Chapter 62: Ars Infernus

Vincent paced forward, his long red hair swaying behind him. Odette grasped his left hand with hers, fingers interlocked, clasped tightly.

'I wonder how powerful will our spell be, compared to the one with a spirit!'

As brilliant embers of flame circled the feet of the pair, they pointed towards the pair of immobile trolls.

Several crackles sounded behind his two-party members stood in silence, ready to strike. These girls never saw someone dual cast a spell before, as excitement built in their minds.

"Hah… nervous… Kiss me and make me calm! Mmmph!" Odette said with her cute voice, as she stood on her tiptoes, pressing her soft, glistening lips against his. She gently sucked on his lips with a faint smack before she lowered herself.

"Relax, you will be alright. Follow my breathing." Vincent gave a soft smile, before he focused on their hands and stroked Odette's fingers with his thumb, to ease her nerves.

( Lines with "—" are vincent)