Chapter 67: Taking In Two Cats And A Bird

—| The Goblin's Anvil, Evening|—

Vincent was lying on Mel's soft bed with his back against the wall, a thin sheet covering his naked body. He looked at the rosy-cheeked Goblin, her body covered with a luscious sheen. Her attributes grew one point higher from the amount of seed inside her; sadly, she could not enjoy this as her eyes were blank and mouth wide open.

In the battle of Abyss Phoenix versus Goblin, the Goblin lost a crushing battle. His powerful charge crushed her thin layers of defence and caused her empire to crumble and fall into surrender.

'Ah, it feels good to defeat an evil goblin. Her ass is irresistible.'

A loud slap sounded. His hand slapped her with immense force as it jiggled. The pressure caused her goblin cave to squirt copious amounts of white goo onto her bed. He slowly slid off the bed and decided not to clean her this time. She screamed about loving his scent during the act, so he would let her sleep in his thick fluids.