Fierce Battle on Secon Island (Part 1)

Behind Shiki was a colossal floating island. Without a doubt, he had used all his power this time to the point that he even brought his base to the battlefield.

At the island, countless soldiers had gathered, and a bunch of cannons were set up, and you could see Big Mom standing amidst them. This military might was even scarier than Whitebeard Pirates when they attacked Marine Headquarters during the Summit War of Marineford.

On top of that, there were an overwhelming number of gigantic beasts behind those troops, among them was a giant male lion bound by chains that was constantly struggling and let out fierce roars.

This male lion exuded an extremely brutal aura, and even Giotto's expression changed. He was certain that this gigantic male lion was on a whole different level, at least at an Admiral-level.

Shiki actually created such a monster using IQ and Kaido's bloodline factors!

"That's quite a gift you bring, Shiki. I didn't expect you to bring your base as well. Thank you for thinking of us!"

At this moment, Giotto suddenly burst into laughter. He had initially planned to use the unfinished sea platform as the extra foothold. While it would undoubtedly cause serious damage to the platform, it wouldn't harm Secon Island. But the enemy was so kind to bring an entire island over. Why not fight on their turf?

"Jihahaha, that's quite an interesting idea, Vongola brat. If you have your eyes set on this island, I don't mind giving it to you... as your grave, that is!"

Shiki's face twisted into a menacing grin, following Color of Supreme King Haki instantly erupted, sweeping down toward Secon Island below.

At the same time, Giotto's Color of Supreme King Haki also erupted, and the Sky Flame appeared on his forehead. The two Color of Supreme King Haki clashed mid-air, and Giotto soared into the sky, standing at the same height as Shiki.

Robin crossed her hands in front of her at this moment and spoke softly, "Are you guys ready?"

"We're always in our best condition for situations like this," Reborn smiled faintly, and his gaze became sharp.

"Hundred Flower - Wing!"

In the blink of an eye, countless arms grew on Vongola Family's elite fighters' back. Those arms transformed into a pair of wings, and with a powerful flap, they were all sent into the air, heading directly for the island behind Shiki.

After all, except for Mamon and Lampow, none of them could fly.

"Vongola brat, do you seriously intend to face my invincible army with only that measly number of people? Don't forget, Linlin and her powerful children are also on that island. With fewer than three hundred men, you'll probably fall even before them, right?"

Shiki didn't try to stop the elite members of Vongola Family. His eyes were fixed solely on Giotto. The rest of the enemy would be dealt with by Big Mom and her men.

"I wouldn't advise using your era's standard to measure us! They are more than capable of dealing with all your men. What you should be concerned about is whether your subordinates are enough to give them a warm-up. After all, everyone up there are just small fry except for Big Mom." Giotto said coldly.

The 270 people that Robin sent flying toward the Shiki's floating island were elite members of Vongola Family, and 69 of them had Dying Will Pill at their disposal, so they were quite strong. 

"That's true, but in my opinion, you're the small fry! Slash Pinch!"

Shiki was the first to make a move. He dished out a massive flying slash wave with the sword on his foot at Giotto.

Shiki was indeed a great swordsman, but using his feet to wield a sword limited his ability to display his true strength. Nevertheless, even in this situation, his sword strike was powerful enough to cleave through hundreds of kilometers of ocean surface, displaying its immense might.


As the flying slash wave cut through the air and even caused a sound.

Seeing the fierce flying slash wave from Shiki, Giotto's expression grew even more serious. The opponent was undoubtedly one of the Three Great Pirates from the previous era, a legendary pirate. This single strike alone demonstrated his immense power. And this was with him using his feet to wield the sword; if he used his hands, he would undoubtedly be even stronger.

It could be said that Luffy and his comrades were lucky. If Luffy wasn't the protagonist, he wouldn't have been able to defeat someone like Shiki with only Gear Third. Looking back, it was a kind of tragic for the old man like him to lose to Luffy, who had just entered Grand Line.


Giotto didn't retreat in the face of the flying slash wave. He enveloped his arms in Color of Arms Haki in combination with Sky Flame, and launched a powerful attack known as the "Dying Will Armament: Bone Crusher." It struck the flying slash wave head-on, and a tremendous explosion occurred.

"Lion: Thousand Slice Valley!"

Shiki didn't intend to give Giotto any time to catch his breath. After his flying slash wave was repelled, he immediately launched another attack, continuously dishing out flying slash waves at Giotto.

Giotto kept punching, dispersing each flying slash wave one by one.

As they watched the battle in the sky, Aria and Robin on the balcony couldn't help but show concern on their faces. They knew that Giotto hadn't gotten serious yet, but they couldn't help but worry. After all, his opponent this time was one of the legendary pirates from the previous era!

In theory, this guy called Shiki shouldn't be weaker than the former Fleet Admiral, Kong!

Just at this moment, a low shout echoed in the sky.

"Flame Commandment: Dragon Flame Fist!"

Giotto's voice resounded, and his fists were enveloped in searing flames. As he threw his punch, a dragon-shaped fire roared towards Shiki.