Chapter 75: Daemon Vs Half-Daemon: How To Domesticate A Daemon Wife!

"Peh! Fuck… That stung!"

Elena said with her growling voice. Her soft tail slapping against the crushed cement repeatedly. Her eyes narrowed, losing her sense of reason. She stomped out with her right leg, spinning her hips to drive her heel into his face.

A sneer covered his lips until her body vanished. Elena's soft tail grasped a pillar. She swung around and smashed into his jaw with a heel from behind his head, causing him to stagger.

Suddenly, filled with a fierce momentum, she dived onto his dazed back, biting deeply into his black flesh, sharp teeth tearing away at the scales as purple blood sprayed out, oozing into her mouth. Delight filled her grey cheeks with a slight purple blush. Elena's former red hair became a light blonde in this form as it moved and entangled his throat.

This woman gained the upper hand as he slipped to one knee, her teeth buried deep in his shoulder.