[Bonus chapter] Chapter 47: The Fate Of Spirit Beasts!

"Zarina, I know you are new here, so please rely on your leader to guide you. He is amazing in various ways!"

Violetta licked her glossy lips with her seductive tongue.

"Now that you know your groups, note the leader. I listed their names first. Be careful and don't rush! I would rather you fail than lose one of my students so early. We still have to compete with the other cities later this year!"

Despite her display of a cold exterior. She did care for these kids.

Violetta also remembered her first years as a dungeon scout. How she lost many of her friends for the very reason she mentioned. She leaned back and puffed out the smoke from her pipe.

Once she exhaled and clapped her hands. Her eyes watched everyone in the room. Then gave a rare gentle smile to them.