All-Out War (Part 1)

New World, Blue Iron Island.

Crowley stepped out of his small courtyard, and couldn't help but furrow his brow as he looked up at the sky. Then he muttered, "The wind seems a bit restless today!"

"Uh... is Lord Crowley having another episode?"

"Men have strange days every month."

"I heard Lord Crowley is trying to imitate Lord G, but he seems nothing like G."

Several elite members of the Vongola Family who were present couldn't help but make fun of Crowley. After all, it wasn't the first time he had acted this way on Blue Iron Island. Commonly, they referred to it as trying to be cool, but he wasn't particularly good at it and often came across as just dumb.

However, at this moment, Crowley did not seem to be joking at all. He took out three Dying Will Pills and handed them to the three elite members beside him, then said, "Cut the bullshit, the enemy is already here, even though we've evacuated the civilians and made preparations. But the enemy this time may not be so easy!"

H has already sensed the enemy's presence with Color of Obervation Haki, but because they were quite far, their presence was very faint.

Not long ago, the Family sent a message, instructing everyone to prepare for battle, as they were likely to face an attack from Shiki.

A few days ago, Crowley had already prepared the Blue Iron Island for battle. Even the residents have been evacuated to a safe area on the island, and more than a dozen members of Vongola Family have been assigned to guard that area. In addition to Crowley himself, there were ten elite members and fifty regular members who could participate in the battle.

The three people that Crowley gave the Dying Will Pills were the three strongest swordsmen in the Family, all of whom graduated from Colonello's training. After taking Dying Will Pills, their strength could reach Rear Admiral-level.

"Crowley, has Shiki arrived?"

One of the elite members at this moment showed no fear, but rather a hint of excitement in his eyes. He was the type who enjoyed combat, and guarding Blue Iron Island often left him feeling bored. Now that a major battle is about to take place, he naturally feels excited.

"What are you saying?"

Crowley laughed and scolded him, "Shiki won't come here in person. As a legendary pirate of the previous era, he won't lower his face to deal with us. The only ones in his radar are the strongest combatants in our Family. In this battle, our duty is to protect this island and its people."

Vongola Family's determination to protect the innocent had long been deeply ingrained in Crowley's soul. Now that he was responsible for guarding Blue Iron Island, he was willing to give his life to protect the island and its people.

With that thought in mind, Crowley walked directly in the direction where he sensed the presence as he wore his brass knuckle and his demeanor turnedg much colder. An extraordinary aura emanated from him. In terms of combat power, the current Crowley could already rivalled a Vice Admiral. He was no longer the young man who was too scared to fire a gun at pirates on Secon Island back then.

"Ten... fifty... one hundred... four hundred and twenty-seven, huh? They sure think highly of me. With so many people coming to Blue Iron Island, I wonder how long it will take to eliminate them all!"

As he walked into the largest forest on Blue Iron Island, Crowley stopped in his tracks, and then sarcastically remarked, "Since you're already here, aren't you going to show yourselves? I didn't expect that even Big Mom Pirates would get involved in this. You suffered heavy losses the last time you came, didn't you? Didn't your brother Oven was killed by Fon? Are you planning to reunite with your brother by coming here, Charlotte Daifuku?"

A tall and muscular man with short yellow hair and an earring, dressed in a blue cotton jacket with epaulets resembling two doughnuts, walked out slowly. He was the third son of the Charlotte family, Charlotte Daifuku!

A few years ago, he and his brother Charlotte Oven had attacked White Stone Island together, but unfortunately, they encountered Fon, one of the Arcobaleno. Even in his infantile form, Fon possessed overwhelming strength. As a result, Charlotte Oven was killed by Fon, while Daifuku himself barely escaped with severe injuries.

As time went went, it seemed that he had healed from his injuries and, surprisingly, came to Vongola Family's territory again. However, it was unclear whether he had any lingering trauma from the incident on White Stone Island and whether that was the reason he had come to Blue Iron Island.

Accompanying Daifuku were some other members of the Charlotte Family, but they weren't particularly notable. Including the members of the Big Mom Pirates, there were a total of 127 people, which was far fewer than the number Crowley had sensed.

'There should be three hundred more in this forest..."

Suddenly, roars of wild beasts echoed continuously in the forest. Then, large mutated beasts appeared before Crowley one after another.

At this point, Crowley realized that the remaining three hundred presences that he sensed were not human, but Shiki's mutated beasts. However, the number seemed a bit excessive, three hundred?

"This time, I will avenge Oven. All members of Vongola Family on Blue Iron Island will die by my hands today!" Charlotte Daifuku stared at Crowley with a grim look, and his eyes were filled with intense killing intent.

Over the past few years, he had never forgotten the moment when Oven died, so when he received the order from his mama to attack Vongola Family, he volunteered to be the vanguard.

"If you can do it, then give it a try," Crowley retorted. "Back then, Fon-san spared your life, but I won't be as merciful as our boss and Fon. By the way, let me warn you, you're not the one that surround us..."

As he spoke, Crowley's Dying Will Ring glowed, and his aura surged once again. "We're the one who surround you all!"

The three elite Vongola Family members earlier immediately swallowed the Dying Will Pill. Lightning, Sun, and Rain Flame suddenly emerged on the battlefield!