because of it, let alone the scientists. They did not even have the chance to resist Giotto's Color of Supreme King Haki.

On the other hand, Judge's children actually forcibly withstood the pressure of Color of Supreme King Haki!

In the living room, Judge broke out in a cold sweat. However, he managed to fend off Giotto's Color of Supreme King Haki. He stared at Giotto and said in a deep voice, "... I'm sure you're not a person who would kill the innocent. I really have no clue why you are here, but if you need the research data of the Lineage Factor, I will hand it to you!"

He was hell bent on playing dumb!

If he admitted his relationship with Shiki, then he wouldn't get off with just Color of Supreme King Haki!

Giotto released his Color of Supreme King Haki to scare Judge, but Judge's words made him frown.

Judge said a person like him wouldn't kill innocent people?

That was probably what most people thought. Liberating the slaves made many people label him as a hero, and at this moment, Judge seemed to treat this as a trump card.

So this was the weakness from kindness that Demon Spade said? People sure treated it as a weakness!

"Judge, it seems you're trying to put me in a spot, and it makes me quite upset. However, you've made some things clear to me, so I won't blame you for now. Since you don't want to say anything, then let me tell you."

Giotto's expression became grimmer, and he continued, "Mutated creatures, those huge and violent animals should be your doing, right? The only decent scientist that serves Shiki is Indigo, and their research won't progress that fast with only Indigo helping him. There are only two people who know quite a lot about Lineage Factors; Vegapunk and you, but Vegapunk is the World Government's scientist. There's no way he helps a pirate like Shiki, so all that's left is you, Vinsmoke Judge!