Who Approves, Who Opposes

Lvneel Kingdom, Millefiore Castle.

Byakuran sat on the frontmost seat, with many of traders from North Blue's Underworld. The closest to Byakuran were the six Emperors of Underworld. Their businesses covered the entire world, and it was because of this that they held the title of Emperors. Underestimating them as mere businessmen in the New World would be a grave mistake.

"It seems that some people don't take me seriously, but we'll deal with that matter later. We won't wait anymore; there's no need to wait for those who will die," Byakuran looked at everyone present, including the Six Emperors. 

Just at that moment, a fat man pushed open the door, wearing a smile that lacked any hint of apology. "It looks like everyone's already here! Has Byakuran come? I apologize; our ship had some issues on the way here, which makes me late but I..."


In an instant, a sword sliced through the air, and the fat man's head flew followed by blood gushing out of it.

Genkishi sheathed his sword as if nothing had happened and casually waved his hand. Invisible Slugs swiftly covered the fat man's body, head, and the blood on the ground, concealing them all. "I regret to inform you that Lord Fidel of Nors Assassination Group has tragically perished at sea and unable to attend this meeting, Lord Byakuran."

The atmosphere in the entire room instantly grew tense. Aside from the Six Emperors, who remained composed, everyone else became extremely wary of Genkishi and Byakuran.

They were well aware that the Nors Assassination Group held significant power in the North Blue. They could easily assassinate pirates with over 100 million bounty. Lord Fidel himself was a ruthless person who had likely killed countless individuals. Yet, due to his tardiness, he had been killed instantly by Genkishi.

More importantly, Lord Fidel was usually accompanied by two top-notch assassins at all times. So why were they nowhere to be seen? Although Genkishi was really fast with his sword, those two top-notch assassins should have sought vengeance for Lord Fidel.

Could it be that Lord Fidel had let his guard down today and did not bring those two with him?

Little did they know that as soon as the two assassins accompanying Lord Fidel had entered the area, they had been secretly relocated to a different location by the illusions created by Genkishi. In the instant Lord Fidel was killed, those two assassins also perished from invisible slugs' attacks, all without anyone noticing.

Genkishi had already finished them off without anyone noticing.

"Ah, it's really unfortunate. Many of us here make our living in the North Blue, so we should extend some kindness in such situations. Please inform Ginger Bread to take care of Lord Fidel's subordinates and family in the name of the Millefiore Family!" Byakuran said with a smile, and everyone present understood the implications of his words.

Take care? That was a preposterous joke!

Although they didn't know who this Ginger Bread was, they were well aware of the Millefiore Family's power. It wouldn't take long for the entire Nors Assassination Group to disappear from North Blue!

The killers capable of assassinating pirates worth over 100 million Belly were nothing compared to the might of the Millefiore Family, which had repelled even the highest-ranking Marines. Hadn't they known that Byakuran possessed an incredible power, these Underworld bigwigs wouldn't have been so obedient and rushed over to attend this sudden meeting!

"Now that we've mourned for Lord Fidel, it's time to begin our discussion today. The reason I gather everyone here is mainly because Millefiore Family intends to reorganize the entire Underworld of the North Blue. As far as I know, there are a total of twenty-one organizations with a considerable reputation in North Blue's Underworld, but there should be only twenty left now." Byakuran said without batting an eye. The missing one should be Nors Assasination Group that Lord Fidel led.

After a brief pause, Byakuran continued, "Apart from the six Emperors, I think there are four organizations that no longer have a place in Underworld, so I had Gloxinia negotiate with them, and most likely, those fourteen organizations should have already come under our control, including their businesses."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Negotiate? It didn't sound like a negotiation from the way he described it!

Those four organizations will either submit to you or be wiped out, right?

"So, now there are only seventeen organizations left, including our Millefiore Family. However, today, the leaders of three organizations are absent. So, in the future, they won't have a place in North Blue. But don't worry about that; as I mentioned earlier, Zakuro will deal with those three organizations."

Byakuran said with a smile. However, his smile sent shivers down the spines of many present. "North Blue is vast, and there are a lot of benefits that I can exploit. So, I want everyone to gather together and share this benefits. I have a proposal, which all of you can consider. Simply put, the Millefiore Family wants to take control of the entire North Blue. But to be honest, I don't have enough manpower to manage it all. Therefore, I plan to divide all businesses related to the Underworld clearly and entrust them to you. However, each year, everyone will need to share 50% of their profits. I'm not greedy; I'll only take 20% of that, and the remaining 30% will be shared equally among the Six Emperors. I believe that this way, the Underworld of the North Blue will become more united, and with clear divisions of business, there won't be any interference or conflicts. The profits will also increase significantly."

"Now that I've said everything I wanted to say, who agrees and who opposes?"