Little man

" Where are you coming from?" Tema asked.

" Nowhere mother. I was playing outside with Naman. Mashgad replied, poking his nose.

" I was worried, I looked for you everywhere. Next time you want to go out tell me okay." She said, pulling him closer to herself.

" What have you been up to? Why do you have dirt on your shirt?" She asked, dusting the dirt off.

" Nothing mother." He replied.

" Lunch is ready, after eating, I want you to accompany me to Master Gera's house. I have to do laundry."

" I don't want to go mother. I don't like Master Gera's son, he is too arrogant." Mashgad grumbled.

" How many times have I told you to ignore him. He is Master Gera's son, if you're rude to him, Master Gera might get angry and punish you. That's enough now, go to your room and change your clothes. We're leaving an hour from now."

" Yes mother." He replied before leaving the kitchen.

" Where is this woman! Come out and face me!" A voice yelled from outside.

" Is he back already, I thought Eli wouldn't return till this evening." She muttered under her breath.

Walking towards the door, she opened it. In front of her was a huge lady, with a little boy standing besides her. The lady's face contorted with rage, with her hands placed on her waist.

" Nandi!" Tema greeted but she didn't answer, instead she clenched her jaw.

" Where is that good for nothing son of your? I will teach him a lesson today, next time he won't bully other children." She said scowling.

" Mashgad? What has he done?" Tema questioned, unsure of what she meant.

" Take a look at his face, your son did this to him." The lady said, showing the bruises on her son's face.

The bruises on the little boys face looked really bad, his eyes and lips were swollen.

" You mean My Mashgad did this to him? I can't believe My Mashgad is capable of doing such a thing."

" So you mean I'm a liar, and I'm trying to accuse your son wrongly, isn't it?" The woman raised her voice.

" Did Mashgad do this to your face?" Tema asked the little boy who was obviously twice mashgad's age.

" Why do you ask him? You should ask your son instead!" She screemed. Seeing her expression, Tema was more confused. Mashgad had told her he was playing with Naman outside, now this woman is accusing him of beating up her son. Did Mashgad lied to her, or was this woman making everything up.

" My son has been playing outside with his friend, Naman. How did he beat up your son when he was right here all along." Tema questioned.

" I see your son lied to you about his where abouts, unfortunately, you believed him. Why don't you call him out and ask him again."

Tuning around, Tema saw Mashgad standing behind her. He stood there all along without anyone noticing.

" Mashgad my son, please be honest with me, where were you when I was looking for you?" She asked, pulling him closer to herself. She knelt down to meet his gaze.

" I was playing with Naman outside." He replied.

" No aunty, your son is lying. He and his friend attacked me in the field." The little boy spoke, with his voice quivering.

" Is he telling the truth, Mashgad?" Tema questioned.

" Not exactly true mother. I was playing outside with Naman earlier, before he came. He bullied Naman and I. He even called father a drunkard. I warned him, but he wouldn't listen. So I beat him up." Tema's mouth was wide open, she couldn't believe Mashgad actually beat the boy up. At first she thought the woman was only making things up.

" Why do you have to beat him up like that, just look at his swollen eyes and lips. You should apologize to him right now!" She ordered.

" But mother, why do I have to apologize when he is the one who started it. He should apologize to me instead." Mashgad grumbled.

" Don't be stubborn and apologize immediately!" She ordered again but he refused to apologize. He insisted that the boy should apologize to him first before he would apologize. Tema looked at the five years old child in awe. She remembered when he was only an infant, now he acts like a little man, disobeying her orders.

" I apologize on his behalf, I'm so sorry about what happened. I promise to reprimand my son. I will pay for your son's treatment. The Slave Head don't have to hear about it. They're just kids." She pleaded.

If this news gets out to the slave Head, Tema and her entire family will be punished. Fighting was strictly forbidden.

" You should culture that son of yours, he shouldn't go around beating up kids. You should teach him a lesson." The woman spoke with a glare on her face.

" Thank you for your understanding, I promise to teach my son a lesson." She thanked the lady before they left.

" You should be ashamed, a kid twice younger than you beat you up and you couldn't fight back." The lady Whispered to her son as they walked out of Tema's compound.

" As for you, your father will decide your punishment when he returns." Tema's says, as she pulled his ear.