Terrifying Research Result

"Hmm? Creating a protective barrier to shield the entire Secon Island, and it has to be powered by Wave Energy?"

After hearing Giotto's description, Verde stopped working, and looked at his boss with a somewhat dumbfounded expression. "Why would you suddenly come up with such an idea? And, Boss, don't you think that although your idea sounds amazing, it is... how should I put it?"

"Is it too difficult for you?" Giotto was taken aback.

If even Verde found it difficult, then he ought to scrap that idea. After all, in his mind, Verde was a genius scientist superior to anyone in this world.

If even he couldn't develop a particular device, then it was unlikely that anyone else in the world could.

"It's not difficult at all, Boss. But, don't you think your thinking is a bit narrow? Does something like this require new research and manufacturing?" Verde replied with a sigh of exasperation. "Think about it carefully. You're essentially asking for a protective barrier that can defend against attacks, and it needs to cover the entire Secon Island and be powered by Wave Energy. Doesn't that sound like a Box Weapon to you?"

Upon hearing this, Giotto was left dumbfounded, and so were Reborn and Aria, who were with him. They all suddenly felt like fools.

Verde was right; what they were envisioning for a protective barrier was essentially a Box Weapon!

"I see you've all realized it now. I don't know how your brains work, but you came rushing to me without even thinking this through. By the way, the most suitable type would be a Storm Box Weapon. With a strong enough Disintegration, anything that passes through the barrier will turn into powder."

Verde further explained to Giotto and the others, "In fact, creating a Storm Box Weapon like this is not particularly difficult. I can make it myself. As for who can control it, it should be either G or Fon. Only they can fully harness the Storm Flame's power."

At the moment, G and Fon were the most adept Storm Flame users among Vongola Family, and their mastery surpassed everyone else, including Belphegor and Crowley, who lagged far behind.

Millefiore's Storm Guardian wasn't as proficient in using Storm Flame. In addition, the relationship between Vongola and Millefiore Family had not been made public yet, so Millefiore wasn't within the scope of consideration.

"In that case, we should entrust G with this task. He's the most suitable candidate," Giotto quickly made a decision.

This was mainly because Fon had to lift his curse before he could use his full power and it only lasted for fifteen minutes, which was insufficient for a major battle. It wouldn't be funny if the barrier suddenly disappeared during a battle.

"Alright, I'll make this Storm Box Weapon as quickly as possible. I can see that you're in a hurry," Verde said as he got up from his chair.

Recently, he had been busy with the Vongola Box Weapons, but taking some time to create a standard Box Weapon would not significantly delay his other work. It was like a brilliant student taking a break from studying English to relax by studying Chinese.

"It's a bit urgent, Verde. I can sense that danger is approaching soon," Giotto nodded.

Aria, who was standing nearby, also spoke up, "I get the same feeling!"

Considering that she had the power to predict the future, things might indeed get troublesome.

Floating Island, Flying Pirates's headquarters.

Although many years had passed since their last appearance in public, the Flying Pirates were still active. To be precise, as long as Shiki was alive, the Flying Pirates would continue to exist.


As soon as he entered the hall, Shiki couldn't wait any longer and shouted, "How many beasts do we have available for war?"


Footsteps echoed in the hall. A strange-looking scientist, who was dressed in strange getup, approached Shiki and took out a device. After carefully inspecting it for a moment, he replied, "We have 197 Class A Beasts, 563 Class B Beasts, 1,633 Class C Beasts, and I haven't specifically counted number of Class D Beasts, but we have at least over 2,000. In addition, our most powerful S-Class beast is unstable and difficult to control if deployed."

In his research, Indigo had divided the wild beasts into five different classes. Class D Beasts were simply giant-sized creatures, but dealing with ten or so Marine elite soldiers would be no problem for them. Class C Beasts were enhanced in various ways, with the strength roughly equivalent to Marine Officers. Having over 1,600 of them was quite substantial.

However, the truly formidable ones were the Class B and Class A Beasts. Class B beasts was on par with a Colonel, and having 563 of them was nothing to scoff at. As for Class A beasts, they were the same type of beasts that had been released in New World. In terms of overall power, they were equivalent to Rear Admirals.

The S Class that Indigo mentioned last, however, was on par with an Admiral!